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The “signals” continued to appear all throughout November. It must be pointed out that “signals” like the ones described here, work in the human mind in such a way that they can literally drive a victim nuts; due to the fear they put in him/her; due to the way they play with his/her mind; due to the fact that the victim is put in a situation in which he/she has no way to know which things around him/her were done on purpose and which ones weren’t; due to the fact that the victim is brought into a situation in which he/she has no way to know what persons around him are doing the signals, and therefore are his enemies; due to the fact that the victim is put in a situation that he/she feels helpless, desperate, and disoriented and can’t trust nobody because obviously nobody is going to believe him/her and instead they’re going to say he/she’s crazy; and many more reasons… Actually, I would have gone bananas were it not for the fact that I‘ve been the victim to “signals” in other situations in the past (see #intergalactic_spy), which means I’m already an expert in “signals”...

As I’ve said, I’m mentioning only some of those so called “signals” because I fear I’m making myself look paranoid, and we don’t want that of course.

Let’s think now about the “signals” appearing as a deliberate change of pitch at certain words in the news, which are done very, very much on purpose and nobody wants to talk about because everybody fears that they’re going to be asked: “What are you talking about?” and locked in an asylum. They cause great damage to the psyche of Colombians and are somewhat a “conspiracy” by we don't know who against all of us. It is unknown to me whether the same is happening in other countries.

To whoever is being victimized by means of “signals,” I’d recommend not to let any psychiatrist know because what he’s going to do is give you medicine, (which won’t make the signals go away), is not going to believe you (no matter what), and is going to put a label on you instead, LOCO[*], which is going to be hanging on your reputation from now on and for eternity.

In the first days of this month, the newborn chick, that had been left, and its mom disappeared. I asked Diana and she said she had taken both of them and had them caged in a friend’s house. She had told me days before that the hen had been given to her, so I was expecting something like that to happen, or even worse.

An opossum in a green environment The size of this animal is about the same as a cat. It's rather common that it gets killed because it eats the hens, they say. Some people even eat it.

On November 4, there was a dead animal (an opossum according to the dictionary) on a pool of fresh blood on the street; right in front of the entrance to don Joselito’s kitchen. Needless to say that I had no doubt it was a blood “signal,” put there with some very evil intention. It actually would have scared any victim of “signals” due to the blood. I was very relieved that day at night when I was told that the night before around midnight, an opossum had been killed by a group of people. Still, that doesn’t explain why it was left right there on the street, instead of burying it or taking it into the field, which is what would have been happened under normal circumstances.

A plate covered half with a salad and half with a dead rat Receiving this picture really caused a lot of pain to me, but under regular cirncumstances it feels as an unmatched tragedy.

On November 5, I found a rotten, very smelly, dead rat with worms coming out of its flesh in the kitchen. Like the one that I’d found on the day that marked one month of don Joselito’s death (see October 20, 2018). I don’t remember noticing anything strange about that rat; what I do find strange is that on that same day, at night, I was sent a picture of a dead rat by a Whatsapp contact from the United States (obviously, it was not my brother). How did that happen? I didn’t ask. It’s also strange about those 2 incidents that November 5 is my birthday. Under regular circumstances, they would have been really devastating to my psyche, were it not for the fact that, as I said before, I’m already an “expert” in “signals.”

On November 7, there was a newly killed rat in the kitchen. They had cut its hind legs and tail and looked like somebody had stepped on it (which wasn’t me). Cats don’t kill like that.

On November 8, rotten, very smelly, dead rat with its hind legs and tail cut off, in the kitchen. Cats don’t kill like that.

Cat Tabaco in the field Tabaco by the field.

On November 10, Tabaco reappeared after about 5 days of not showing up. I had started noticing his absence but didn’t worry much at the beginning because it was regular for him to not show up for a day or two from time to time, to the point that I was not sure whether or not he was one of don Joselito’s orphans. Then several days elapsed without him showing up, so I looked for him around the shanty, fearing the worst, but he was nowhere to be found. I was not optimistic at all about him and missed him a lot because from being kind of grouchy at me, we had grown to be very good friends and he already liked my playing. Then on November 10, he showed up again. I was so delighted to see him that I wanted to kind of hug him and talk to him extensively, but… Next day, I didn’t see him, but he keeps on showing up about every other day… By the way, I think he’s going to father kitties with Tigresa soon because…

On November 12, I went to deliver food at noon and noticed that somebody had put some soup for the cats not long before me. I was so pleased to know that somebody else was caring for them, but then at 5:30PM when I went to give them their dinner, I saw that the bowl which contained the soup that had been given to them by an unknown good Samaritan, had a very rusty nail at the bottom and some remains of the soup. Whatever the purpose of that object in the soup, it’s obvious that it was done with evil intentions. Luckily, it didn’t cause any damage to the cats, but we don’t know what they will do in the future.

