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December 1, at 8:45PM, I went to check on the cat’s food plates. They had been washed already (see November 30 2018). They appeared washed in the morning every day of the month of December. It can’t be a dog because…

December 4, everything was okay at the morning meal. Then, when I went at noon, the kitchen was quite a mess. It’s like somebody was really mad or something. The ramp for Browny to climb to the table had been undone. There were polypropylene sacs all over. I asked if anybody knew what had happened and I was told that the only thing they knew was that the owners, don Joselito’s nephews, had been around. To me, this act sounds to me like a piece of disinformation to deviate us from the truth.

December 5, they stole another plate.

December 7, Diana moved out to live in San José sector (see video on top).

December 18, nothing tellable for some days, until today at the 5:00PM meal, the kitchen table had been destroyed. They took away 2 of the 3 wooden boards that used to make up the top of the table. They also crippled one of the table legs.

The scene is as follows: At noon, a group of guys was sitting next to the shanty, something very uncommon (I thought it was pretty weird). At 5:00PM, I come into the kitchen, find the door open and then the mess (which suggests it had been the job of the group of guys who were by this time sitting across from the shanty). I go out immediately and back to my home in order to get my cell phone to take the pictures. The group of guys does loud harassment while I pass by. When I come back, I tell somebody what happened and that somebody tells me that it had been the job of the owners of the shanty, don Joselito’s nephews; thus the disinformation circle is closed.

But I see things as if everything had been prepared to be the perfect harassment episode. Actually, it doesn’t matter who did it. What matters is where the order came from. I, then, took the time to go talk to doña Nelly, Don Joselito’s sister, and she said that her sons had not done it because they go around to help, not to annoy.

December 19, things looked pretty normal the next day, except for… I already look too paranoid…

December 20, at 5:00PM, the whole of the kitchen roof had been dismounted. The roof tiles were stacked by the door and inside the kitchen. I went to talk to doña Nelly, don Joselito’s sister, and she said that her sons had not done it. By the way, I didn’t ask anybody who had done it because it doesn’t matter who did it. What matters is who is behind.

Next day on December 21 at noon, the kitchen was more dismounted; the fence had been destroyed; the roof tiles were taken away. Browny and Tigresa were nowhere to be found; only Tabaco and Nieves showed up for lunch. At 5:00PM, the 4 of them showed up.

Mariposa very skinny and with big breasts. She just had offspring for the first time Mariposa is such a loving dog. I'm glad she's back.

December 27 at noon, Mariposa reappeared (see October 2018). She was very hungry and very skinny. She ate almost all of the cat’s food because now there’s no separation between cat’s and dog’s space. Days ago, I heard that she gave birth to 10 puppies. She has kept on coming for 1 or 2 meals a day. I feel so terribly sorry for her because she’s so skinny that I think she must have missed a lot of meals; hope it’s not true. Whenever she comes by, I have to go back and bring some food for her because she always looks very hungry. Somebody told me that she doesn’t want to eat at the place where she’s being kept, but it seems rather a piece of disinformation because it’s impossible for her not to want to eat there and be totally hungry here.

December 29, Tabaco didn’t show up for lunch nor for dinner. He had become very punctual, so I noticed his absence and got very sad at every meal that he missed. He showed up back again on December 31.

December 30, great news: a new prjSMAC member. A kitty about 2 months old appeared in the vicinity, who I want to call Minina. She could be heard crying the whole night and, in the morning, my sister saw that she was stranded with nowhere to go, so she gave her some food, but she kept on crying. When she was put with the other cats, she looked pretty comfortable. She got to socialize at some extent and ate from the other cats’ food. Curiously enough, she looks pretty much like my sister’s cat, Monísimo. Though, it’s just a curiosity that makes us love her more (she can’t be Monísimo’s daughter because he was deprived from his capacity to engender offspring about 18 months ago [see https://future-of-humanity.orgfree.com/english/notes/how_much.html ]). She’s very intrepid: being so little, she climbed under the roof with the other cats. I’m really exhilarated about having her with us because it feels so great to be able to help one of God’s creatures right when she needs it more. May God allow her to be with us!

At noon, she had fallen inside the shanty, so I went to try and get the keys to get her out, but Pedro, don Joselito’s nephew, told me that his wife had the key and she wasn’t coming home until 6:00PM. I had to try another method which succeeded: I tied a basket to a chord and lowered it down to where the kitty was. She was scared at the beginning but then she seemed to understand what it was all about. She got into the basket and voila: I could lift her. She was following me for a while very thankful that I had taken her out of the locked room. She’s so little that she makes me giggle quite a bit from how tender she is. I feel I already love her a lot.

December 31 at breakfast time, Minina had fallen again inside the shanty, but I used the basket to lift her back onto the kitchen space. At lunch time Minina, Browny, and Tigresa were nowhere to be found. I looked for them all over, but no luck. At dinner time, Browny and Tigresa were back, but Minina wasn’t. May God protect her wherever she is!

Tigresa is thicker every day but she hasn’t had her babies yet, and Nieves seems to be pregnant too.

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There are some signals that I decided not to tell about, for the reason already explained. I think that measures have been taken to make us believe that it’s a problem with the kitchen of a shanty and the orphan cats. However, I strongly disagree with that reasoning and I think I can throw my best guess at this point, from the whole thing: My view is that they’re trying to intimidate, threaten, control, manipulate, etc. regarding the creation of COSMA and its projects. By reading Intergalactic Spy, you will realize that COSMA and its projects are something that comes from high above and that aims to be a big undertaking in the future. An undertaking with such aims would have enemies; especially if we consider that th bad guys are fully aware of COSMA, its projects, and their aims. They have had full access to my computer via hacking (see https://guardian-angels.orgfree.com/en/communiques/c0002_hacking_attack_against_cosma.html ). What doesn’t make sense in this whole thing is why harassment and intimidation seem to have started so long ago (see Intergalactic Spy).

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