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On April 1, Tigresa and Luna reappeared. They had disappeared both on March 31; Tigresa by breakfast time and Luna by dinner time. (see March 31, 2019). Both disappearances are suspicious to me because… and also because of the “signals” appeared before and after the disappearances.

On April 3 in the afternoon, Mirringa 2 (my sister’s cat) ceased to exist. Let’s remember she was very sick from a sickness called feline leukemia and that it is suspected that COSMA's enemies are responsible for the death of both Mirringa 1 and Mirringa 2.

On Sunday April 7 at breakfast time, I noticed that Tabaco had a wound right above his left eye, which stank really bad. “It’s a very unnatural place for a cat’s wound,” I thought. “It looks like somebody caused it to him on purpose.” I could only put some antiseptic on his wound because it was Sunday. Last time I had seen him was on April 5 at dinner time and I didn’t recall seeing the wound.

On Monday April 8 in the morning, I took him to the vet. She said the wound had worms, which she took off and she said that the wound couldn’t be stitched. She told me to put the cream for worms on the wound every day, which I did. About one week later, when the wound was looking very good and scabbed, it suddenly appeared with the scab removed so the wound looked bigger. I kept on putting the cream twice a day, though. Often the wound looks like the scab has been removed; it’s healing… very slowly, though…

Let’s remember that Tabaco had 2 other wounds recently: one between his toes (see January 25, 2019) and the other on his right thigh (see February 17, 2019).

On April 8 after I came back from the vet, I went to deliver dinner to the animals and I realized that Nieves’ kitties were outside the shanty. I don’t know if she took them out or Pedro did, but they look very beautiful and healthy. I feel so worried and sad that they don’t have a place where they can be protected from the rain. I can only pray for the rain not to come back too soon. Luna, being so little (only 3 months old), knows how to protect herself from the rain: she hides in a little space where the rain doesn’t reach. Please God help us!

On April 15 by breakfast time, black, female kitty (Manchitas) vanished leaving no trace. Same happened next day to orange, male kitty (Fausto). Now there’s only orange and white, male kitty (Gordis) left. It was obvious to me that somebody had taken them away because their mom was all the time in the old kitchen feeding Gordis.

On April 17 in the morning, both, Manchitas and Fausto, reappeared in the old kitchen, thanks God. Later on, I learned that Manchitas had been taken by one of the neighbors from next door and then they decided to turn her back. As for Fausto, I don’t know how he disappeared. This incident might not have any importance at all (as they reappeared), but still I thought it had to be reported.

A close-up of Tabaco's wound. It looks red and pink This is the wound with the scab peeled off and still without the cream.

On April 29 by dinner time until April 30 dinner time, Tabaco was nowhere to be found. It’s something not that out of the ordinary, except for the fact that it happened by the end of the month, which has become a favorite date for “signals.” When Tabaco reappeared for dinner time on April 30, the wound looked very well, but then on May 1, the scab had been peeled off again. “Signals” that have appeared make me think it’s another “signal”…

Threats, harassment, and intimidation keep on coming from many other different directions.

They keep on stealing the plates.

Green line 3 of Don Joselito's cats bound for the field They're so happy with so little. If man deserves happiness, why is it that they don't?

Anything that affects the future COSMA‘s director is part of COSMA’s history; so here is another of the latest developments:

There is the need that I withdraw a small amount of severance money that I have in the severance fund from some years ago that I worked for a year as a teacher in a public school (I didn’t know I could withdraw that money until recently when somebody told me I could). I have been calling benefit funds to find out whether any of them has that money, but no luck yet. Then I called the benefit services representative of the Secretary of Education’s office in Manizales (where I worked) to try and find out in what fund they had put that money, but she just listened to my question and then hung up. Then I got some email addresses from the Secretary of Education’s office in Manizales and I wrote asking them to redirect and I got no answer from any of them. Then I got the telephone of an old friend of mine that works at the Secretary of Education’s office in Manizales and I wrote asking her to get me the direct email address, but she didn’t do me the favor (in spite of the fact that I could actually establish contact with her). And that’s where things are so far…

And the money is needed to be able to continue feeding the animals, but my calculations tell me that the organization that is harassing, threatening, intimidating, and trying to manipulate COSMA and me, unofficial emissary of the Universe (see An Intergalactic Spy: ispy), has managed to harass me at that level and make me look ridiculously paranoid when telling the story.

But I’m not writing this with the expectation that this evil organization is going to get destroyed, exposed, or something, just because of me. What I’m doing is trying to write as much as possible of the abuse they’re doing to COSMA and me, knowing that this writings will pass the test of time and will be read by the inhabitants of the future. COSMA doesn’t even exist yet, but it will be a big corporation in the future and(I announce here that) it will be not only the voice of the people of God but also the voice of God (a.k.a the Guardians of the Universe); and when that happens my words will be heard (see An Intergalactic Spy: ispy). It’s not important if I am dead by then. What matters is that the monster organization has to be denounced (like denouncing the devil), not letting them intimidate us and terrorize us, however much they try. It’s not an easy task, but it has to be done.

Green line A very humble shanty in Majo (Garzón, Huila, Colombia) Don Joselito Cuellar Chacón's shanty, where Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation was born on September 2018 (Read Story Here).

To the organization that is noticeably perpetrating acts against Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA and the undersigned emissary of the Universe (see An Intergalactic Spy: ispy), we want to tell that under no circumstances, we are allowed by our ethical and moral principles and by our deepest regard for the law and for society, to lend ourselves for having any relationship with any secret society (or whatever it should be called); unless that relationship is public and that secret organization is willing to submit to the JEP (Especial Justice for Peace[*]). If they were interested in having conversations with COSMA about our projects or whatever it is that they are concerned about, I, Ramón Darío Marín (future director of COSMA when it gets to be created), am available at any time that they want to contact me at rammarin@hotmail.com or any other means.

The former statement had to be said in this forum because I have no other way to approach the aforementioned organization in order to have made this statement in a more decent way.

Truly yours,

Ramón Darío Marín
Future director of Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation (COSMA)

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  • * A jury system created in Colombia specifically to judge crimes committed amidst the Colombian armed conflict.

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