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  • JANUARY 2023:

    2 homeless cats by a brick wall An old picture of don Joselito's cats.

    ...The estimate is that the blog will be absent for quite a while because there’s too much need for work. We will resume publishing it as soon as we can. Remember this is just a recess. The “Assignments by COUSMA for common good” are still advancing. This recess happens precisely because they need to take a breath. We know the planet needs these undertakings with urgency, but what are we gonna do! This is all there is so far. Holy Universe, please help us! (Read More)

  • OCTOBER 2022:

    An organization chart with only 4 components COUSMA's plans for the immediate future will, in the long term, result in equality, social justice, and due respect for the rights of the innocent.

    The idea of the michaelist companies is based on the premise that we are all born with different abilities and capabilities (plus some are born rich), contrary to what the owners of the capital have made huge efforts to make us believe; and that we, as the thinking beings that we are, have an obligation to do all in our means to prevent anybody from wanting to use those advantageous conditions that some are born with, in order to grab massive portions of the riches that the Universe provided, for their private benefit. There’s the need to make it clear enough that the world’s riches were intended for the planet as a whole, not for the greediest to take advantage (see What the Future Will Bring in Matters of Basic Needs)... (Read More)

  • JULY 2022:

    Some People Have Been Invited to Join the COSMA Team

    Despite having so little time available for working on so many things related to Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COSMA and its projects, many activities have been done in terms of COSMA’s creation. For example, some people have been proposed to participate in COSMA’s projects. Such activity is something that has to be done very slowly because there is a lot of thinking, processing, and preparation for every person invited... (Read More)

  • APRIL 2022:

    A close-up of a concrete pillar Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COSMA wants to be so strong as to last for eternity. Image courtesy of www.pixabay.com.

    Sorry for Being Late Again!

    We apologize for this quarterly issue of Saint Michal Archangel Universal Corporation: COSMA's blog is being published late, due to last-minute obstacles. It's something really important what held us for some days...

    ...COSMA will start its existence structuring its work upon 3 fundamental pillars: 1) coordinating our planet's support for the difficult and perpetual mission of the authority in the cosmos (the Universe); 2) bringing the equality among human beings to the planet, and 3) bringing to the planet the due respect (and fight fiercely) for the rights of our brothers and sisters, animals. When, on the planet, there gets to be enough equality and enough respect for the rights of our brothers and sisters, animals; more pillars can be added to COSMA's aims, starting with the following: fighting for the survival of the human species, but with the due respect for the rights of our brothers and sisters, animals... (Read More)

  • DECEMBER 2021:

    A herd of cats feeding. A man with a hooded jacket is with them New don Joselito's cats feeding place. We're on the side of the road now.

    On November 30, 2021; a very important document was released: “MESSAGE #0.001 TO HUMANITY: THE DIVINE VISION.” This paper is one more piece of emissaryhood operation's puzzle. It’s one more step towards completing the elements that Saint Michael Archangel Universal Emissaryhood will be made of. I estimate that one day this writing will be appreciated as what it is: the first description ever written to match reality, of the authority that runs the Universe… (Read More)

  • NOVEMBER 2021:

    A pack of cats and a dog all feeding, with the dawn for background Don Joselito's animals feeding in the morning by the hamlet's chapel (with the priest's permission).

    To our readers, please take notice that this blog will start being published every 3 months only, until otherwise needed. The first quarterly issue of Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA's blog will be posted at the end of December (the Universe willing) because it's important to be consistent on the dates that we post (on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th month). This is being so, due to the low number of events to be reported regarding COSMA's projects, but also due to the fact that I'm no expert in web design. I hope quarterly, things work better… (Read More)

  • NOVEMBER 2020 - OCTOBER 2021:

    A desktop computer. Cat Monísimo's picture inside a box, for wallpaper It's a miracle for the computer to have been fixed. That's what I call 'The Universe in action.'

    We apologize for such a long delay on this issue of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COSMA's blog, due to the fact that my computer (which is the only computer COSMA has) broke in November 2020; and also because of some other problems. The story about how the computer got fixed and about the other problems we have been having illustrates how vulnerable this undertaking of the Universe is… (Read More)

  • OCTOBER 2020:

    2 hens and 3 newborn chicks on a bare ground I think they're now completely on their own.

    … At the end of October, we had to give up feeding the chicks and chickens. We had no choice due to the fact that we really ran short of money. It hurts so much seeing the poor hens, roosters, and newborn chicks go around the bare ground looking for something to eat. I doubt it that they find anything. We used to give them at least some corn in the mornings, but I really don’t know what is going to happen with them now. And the worst thing about it is that many chicks are being born… (Read More)

  • SEPTEMBER 2020:

    A maze with a dummy willing to go inside Secret societies will take control of COSMA right when I step down as director, but I do trust that the Universe has a strategy that will succeed in the end. Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay.

