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Minina up there in the space under the roof She was getting used to coming over for a couple of meals a day. It was such a beautiful feeling having her with us.

February 15, today I knew that Minina has died. There’s one version for her death and it’s that another motorcycle (see January 4, 2019) killed her. I had not seen her in about a week, so I was waiting for the first opportunity to enquire about her; though I was fearing the worst and it came true.

February 17 at breakfast time, Tabaco showed up after about 4 days of being lost. He was wounded again, this time on his right thigh (remember last month he was wounded between his toes). I realized it was a really bad wound. It looked like his skin had been ripped off. I knew he had to be seen by a vet, but it was Sunday and everything was closed in town. I went back home to get some antiseptic, but when I got back to don Joselito’s, he had disappeared already.

On Monday 18, I went to town to buy a cage so I could take him to the vet. I looked for him after I came back from town but he wasn’t around. When I had a chance to catch him and take him to the vet (several days later), she said he had to be left there for some time because the wound looked very bad, infected, and he had to be anesthetized and stitched. That’s how bad it was. He was released about 6 hours later with a prescription of some pills and the recommendation to wash his wound everyday with hydrogen peroxide.

How bad the wound was, the place where it was located, and signals appearing before and after, leave no room for doubt that it was criminal hands what caused the wound to Tabaco. I wish I didn’t have to say that, but the evil threatening “signals” are what make me be surer of that. But these criminals know very well what they’re doing because even if I went to talk to the police, we can be sure that the police don’t like signals (they need a dead body), plus very few people care about what happens to defenseless, homeless animals. Besides these criminal hands are a lot bigger than the police. Actually some years ago, I went to the general attorney’s office in town to place a complaint about some violent attacks that I was the victim of (see An Intergalactic Spy) and they told me in writing (after appealing the first response) that the general attorney’s office wasn’t there to take care of trifles (and it wasn’t the first time I had been the victim of attacks…).

Again, it doesn’t matter who did it, what matters is where the orders originate.

Now, we don’t have to borrow a cage anymore whenever we have to take the cats to the vet. Refugio San Miguel Arcángel (RESMA) is growing. To date we are 3 grown up female cats (Nieves, Tabaco, and Tigresa), 1 male grown up cat (Tabaco), 1 female kitty (Browny), 3 newborn kitties (Bigotes [gray], Blanquita [white], and Luna [orange]), 1 female dog (Mariposa [I heard that all of her offspring died]), about 4 hens (one of them is named Lucha, but the others I haven't been able to individualize because...), and me; and now we’ve got a cage and a dog leash.

On February 23 at 9:00PM, my sister went to the grocery store and, on the way, she was told that one of don Joselito’s cats had been killed by a motorcycle. I asked her “What color?” and she said “White.” Immediately I thought “Nieves.” I felt very depressed and wanted to cry but no tears came out. She said the dead cat had been put on top of the laundry area’s sink, so I thought I’d wait until the morning to bury her. But in the morning, when I got to the laundry area, the tears would gush out like a water stream. It wasn’t Nieves, but little Browny. Some bloody liquid came out of her mouth when I lifted her. I wanted to tell everybody that Browny had died, but nobody was around because it was very rainy and early. I had to cry all by myself while I was giving breakfast to the other cats. And to make things worse, only one of the newborn kitties showed up for breakfast in the middle of the rain.

I had grown to love Browny so much because I had started taking care of her almost since she had been born. She had not open her eyes yet when I found her with her 4 siblings inside don Joselito’s shanty. I saw her grow and was very proud of seeing her so beautiful and healthy. May Browny Cuellar Chacón rest in peace!

Nieves with a big belly drinking water Possibly another 5 new members of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation.

Nieves is pregnant again. Tigresa (and Browny) were given shots for birth control. They have to be given the shot every month for the first 3 months and then every 3 months. Mariposa was given the shot too. She has to be given the shot every month for the first 3 months and then every 5 months. I didn’t happen to think of that solution before because money is so scarce and because what I had in mind was surgery, which is way too expensive for my budget (I’m unemployed, living at my mother’s, eating what my family gives me, and literally paying the rest of the expenses thanks to another guardian angel; a friend of mine who has been helping me for about 6 years now. Refugio San Miguel Arcángel: RESMA could get started thanks to that guardian angel’s help as well).

3 of don Joselito's cats sound asleep on the shanty's roof I bet they're better off around others of their own species. All COSMA's projects have to aim at being fully vegan some day.

Several people have expressed their willingness to adopt cats. I haven’t been able to O.K. those proposals, first of all because I can’t give away cats that are not mine. They actually belong to don Joselito’s heirs. The second reason for me not to give my approval is because separating cats from their social group is not a vegan attitude. I don’t think cats like being separated. They all together are like a happy family. It might sound stupid that I say that because they currently don’t have a place to live, but the first reason is determinative.

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About the evil, threatening “signals” that keep on coming in my direction, I’m trying not to be a fool anymore as to discuss them publicly because the effect of discussing such things is that it makes you look like nuts (and they know that); which nobody would ever want. But the threats are there and the danger is there. And I conclude it all comes down to: an evil organization with immense power and criminal capacity vs. a poor, average, unemployed individual, believer in the Guardians of the Universe (see An Intergalactic spy).

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