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A depiction of the cosmos behind a picture of a black cross. 2 people are praying beside the cross
Saint Michael Archangel Universal Emissaryhood: EUSMA will be a Christian congregation that believes in "The Universe" (see Message #0.001 to Humanity: the Divine Vision). Image courtesy of www.pixabay.com.

Armored with our ideals, objectives, guiding values, and with "The Laws of The Universe"; Saint Michael Archangel Universal Emissaryhood: EUSMA wants to be a window through which human beings can see the world. We want to be committed to the causes of: Jesus Christ, the defense of animal rights, social justice, love, compassion... and, in general, supporting The Universe in Its difficult and perpetual mission of watching for common good.

Compassion Love Goodness Humbleness Tolerance Harmony Sharing


In 2015, we came to the contlusion that there was something very important we could help the planet with: create a Christian congregation that could welcome the extraterrestrials into its teachings. we started thinking about how to bring that thought into reality and gradually some ideas started to come to mind.

It took us quite some time to come to the conclusion that the authority in the cosmos is a force created at the beginning of time, which we decided to name the Guardians of The Universe because of the job It performs in the cosmos. Recently, we came to understand that the name "Guardians of The Universe" is not appropriate because The Universal Authority prefers to be referred to, simply as "The Universe" (see Message #0.001 to Humanity: The Divine Vision). Indeed, a very well structured dissertation is needed to provide a description of "The Universe" and the implications of Its mission for the cosmos, but, obviously, that's a task for the experts. Yet some conclusions have been drawn, which will be presented in the book "The Will of The Universe" #WillOfUniverse.

We have been all these years trying to start the assignment and gather support for the cause, but it's obviously harder than can be said with words. Here we are, though…



To be a Christian congregation devoted to telling the planet that there is an authority in the cosmos, "The Universe," that cares for the planet.


Guided by "The Laws of The Universe," the teachings of Jesus Christ, and our guiding values; we will be a community devoted entirely to fighting for common good in all possible, peaceful ways.


  • To describe and recognize "The Universe" with Its sole mission of watching for common good.

  • To proclaim our determination to support "The Universe" in Its sole mission of watching for common good.

  • To fight for common good.

  • To acknowledge "The Laws of The Universe."

  • To proclaim, "The Universe" and Jesus Christ as the maximum guides of humanity and Saint Michael Archangel Universal Emissaryhood: EUSMA.

  • To fight for the implementation and practice of the teachings of Jesus Christ and "The Laws of The Universe."

  • To proclaim our commitment to the defense of common good (our brothers and sisters, animals, included).

  • To proclaim animals as our brothers and sisters in "The Universe," who we must care for and protect.

  • To proclaim our love for our animal brothers and sisters, recognizing that we are animals ourselves.

  • To struggle with all our heart, strength, energy, and resources, non-stop in order to implement mechanisms to fight for the left behind (our innocent brothers and sisters, animals, included) to be granted their sacred rights in absolutely all countries and for those rights to be fully implemented and respected all over.


A pair of hands protecting the world on a background of stars and the cosmos. The world has 2 doves outlined on the foreground

Compassion: we regard compassion as the number one value that we should help the world to embrace. There are too many beings in need on this planet for the human being to be seeing through a crystal that lies to him, making him believe he is better, with more rights, and more deserving of "The Universe"’s blessings than those different from him or outside his circle. Being compassionate means seeing others as our equal.

Love: we believe that the world is urgently in need of love and we understand love as feeling deeply in your heart that "The Universe" intended all beings to share all that there is and help one another; and not some to have more rights than others.

In order for you to be able to feel love, you must have been equipped with all the necessary filters through which you see all beings of "The Universe". Those filters are the values that are gradually built into your heart since you are born.

Goodness: when the world reaches the stage of being a place where all beings get as much as "The Universe" intended for them, then this will be the kingdom of Goodness on Earth.

Humbleness: the human being does not need to believe that he is the king of the entire cosmos. That is the cause of so much all-pervading discrimination especially against our martyr brothers and sisters, the animals. Man needs to have humbleness and truly see all beings as his equal.

Tolerance: this quality is essential for a human being to be able to see others as his equal. Killing animals is murder and not accepted by Saint Michael Archangel Universal Emissaryhood.

Harmony: to us, this value means living in peace with our martyred brothers and sister, the animals: “Don't talk of peace and love when you have a dead animal on your plate.”

Sharing: the way to fulfill "The Universe"’s will in terms of all beings deserving the same is sharing. This is an ideal state of affairs for the cosmos: sharing as much as we can, as much as the good side of our heart allows us to, as much as the beings of the planet need it…; and It does not mean alms but good administration. Sharing is constrained by the many hardships of real life, but the least "The Universe" wants from all beings is that we come to an agreement on just and compassionate levels and ways of sharing.

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