    … recently, I started having a certain feeling of sadness and annoyance because I realize that I’m just working for the criminal organization that has been persecuting me (and COSMA) for many years already, secret societies. Yes, you didn’t hear it wrong. That’s what it all amounts to because everything appears to be ready for them to seize control of COSMA after I finish my journey as director of this undertaking of God. There are zero probabilities for that not to happen due to the fact that their corruption capacity is beyond imagination. And there’s nothing I can do about it. That’s one of the reasons leading us to conclude that COSMA will be a big-size organization in the future: because it will be controlled by secret societies as every other important organization on the planet… (Read More)

  • AUGUST 2020:

    A very simple drawing of a church and a building Religions are the real culprit of the animal holocaust, so here is a religion that is intended to end the animal holocaust. Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay.

    … I’m very glad to announce that Christian Saint Michael Archangel Universal Emissaryhood will be another very crucial part of the structure that will give great strength to the animal right cause. It will be completely centered on helping the innocent and fighting for the animal right cause. It’s hard for me to calculate when it will get started, but it will get started sooner or later (no worry about it). No matter whether it’s in 20, 50, or 100 years; it will be part of a planet-size structure, which will deploy combined efforts to wage the war for the liberation of the martyrized innocents from human enslavement. No matter how long it takes us, liberation of the innocent is an endeavor which will be accomplished someday, because God so wants. Nothing can distract us from achieving that goal… (Read More)

  • JULY 2020:

    A man with an animal right sign hanging from his neck and many other animal right signs around him I really think the cause of animal rights is not advancing at all. Foto por Külli Kittus en Unsplash.

    COSMA will be an organization that will lead projects in the areas that we consider need change. The first project that we have to start with is a vegan research project that is expected to have an impact in the global war for the defense of animal rights. We expect this impact to be massive (though in the long run). Whatever it takes in terms of time, resources, and effort! It’s the first thing to do. Nothing else matters at this point in history. There’s nothing wronger on Earth. There’s nothing that outrages God more… (Read More)

  • JUNE 2020:

    A desktop computer turned off A nice picture when the future comes.

    … We apologize for this month issue of Saint Michal archangel Universal corporation: COSMA's blog is being published late due to the fact that my computer burnt out recently…

    … Infiltration is impossible to avoid because secret societies have the capacity to control everything around you if they want to / need to. What I have seen is that secret societies have everything around COSMA completely ready for harassment, threats, intimidation, infiltration, obstruction, and God knows what else. Things have been set up in a way such that there won’t be any way for us to avoid infiltration even at the very moment of creation (they have all fronts covered)… (Read More)

  • MAY 2020:

    A desktop wireless network card on a background of the field behind don Joselito's I'm just telling for just in case the future cares. Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay.

    … It’s being very difficult to advance the affairs of Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA because the internet signal is really awful. It works only by hours, so I have to try and do as much as I can without internet and keep on checking to see if there’s any signal. I can’t do anything about it by the time being because my diagnosis is that I need a new Network Interface Card, which, as of yet, I can’t afford. But as the crow flies, I can say that I’m working every day on COSMA’s affairs and that by the beginning of June 2020, I will start the creation of COSMA… (Read More)

  • APRIL 2020:

    A man helping another one climb a mountain I spent long days trying to fix that problem on my own, but was not able to. Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay.

    … On April 15 in a matter of minutes, somebody by the name of Jenny Brennan helped me fix the big problem I had with the project Saint Michael Archangel Universal Emissaryhood's website (the menu wouldn’t work in the mobile version). I had not been able to find a way to fix it, until I found this website: glitch.com where you can get help with problems you have about .html, .css, .js, and other types of files. That means we are some 8 months ahead of schedule… (Read More)

  • MARCH 2020:

    A drawing of Coronavirus next to a man with a protective mask A time when some very needed things were not enough for everybody. Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay

    … There has been the rumor in social networks that COVID-19 is a virus created by secret societies, but there are zero probabilities to confirm whether that’s true or false. Of course I do believe they would be able to do such a thing with obscure assumptions in mind in order to maintain control of the planet… (Read More)

  • FEBRUARY 2020:

    A little old lady sitting on a wheel chair My mother liked to stay by the window in the afternoons.

    … On Sunday February 16, 2020 at 9:20PM, after a long and painful agony, my mother passed away. She had been hospitalized on January 27 and got worse day by day. At the beginning of February, I heard that she hadn’t had a cerebral infarct (as had been previously said) but a stroke. But her medical records don’t say anything about a stroke. Actually, they read instead that some bacteria got into her bloodstream and into her brain, which caused her brain damage. At first she lost motion of the lower part of her body and the capacity for speech… (Read More)

  • JANUARY 2020:

    An old, gray haired, little woman in a humble room My mother on her wheel chair next to the nativity scene.

