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Dog Mariposa lying on the dirt floor underneath a ladder Mariposa taking a nap by the kitchen at her home.

On the first days of October, female dog, Mariposa, vanished completely. I was really depressed because I had become friends with her, way before don Joselito’s decease. I asked trying to enquire what had happened to her, but nobody knew anything. About a week later, she showed up with Diana. Diana said she wanted to have her in a friend’s house for some time because she didn’t want her wandering around while in rut. She hasn’t come back yet. I was very used to having her around since long ago because she had grown very fond of going to play with my neighbor and very good friend of mine, dog Kira.

On the first week of October, 3 of the newborn kitties died and 2 of them (Browny and Igor) remained alive and healthy; but then, on October 10th, white, newborn kitty, Igor, vanished leaving no trace. I asked Diana if she had taken him, but she said she didn’t know anything about him. It’s important to note that he couldn’t have gone out of the kitchen by himself because I always kept the door closed, plus they’re so little that they almost didn’t dare to move far from their box. The grown ones can climb and go out over the kitchen’s fence but not one as little as Igor. On the other hand, anybody can go into the kitchen because the door has no lock. I felt really sad and completely helpless. There was nothing I could do about it. “Animals are worth nothing to most people,” I thought. But it’s important that I state here that, to me, they’re beings of the Universe with as much right to life and everything as everybody else. May Igor be in a place where they treat him right! But I kind of doubt it.

Today, with cold head, I remember that there was something strange about the newborn kitties that died: all of a sudden I found them very wet and cold, and, at the same time, from having been drinking from the bottle normally for some time, they grew to not wanting to drink. At that time I thought they had gotten wet themselves, but today, consequently with the "signals" appearing throughout this story, we are entitled to rather suspect that somebody must have put them in cold water. By the way, the "signals" and harassment are many more... they even go as to... not only at don Joselito's but... I really mustn't go into more details because it's not a good thing for me to look more paranoid than I already do... It's obvious that that is also what...

Kittie Browny on top of some logs, giving us a very funny look Browny Cuellar Chacón by the stove, telling us to be nice at her.

On October 12th, brown, newborn kitty, Browny, vanished in the morning. It must have happened right after breakfast because I went again at about 9:00AM and she was nowhere to be found. I was really devastated and actually cried thinking that there was absolutely no guarantee that she was well. Next day, I went to deliver breakfast at about 6:30AM and Browny was back in the kitchen. I could see that I was right in my fears that she was probably not being treated well because she was really hungry.

There were only two ways that she could have left the kitchen and come back: either flying or somebody took her away and brought her back, seemingly with evil intentions. I hope I am wrong, but I don’t think whoever did that is just somebody wanting to play.

The rooster disappeared too, but it must have been don Joselito’s nephews who probably took him away and ate him.

Soon after don Joselito’s decease, some “signals” started appearing in and around his kitchen; “signals” that I ruled out any doubt later on that they are being done on purpose; very probably with the intention of conveying a message, intimidation, and harassment. For example on October 20th, when I arrived at don Joselito’s kitchen, I immediately noticed something strange: there were 2 dead animals (a bird and a rat) next to the table. The animals were visible enough, which means they were put there to be found in the morning; otherwise I would have seen them before. They were so rotten that they smelled real bad and had worms coming out of the flesh. It doesn’t at all look like a cat’s job. It seems obvious to me that that and other “signals” appeared before and later are related. It doesn’t seem just a normal coincidence that this happened exactly on the day that marked one month after don Joselito’s death.

Next day on October 21st, I went to deliver breakfast at about 6:30AM and I noticed that white cat, Mota, was missing. The others (including new born Browny) ate breakfast as regular. After breakfast, Diana came by the kitchen. We talked and I started looking for Mota under the roof. There was a white cat there, which I thought was Mota. I saw him trying to climb down and then, all of a sudden, we heard a noise by the space between don Joselito’s shanty and the shanty next to it, so I went there to see what had happened. Through a cleft I saw Mota lying there on the floor. I went around to see her and she was dead. She had been dead for about a couple of hours because she was not completely stiff and had only a few ants around her mouth. She had blood that had come out of her mouth, which suggests that she might have been poisoned. It was very improbable that I found Mota soon ater she died because she had been left at a place difficult to find. I would only had found her after several days because of the smell.

Day before she was completely healthy. I had delivered them food at 5:30PM and 8:30PM and all of them were in perfect condition. I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.

Mota was the most beautiful cat you can imagine. She was whiter than snow; that’s why I called her Mota. I used to play with her a lot and she was the one, out of don Joselito’s cats, that accepted my playing best. She was extremely tender and tame; and she was the most loving of all towards newborn Browny and Igor and towards me. I couldn’t help crying a couple of tears when I was carrying her to the place where I buried her. May Mota Cuellar Chacón rest in peace!

Browny climbing down a ramp from the table. Her mom is on top of the ramp Thanks to the ramp, Browny can climb to the table to feed from her mom.

On October 22nd, somebody stole the ramp that Browny used to use in order to feed from her mom. It was a necessary piece of equipment because her mom prefers to stay most of the time on top of a table. Without the ramp, the baby and the mother would almost never be together. Thankfully, I could get another piece of wood, long and wide enough to make it work as a ramp.

At the beginning of October, one of the hens had had 2 chicks. It was quite a nice surprise to me because they’re so cute; and I didn’t expect them since it’s not easy to see the hens when they’re incubating the eggs as they always move all around. Today, October 27th, 2 things happened, which I think didn’t happen in isolation or by accident: 1) one of the chicks disappeared. I remember seeing both of the chicks together yesterday. It’s a really bad sign that the chick vanished because they had been around for a couple of weeks and nothing has happened to them… 2) one of the 2 plates that I used to give food to the cats disappeared. This second incident has no importance, except for the fact it was deliberately done at the same time as the disappearance of the chick. It’s obvious that nobody needs an old plate that is being used to feed cats. Whoever stole it has obviously evil intentions. I wish it was just somebody trying to play, but unfortunately it’s got to be more than that. Next day, a very heavy, flat, thick, round piece of wood was placed near the container that is used to feed the hens. It’s obvious to me that this 3rd incident is a continuation of the 1st and 2nd. I wish I knew what they are trying to say.

On October 31, two things happened that seem to be bad “signals.” I feel embarrased that I'm reporting such small stuff, but every trifle is a piece of the puzzle: 1) in the morning, a container full of junk was spilt on the floor and left just there in an act of defiance or at least harassment; 2) in the afternoon, a hole was opened in the fence that separates the kitchen from the stream of water that runs behind it. I was really apprehensive that Browny being so little could fall to the water and perish. Luckily that didn’t happen. It was something obviously done with malevolent intentions because even the stone that they used to crack the hole open (a flat piece of concrete pipe) was left inserted in the hole. I guess they were again trying to say something.

The wrong, evil unexplainable happenings and atrocities going on in this story of the birth of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation are at the very least systematic harassment and intimidation, which I’ve got no idea about who is doing it or why. I’ve got no enemies in Majo. The most I can say is that it has been taking place since long ago and that they are acts performed probably by the same old, very powerful, resilient, and evil enemy I seem to have, which will be talked about in this book: Intergalactic Spy: ispy that will see the light soon. Whoever gets touched by curiosity or compassion should read it; so enabling him/herself to better understand the whole thing and maybe help put the pieces of the puzzle together. I really want to say thank you so much for caring to all those that get to empathize with the animals and me, innocent, silent, powerless victims in this story. Actually what is described in ispy is completely related to the birth of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation –which is described in this webpage. They’re 2 different chapters of the same story.

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