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At the beginning of May, four of the cats (Fausto, Gordis, Manchitas, and Nieves) got a sickness called scabies, which causes them to lose patches of hair and can extend to the whole body; and there was no money for the vet. I could only use some household remedy that somebody recommended me. I still don’t know for sure whether the remedy worked or not, as we will see below on this page.

On May 14 when I arrived at the shanty, I noticed that Fausto was missing. I immediately went around looking for him and found him lying on the bathroom floor. I thought he was dead, but he moved his head when I grabbed him. I put him beside the cat’s feeding place (the laundry area’s sink) while feeding the cats. I couldn’t help crying hard tears because I knew he was about to die. In the middle of breakfast, he released sphincters. I checked him carefully and realized he had expired. I buried him near the shanty, feeling the sorrow you feel when you’re burying a child of yours. May Fausto Cuellar Chacón rest in the peace of the Lord!

Since Nieves had stopped feeding the kitties (by the end of April), I noticed that Fausto would eat very little. At the beginning, he was the same size as Gordis and Manchitas, but he started falling behind. I always hoped that he would get better with the passing of time, but then he died almost unexpectedly.

On May 20, neighbor doña Dilia told me that a kitty had appeared at her house and she couldn’t take care of her. I told her we could put her with the other cats at don Joselito’s shanty and she agreed. That’s what we did and we named her Mis. She’s about 4 months old. It took a while for her to socialize with the other cats, but there she is. Now prjSMAC has a new member. It’s an enormous joy having her with us because I know how much in need she is. I see her now as the star of RESMA’s movie, together with another precious one that entered the scene later on (see below).

Also on May 20 dinner time, Kitty Gordis was nowhere to be found even though I looked for him all around. He had eaten regularly at lunch time and he had never missed a meal; so I immediately thought that it looked more like a “signal” than anything else because other “signals” had appeared during the day that made me have suspicions. Two days later, he was found dead by my sister (who goes to the chapel everyday) at the hamlet’s chapel’s kitchen.

One or two days before Gordis disappearance, I had started fearing that he might meet the same fate as Fausto (see above) because he had looseness of the bowels and had his skin covered with scabies at a great extent; and sadly there was no money for the vet. When Gordis was found dead, I buried him by don Joselito’s shanty. May Gordis Cuellar Chacón rest in the peace of the Lord!

On May 26 lunch time, I noticed that Tabaco had a wound again (even though his last wound had healed completely) exactly at the same spot as he had had the wound last time. Next day, the wound was bigger and fresher. It’s now beyond obvious that it was caused by a Homo sapiens sapiens and that it’s another “signal.”

On May 29 lunch time, I got some beautiful good news: there was an unknown gorgeous kitty about 4 months old in the (empty) tank of the laundry area. Somebody had put her in there. I was so touched by her view, her tenderness, frailty, and sweetheartedness. Later on that day, I couldn’t help crying while thinking about how much in need she was and fearing that she might run away. I put a plate with food inside the tank and a wooden board so she could come out when she felt like it. It was such a joy at dinner time to see that she had come out of the tank and was wandering around the old kitchen, even though she didn’t allow me any approaches at the beginning. I’ve noticed that the other cats have accepted her very easily, probably because they got used to seeing new felines around after the arrival of Mis (see above).

It’s such a beautiful feeling to be helping these poor creatures (7 cats, 1 dog, and a flock of chickens) so much in need. It completely fills my heart and my life. At the same time I feel I’m doing something very useful. If Heaven were as they say, I’d be doing enough to win it.

They keep on stealing the plates.

Threats, harassment, and intimidation keep on coming from many different directions.

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Via hacking, they are damaging my cell phone picture files, the ones I take for the webpages. Some time ago, they did the same with COSMA’s main computer files (see https://guardian-angels.orgfree.com/en/communiques/c0002_hacking_attack_against_cosma.html ), so I had to implement a protection system that has worked so far.

Given the enormous power and Machiavellianism of those causing so much evil, the most we can do by the time being is get outraged, resist, and denounce in this forum. But little by little, it will be shown how organized and powerful the axis of evil on Earth is; and little by little those entrenched behind so much dominance, control, and criminalness will get to be exposed. It will happen with God’s help.

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HORRENDOUS MURDER IN MAJO (COSMA‘s location): on May 22, 2019, 9-year-old, Charol Liseth Samboní, niece of a neighbor next door from me, went missing. In the late afternoon, a group of people from the hamlet set out to look for her and they found her dead at about 10:00PM in an area close to Majo. Further investigation showed that she was raped before being murdered.

A 14 year old homo sapiens sapiens, neighbor of the victim, who was also best friends with her, has confessed that he and his father committed the crime. The latest news I have is that the father has been set free and the youngster is still in custody and has pled innocent on the grounds of mental illness. It is important to note that, were he found guilty, Colombian law does not allow to give him a sentence longer than 6 years because he is a minor ( https://noticias.caracoltv.com/colombia/nina-de-9-anos-hallada-muerta-en-huila-tenia-aparentes-signos-de-abuso-sexual ). A prayer for Charol Liseth. May she rest in the peace of the Lord!

Green line A golden king's crown on top of a pile of straw and 2 bundles of one-hundred-dollar bills: one on the left and the other on the right A good representation of secret societies. They have been said to control the wealth and the governments of the planet.

QUESTION: What will happen when Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA and the network of secret societies (that controls the world[*]) coexist in the future?

ANSWER: There will be a permanent conflict between COSMA and the network of secret societies. The secret societies infiltrating, sabotaging, persecuting and trying to control COSMA in the same way they control the rest of the organizations, institutions, governments, government agencies, big business structures, etc. of the planet and COSMA trying to avoid and denounce it. And it is known that their methods are unscrupulous enough as to be very outraged about.

QUESTION: Can the network of secret societies hijack, take over, or make COSMA die out?

ANSWER: Yes, they can. That’s something, which has to be fought against, fiercely by all COSMA members.

QUESTION: What else can happen besides the above mentioned scenarios?

ANSWER: God knows and they surely do too, but I obviously don’t.

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  • * There are plenty of books and articles on the internet that talk about the topic of secret societies controlling the world, but invariably they all contain abundant pieces of disinformation. That literature is probably (very conveniently) produced by those secret societies themselves for the purpose of disinforming the general public and also for the purpose of informing their own members who would very easily be able to pick the truths from the lies.

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