    … On Monday 27, my 94-year-old mother, María Trujillo, fell terribly sick. She was taken to an emergency room early in the morning because she had convulsions and they sent her back home after prescribing some medication. They said it had been a drop in blood pressure. Next day she had the convulsions again, so we took her to the emergency room again and they sent her to another hospital. There, they put her under observation because they didn’t know what she had. Then on January 31, they said she had pneumonia and had had a cerebral infarct… (Read More)

  • DECEMBER 2019:

    A pair of eyes without a nose. The whole picture is rather dark and scary Very few people believe that secret societies control the world, but they do. Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

    Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA has been given the mission of building solutions to the biggest problems of the planet. But we will have a really hard time trying to do that all by ourselves because, according to some sources and according to our estimates, secret societies have control over all big organizations, institutions (including churches), governments, government agencies, companies, big business structures, etc. of the planet... (Read More)

  • NOVEMBER 2019:

    A grayish dummy holding a cable having a plug at the edge Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation will undertake the mission of being the voice of the Guardians of the Universe.

    Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation has the blessing and endorsement of the Universal authority that I have called the Guardians of the Universe. In the future there will be proof of that backing. It’s a unique support on this planet, by that meaning that no other institution on the face of Earth has that endorsement... (Read More)

  • OCTOBER 2019:

    A plot of land full of debris Plot of land where don Joselito's shanty used to be. Only kitchen, bathroom, and laundry area are still standing because they're built on brick.

    … On October 03 at dinner time, I realized that some work was being done at don Joselito’s shanty, where RESMA animals live (see September 2018). Later on, I was told that they are going to rebuild it for somebody to come and live there: two of don Joselito's relatives... (Read More)

  • SEPTEMBER 2019:

    2 kitties inside a hat and a sign that reads: 'On behalf of God Almighty; thank you, thank you, thank you.' The future will have no doubt that God made the right choice when putting the future of humanity in your hands, guys and girls.

    ... Were it not for my friend, Orlando Ramos, there wouldn’t be any money to buy the food for RESMA,s animals; were it not for doña Nelly, who has granted me the permission to continue feeding the animals in the shanty that she inherited from don Joselito, COSMA wouldn’t be in the state of almost reality that it is today; were it not for my siblings, Alberto, Ovidio, and Nelcy, I wouldn’t have a place to live nor food to eat; were it not for my brother, Ovidio, my nephew, Robinson, and my sister-in-law, Fany, I wouldn’t have a computer and a cellphone... (Read More)

  • AUGUST 2019:

    Black and white kitty, Flor, sitting on some debris at the back of the shanty Flor still has scabies on her nose and around her eyes. She has been with us for about 3 months.

    ... Another thing we’re going to have to do is create COSMA after fixing the websites. That’s also probably going to take a lot of time, which means that the writing of An Intergalactic Spy is going to have to be on stand-by for longer than expected. We’re having lots of difficulties, but this is the pure history of COSMA. WE WILL BE BORN SOMEDAY AND GROW TO THE SIZE OF AN ENTERPRISE CAPABLE OF GENERATING CHANGES IN THE WORLD, believe it or not... (Read More)

  • JULY 2019:

    Gray kitty, Mis, posing for the picture Mis was with us for such a short time (about 2 months), but I learned to love her deeply. I dearly miss her.

    … On July 20 at about 6:30PM, I spotted Mis wandering kind of far from don Joselito’s. I worried a lot because she’s so little, but the most I could do was grab her and take her back to the shanty. Half an hour later, same story again. I could only put her back and worry a lot. Next day for breakfast, she was missing. It’s the end of the month already and there is no sign of her... (Read More)

  • JUNE 2019:

    4 cats eating on top of the laundry area's sink The adult cats and Luna (Clockwise: Tabaco, Luna, Nieves, and Tigresa).

    … On June 04, right after I sent a Facebook message containing the link to the RESMA story for the month of May, Facebook banned 2 of the COSMA’s websites: https://guardian-angels.orgfree.com and the website that contains the RESMA blog, which is https://prjsmac.orgfree.com. Any post or message via Facebook containing either of those 2 addresses will be deleted from Facebook. As far as I have found out, there’s virtually nothing you can do to get those addresses unbanned... (Read More)

  • MAY 2019:

    A golden king's crown on top of a pile of straw and 2 bundles of one-hundred-dollar bills: one on the left and the other on the right A good representation of secret societies. They have been said to control the wealth and the governments of the planet.

    QUESTION: What will happen when Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA and the network of secret societies (that controls the world) coexist in the future?

