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January 1 at 6:00AM, I heard a little kitty meowing in the shanty next to don Joselito’s. Very probably it’s Minina (see December 30, 2018).

January 4 at noon, I saw Minina in the shanty next door from don Joselito’s. I was told that she went in there, so they decided to take care of her. On this day I also learned that Igor, who disappeared from don Joselito’s kitchen (see October 2018, 1st week), was being taken care of in the shanty next door and he died. There are 2 versions about his death: 1) that a motorcycle killed him; 2) that they were not giving any attention to him and he died (I imagine attention means food).

January 6, 5:30AM, today there was World War III at home. My oldest brother, who came to visit, started huge trouble in relation with cooking for the animals. But I have no choice other than continue cooking because otherwise the orphan animals would starve to death. Fortunately, my sisters and my other brother stood on the animals’ side. I have to recognize that my oldest brother has helped Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation a lot (I wouldn’t have a new computer and a cell phone were it not for him). I also have to recognize that he controlled his anger after the next day. However, it’s kind of a difficult situation with him at home, but there’s no choice because Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation (COSMA) and its projects don’t have a budget. I really hope that he can keep on seeing reason. The way I see COSMA’s situation is: “How come projects that have been started from Heaven itself (see An Intergalactic Spy) don’t have a budget? God works in strange ways!”

January 8 at noon, In order to complete the job of expelling Browny, Nieves, Tigresa, and Tabaco from don Joselito’s home, the shanty was being left without a ceiling. A neighbor hired for the job was dismounting it. So the orphans won’t have where to stay anymore. When the rain comes, they’re going to have a hard time. It’s criminal what they did to the poor cats, but there’s no law against that. The shelves in the old kitchen where they used to spend a lot of time are gone too. By the way, I couldn’t find any of the cats for lunch, but I did find 3 beautiful newborn kitties (orange, white, and gray), Tigresa’s offspring. They’re so fragile, but thanks God, at dinner time I left Tigresa feeding them. Nieves and Browny showed up at dinner time. At 9:00PM, I went to check on the kitties and since they don’t have a roof in the kitchen now, I put them in the laundry space which does have a roof. Their mom was with them. That night it rained cats and dogs. I was thinking about the poor cats while I heard the rain. The only space that they have now with a roof is the laundry area. I wished fervently for them to be at least all together on top of the sink watching the rain.

January 9 at breakfast time, the newborn kitties where nowhere to be found. It was still raining and Tigresa cried when I checked the kitties’ basket. I looked for them all around, but couldn’t find them. Of course I couldn’t less than fear the worst.

Officially now, Nieves, Tigresa, Browny, and Tabaco are homeless (they’re probably going to let Lucha stay). I’ll keep on coming to where don Joselito’s kitchen used to be to deliver some food to them, but I’m not optimistic at all, even about their lives. It breaks my heart really bad to go home seeing that they stay there without a roof. I only wish it was possible for the entire Universe to know how evil people on this planet are, but for now only I know and whoever is reading this blog. Everybody else thinks we’re such cute little angels.

They stole another plate.

Minina and Browny playing Minina (left) and Browny (right) playing. Last picture I've got of them together. Browny is almost a grown up already.

January 24 at breakfast time, Minina crossed the fence to the side of don Joselito’s shanty. I almost cried from seeing her again. She was doing the nose touch with Nieves. I offered her some food and she liked it. Right when she was eating, Tigresa passed by our side carrying one of the Newborn kitties. I had not seen or heard any of them since January 8. I really had thought somebody had killed them because they vanished leaving no trace. God willing they’ll be with us again. When I left for home, Minina was very entertained playing with Browny.

The 4 cats in the field The field gets flooded very often, so they get a chance to play on there only from time to time. In this picture: Tigrersa, Tabaco, Browny, and Nieves.

January 25 at about 1:30PM, I spotted Tabaco in the field behind the house where I live, walking lamely. I went around to meet him and he was very glad to see me. I realized that he was wounded in between his toes, which caused him a lot of pain when walking. I almost cried from seeing his state, his reaction, and thinking that it was quite probable that criminal hands had caused him to be like that. I took him to my home and my sister put some disinfectant in the wound. He didn’t feel comfortable in my home, so I took him to be with the other cats. He let me carry him and when he was there, he felt very calm.

January 26 at about 5:30PM, I saw Tigresa’s 3 newborn kitties. They were under a pile of wood. That’s where their mom has them. I’m exhilarated to know that they’re all alive. Tabaco was very well this morning at breakfast time. He was walking with a lot less difficulty than yesterday.

January 28 at about 6:30PM, It was a big test for the newborn kitties and for me. I went to deliver the cats dinner (kind of late this time because I was in town) and, because it had rained cats and dogs, I was very apprehensive about the newborn kitties. “They’re probably having a hard time,” I thought. It was such a relief when I checked on them and they weren’t wet or cold in spite of being in the open. It seems the wood above them protects them well and it’s also very probable that their mom had been feeding them. However I felt really miserable when I had to go home not being able to take them with me, knowing that they don’t have a home (since Pedro made the most compassionate decision in the whole world: rendering them homeless) and have to stay there in the cold and the rain, while we have so many things at home like a roof to live under, a floor under the roof, walls, beds and blankets, a stove, a refrigerator, a tv set, etc. I really feel guilty and miserable, but those that say that God wants animals to be killed and eaten by humans and live under the rain and snow have more reasons to feel miserable. I also feel ridiculous to say what I just said because I feel I have the capacity to feel the feelings but I’m so freaking impeded when it comes to speaking my mind. I really wonder why an emissary of the Universe was chosen so lacking in so many things.

I notice threats coming in my direction, but what matters is not who does them, but where they come from.

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Whoever is interested in what was said in relation to COSMA and its projects being something that aims at being a big undertaking in the future (see December 2018 last p.), should read this book: “Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century” by Jan Van Helsig ( https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/secretsoc_20century/secretsoc_20century.htm ). It contains some obvious pieces of disinformation, but it’s worth the time we spend reading it because it can help us put the pieces of the puzzle together.

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