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March 06 at 5:30PM, Blanquita, one of the newborn kitties, didn’t show up for dinner. I looked for her all around, but couldn’t find her. However, I had hope that she would reappear because it was common to see only 1 or 2 show up for the meals. She reappeared next day for lunch, but didn’t want to eat. She had her rear part, including hind legs and tail very wet and some very tiny worms were stuck to her right thigh. I cleaned her with hydrogen peroxide, but was very worried, confused and sad because she had not eaten in a long time. At dinner time she didn’t want to eat either, so I started giving her milk with a bottle. Next day (March 8), I noticed that now she had bigger worms coming out of her, they had even opened a hole through her skin. I was really desperate not knowing what to do and with no money for the vet. I knew that at this point there was little that could be done for her, except cry and ask God to have mercy of her and help her die as soon as possible because she was suffering too much. She stayed alive until that night, because on March 9 at breakfast time, I found her lifeless. Poor Blanquita! It was so horrible a death for her as well as total impotence, desperation, crying, and guilty feeling for me. May Blanquita Cuellar Chacón rest in the peace of the lord!

March 10 at dinner time; Luna, another of the newborn kitties, came over first for dinner. I was setting everything up, when, all of a sudden, I saw her in the water swimming against the current. She had fallen to the water; and it was such a miracle that I was there to save her; and it was such a miracle that I saw her because the water (that day) was almost the same color as her. I had to move quickly because the current was too strong at that moment for her, but fortunately I could grab her easily. I don’t know how that happened, but I was really depressed thinking that it can happen at any moment again. They cross the wooden bridge all the time and even jump over the water. I feel blessed for having the opportunity to share my worries about the kitties in this blog.

2 kitties, Bigotes and Blanquita, on top of a piece of concrete This picture is very sad because both of them got the same sickness!

On March 12, I noticed that the same very tiny worms Blanquita had appeared on Bigotes’ rear part. I got really worried and sad, so I consulted the vet (who didn’t charge for the consultation) and she prescribed some medication that started freeing Bigotes from the problem. I wouldn’t have imagined it was so easy. But it’s too late already to feel guilty about Blanquita. Bigotes got over her problem and is recovering, thanks God. It has been a huge lesson, but at what price! Please forgive us, Blanquita!

On this day I knew that apparently both of the versions for Igor’s death (see January 4, 2019) were bogus. I was told that the real reason for his death was that he had been killed by a wooden rod. Some “signals” have appeared recently related to the supposed real reason that came to my ears. I don’t know what they’re trying to say by means of “signals.”

On March 13 at dinner time, I realized that Nieves wasn’t as thick as she used to be. I concluded that she had given birth to her offspring, but I searched for them around and couldn’t find them. Next day I happened to look inside the shanty (through a hole under the roof) when I was looking for Bigotes and I saw them in there (4 kitties). They’re going to be better off inside, at least while Nieves is feeding them (a month or so), I thought. I also noticed that one of the newborn kitties was in a position as if he was dead. I checked later and it was still in the same position. I had to go and try to borrow the key from Pedro (don Joselito’s nephew) but he wasn’t home, so… Well, long story short, later on I checked again and there were 3 alive kitties inside and the dead one wasn’t there. I had feared that the kitties were going to be taken out or something, but thanks God, Pedro did the right thing this time. May the dead kitty rest in the peace of the Lord! S/he had not been baptized yet.

On March 14, two things happened that are obviously “signals:” 1) Bigotes didn’t show up for breakfast and hasn’t reappeared by the time of posting this. She was recovering from the episode of the tiny worms (see above); 2) Sorry I had forgotten that it’s not a good idea to comment on signals… It could have been just an unimportant genuine coincidence, but because of the other “signals” appeared, we are entitled to suspect of everything.

March 16, Mariposa didn’t show up for lunch nor dinner. That had never happened since she came back from where she was being held. Please don’t think “that’s no big deal” because I still haven’t told you that on this day, a bunch of threatening “signals” came in my direction and that Mariposa reappeared next day walking lamely. I didn’t have a chance to see the reason why her leg was hurting.

March 18 at 5:30PM, heavy threats, harassment, and intimidation near don Joselito’s shanty; but again it doesn’t matter who did it, what matter is where the orders originate. Let’s remember that I was the victim of violent attacks in several occasions, both in Garzón and Manizales (see An Intergalactic Spy: ispy).

Couple of weeks ago, a neighbor wanting to help gave me a birth control shot for Mariposa. Today I gave it to her. I was told that it’s effective for 4 months. This is an important development because it’s the first time that the Refugio San Miguel Arcángel: RESMA gets any help. I feel very thankful to the person who gave us that needed help.

March 23 at about 5:45PM, Lucha was killed by a car. I was giving dinner to the cats and Mariposa and I saw Lucha in the middle of the street. I didn’t worry because that was rather common. Then a car and a motorcycle came at the same time and she got scared. She moved towards the car and it hit her. I went to pick her up with my heart crunched and she was still alive, but she died minutes later. It was perhaps a blessing because life was astoundingly difficult for her, due to her handicap. May Lucha Cuellar Chacón rest in the peace of the Lord!

I don’t have words to describe the enormous sorrow I felt. And to think that they kill zillions like her everyday like it was children’s play.

Two cats disappeared in half a day: 1) On March 31, Luna, the only one left of Tigresa’s offspring, got lost before dinner time. 2) Next day, April 1, Tigresa, Luna’s mom, vanished before breakfast. They both reappeared later on, but it’s such a big coincidence that I thought that it had to be related. I have strong reasons to believe that both were not at all natural disappearances. ”Signal?"

“Signals,” harassment, and intimidation continued this month, uglier than before.

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Couple of years ago, a brother of mine (who lives in Manizales) contracted a very serious sickness (peripheral polyneuropathy), which affects the nervous system and has him almost paralyzed. The latest I knew is that he’s very much impeded to walk and obviously to work. I seriously suspect that his sickness is no coincidence at all. I actually think that it’s related to the “signals,” threats, and harassment that I have been seeing around me for quite some time already (see An Intergalactic Spy: ispy).

Something similar is happening with the cats of my sister (who lives two houses away from where I live). Two of her cats contracted feline leukemia (which is a very lethal, terminal type of cancer caused by a virus): one (Mirringa1) some months ago and the other (Mirringa2, which didn’t ever have contact with Mirringa1) recently. Actually Mirringa2 is so sick that we fear she will die soon. “Signals” appeared recently have made me be certain at some degree that both cases of contagion were caused by criminal hands and are related to the “signals,” threats, and harassment that I have been seeing around me. Again, what matters is where the orders to commit the crimes come from.

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