    ANSWER: There will be a permanent conflict between COSMA and the network of secret societies. The secret societies infiltrating, sabotaging, persecuting and trying to control COSMA in the same way they... (Read More)

  • APRIL 2019:

    A very humble shanty in Majo (Garzón, Huila, Colombia) Don Joselito Cuellar Chacón's shanty, where Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation was born on September 2018 (Read Story Here).

    … To the organization that is noticeably perpetrating acts against Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA and the undersigned emissary of the Universe (see An Intergalactic Spy) we want to tell that under no circumstances, we are allowed by our ethical and moral principles and by our deepest regard for the law and for society to lend ourselves for having any relationship with any secret society (or whatever it should be called); unless that relationship is public and that secret organization is willing to… (Read More)

  • MARCH 2019:

    Lucha, the hen, up on the tree where she used to sleep Poor Luchita! Incredible how could she withstand jumping all the time on one leg. ... I was giving dinner to the cats and Mariposa and I saw Lucha in the middle of the street. I didn’t worry because that was rather common. Then a car and a motorcycle came at the same time and she got scared. She moved towards the car and it hit her. I went to pick her up with my heart crunched and she was still alive, but she died minutes later… (Read More)

  • FEBRUARY 2019:

    Tabaco lying between a long stick and a stone Tabaco warrior, although lately he has been showing up for almost every meal. … Tabaco showed up after about 4 days of being lost. He was wounded again, this time on his right thigh (remember last month he was wounded between his toes). I realized it was a really bad wound. It looked like his skin had been ripped off. I knew he had to be seen by a vet, but it was Sunday and everything was closed in town. I went back home to get some antiseptic, but when I got back to don Joselito’s, he had disappeared already… (Read More)

  • JANUARY 2019:

    Nieves and Browny very sad by a wall They surely realize they have been rendered homeless. … After having desmounted the cats kitchen, in order to complete the job of expelling Browny, Nieves, Tigresa, and Tabaco from don Joselito’s home, the shanty was being left without a ceiling. A neighbor hired for the job was dismounting it. So the orphans won’t have a way to stay under the roof anymore. When the rain comes, they’re going to have a hard time… (Read More)

  • DECEMBER 2018:

    A mess on don Joselito's kitchen floor It was quite frightening to find that mess in the kitchen. … December 4, everything was okay at the morning meal. Then, when I went at noon, the kitchen was quite a mess. It’s like somebody was really mad or something. The ramp for Browny to climb to the table had been undone. There were polypropylene sacs all over… (Read More)

  • NOVEMBER 2018:

    Tigresa and Nieves resting under the roof of don Joselito's shanty They all like to spend a great part of their time under the roof. … The “signals” continued to appear all throughout November. It must be pointed out that “signals” like the ones described here, work in the human mind in such a way that they can literally drive a victim nuts; due to the fear they put in him/her; due to the way they play with his/her mind; due to… (Read More)

  • OCTOBER 2018:

    White cat, Nieves, lying at don Joselito Cuellar Chacón's kitchen's door Mariposa Cuellar Chacón very depressed because her father, don Joselito, was nowhere to be found. … On the first days of October, female dog, Mariposa, vanished completely. I was really depressed because I had become friends with her, way before don Joselito’s decease. I asked trying to enquire what had happened to her, but nobody knew anything… (Read More)

  • SEPTEMBER 2018:

    A very humble shanty in Majo (Garzón, Huila, Colombia) Front of don Joselito Cuellar Chacón's shanty, where Saint Michael Archangel Universal Emissaryhood was born on September 2018 (Read Story Here). … After a long period of having very little to no idea about how to undertake the prjSMAC assignment, a tragic and crucial event happened that triggered the quasi-official birth of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Emissaryhood… (Read More)

  • OCTOBER 2016:

    In October 2016, the group “Project Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation” was created in Facebook by Ramón D. Marín. There came a time when the group was getting some momentum, but then it happened that Facebook disabled the account that was being used to create the group, which was attracting new members at a fast rate (read story here). The group continues, though, and is active.

  • 2015:

    In 2015, we came to the contlusion that there was something very important we could help the planet with: create a Christian congregation that could welcome the extraterrestrials into its teachings. we started thinking about how to bring that thought into reality and gradually some ideas started to come to mind.

    It took us quite some time to come to the conclusion that the authority in the cosmos is a force created at the beginning of time, which we decided to name the Guardians of The Universe because of the job It performs in the cosmos. Recently we came to understand that the name "Guardians of The Universe" is not appropriate because The Universal Authority prefers to be referred to, simply as "The Universe" (see Message #0.001 to Humanity: The Divine Vision). Indeed, a very well structured dissertation is needed to provide a description of "The Universe" and the implications of Its mission for the cosmos, but, obviously, that's a task for the experts. Yet some conclusions have been drawn, which will be presented in the book "The Will of The Universe" #WillOfUniverse.

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