November 14 at 5:30PM. Rotten, very smelly dead rat on the kitchen’s floor whose skin between its legs had been tore off. Cats don’t do that. Obviously somebody put it there because otherwise I would have seen or smelt it earlier in the day or before. It had been killed several days ago because of how much it stank.

In the late afternoon of November 17, I went to deliver the last meal of the day and I heard a kitty meowing inside don Joselito’s shanty. I tried to look inside and, in the darkness, I saw a white kitty in there (by the way, Browny was nowhere to be found), so I thought somebody had done a very evil thing. I went quickly to don Joselito’s sister’s house and she lent me the keys so I could take the kitty out. It was Browny. She was obviously very scared. I was completely sure that somebody had put her inside the house because she was so little to have climbed under the roof and fall in there; but “Who could have done it?” I thought. Thankfully later on, the mystery got solved because she started to be all the time up there under the roof, which means that she had just learned to climb that much. On that day, doña Nelly, don Joselito’s sister, told me that Diana had been asked to vacate the room because Pedro, one of doña Nelly’s sons, would be coming to live in the shanty. Let’s hope for him and his wife to make a good decision regarding Lucha and the cats. Diana doesn’t know yet where she is going to live.

November 22, they messed the kitchen all around, destroyed the bench that was probably used by don Joselito to sit while the food was cooking, left a dead, rotten, very smelly rat with a hole between its hind legs, and left some other signals; like a machete outside the kitchen leaning against Diana’s room (by the way, about a week later I got sent a video of a machete from Nigeria [https://youtu.be/C2lB8XVVnl8]. We might not be able to count it as a “signal” because it didn’t happen on the same day, but you don’t get videos of machetes from Nigeria very often). At 5:00PM, Tabaco and Tigresa didn’t show up for dinner. Tigresa had never missed a meal (3 a day). Obviously I feared the worst and started looking for them around, but couldn’t find them. At some time of the day (which I didn’t take not of) I went into the kitchen and stepped on a board that had a nail. I felt the nail perforating the shoe to my feet. The board was by the entrance to the kitchen, covered with some polypropylene sacs. Luckily it was the head and not the point what I stepped on (let’s remember that another nail was put on the cat’s soup on November 12. The important thing of this incident is that it looks like that board was put there by somebody, deliberately. We might think that it looks more like a warning/threat than anything else, though.

November 23 at 6:00AM, Tigresa was back sound and hearty, thanks God! Also, I found another dead, rotten, very smelly rat with worms coming out of its flesh, behind Diana’s room; right next to where the machete had been put day before. This was the only rat that I didn’t get rid of because I thought “If it’s not a danger to the cats, let the rat killers get rid of it.” It’s obvious that... The ramp that Browny used to climb to the table was stolen again. Miraculously, I could find some objects, which I could use to improvise another one.

A dead rat with a long stick on top Non-important, but it might be another piece of the puzzle.

November 27, it’s been 3 days without any “signals”. I was already thinking that it was a relief not having them, but today at noon I found one “signal” very clear: it was a long stick right on top of the dead rotten, very smelly rat that had been put behind Diana’s room. That stick remained on top of the remains of the rat until November 30. Another one of those unimportant events, but I decided to tell about it because it smells like a piece of the puzzle. Nothing else was out of the ordinary on that day, except for... I think I'm already looking too paranoid...

November 30. Since about 2 months ago, I had noticed that the cats’ plates are almost always empty in the morning. I was exhilarated to know that the cats were eating all of the food at night because I really put all my heart in cooking for them, but recently, I started to suspect that something strange was going on; so I started to try and find out. Now I have certainty that they’re throwing the cat’s food away and cleaning the plates as a “signal;” and they do it at night and sometimes in the day. By the way, recently they put a dish cleaning pad right next to the kitchen table, which was substituted by a dead rat the next day. I don’t know what they are trying to say or do. I know I’m making myself look ridiculous and paranoid by telling this, but at the end of the day the truth might surface.

Tigresa with a belly rather big Tigresa seems very pregnant. It looks like new prjSMAC members.

Today for the first time, I noticed that Tigresa has a big belly, like she’s pregnant. I knew recently that Mariposa (the dog) is pregnant too; and we don’t know what’s going to become of her when Diana is not living here anymore. There’s definitely the need to do birth control. Other than that; the cats, Lucha (the hen), and Mariposa are ok. They get their food, they play all around, they get as much love from me as I can give them… I haven’t seen mariposa lately, though, because I’m not acquainted with the family taking care of her. I hope she’s ok. Actually, a family has probably more love to give her…

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  • * Loco means insane in Spanish.

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