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On June 04, right after I sent a Facebook message containing the link to the RESMA story for the month of May, Facebook banned 2 of the COSMA’s websites: https://guardian-angels.orgfree.com and the website that contains the RESMA blog, which is https://prjsmac.orgfree.com. Any post or message via Facebook containing either of those 2 addresses will be deleted from Facebook. As far as I have found out, there’s virtually nothing you can do to get those addresses unbanned. A more detailed account of the story is at: https://guardian-angels.orgfree.com/en/communiques/c0004_two_cosma_websites_banned_by_facebook.html.

Cat Tabaco on top of the laundry area's sink, his front, right leg lifted Luckily, he can manage to go around with only 3 legs. I really hope for him to get cured soon!

On June 11, I realized Tabaco was walking lamely. I expected him to get healed soon , but the end of the month came and he’s not healed completely yet. He now seems to be feeling better though. “Signals” appeared throughout the month make me believe that his injury was caused by a homo sapiens sapiens.

A badly wounded, sad, white dog My God! In this picture, you can see that she's still living out of a miracle.

On Sunday June 16 at breakfast time, I felt a strong smell of rotten flesh at don Joselito’s shanty. I checked around and found a dead fish in the area where the old kitchen used to be. At lunch time, the smell was still there; although I had thrown the dead fish far away. I checked again around and found a dog very badly wounded and really stinky underneath the laundry area’s sink. I realized she was beyond my helping capacity because her wounds were badly infected, full of worms (the worms had carved a hole into her ear), dripping blood, and especially because there was no money for the vet. But still I could feed her; so I went home to bring some food, but when I came back, she was gone. Two days later on Tuesday the 18 at lunch time, the smell was there again. I checked around and she was in the shower room, next to the laundry area’s sink. I gave her some food right away. She ate and then went away again. I met her when I was going home and she approached me. I went back to don Joselito’s and she followed me. I put some food where she could find it and she stayed in the shower room. I went home and couldn’t help crying when telling the story to don Agustín (a neighbor who was visiting) and feeling so much impotence. At dinner time, she wasn’t at don Joselito’s. I haven’t seen her since then. Latest news I heard about her: that she was taken to the vet by a group of girls. I really, really hope she’s o.k. now!

On June 25, I noticed that Flor had gotten infected with scabies. Again there was no money for the vet; so I could only use the home remedy that somebody recommended me. It’s the fifth RESMA cat already that gets the sickness. 2 (Fausto and Gordis) died and 2 (Manchitas and Nieves) got healed. I really hope that Flor gets healed soon, but it’s the end of the month and she’s only getting worse. I feel really, really saddened about this situation of impotence. She doesn’t deserve the fate she’s getting. She’s so cute and is the second littlest one right now.

The most recent count says that, to date, Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation’s members are: 4 female kitties (Flor, Luna, Manchitas, and Mis), 2 female, adult cats (Nieves and Tigresa), 1 male, adult cat (Tabaco), 1 female, adult dog (Mariposa), 4 chicks, a rooster, and I. It has been such a beautiful experience for me. I feel so humbled and full of joy by having the chance to help these poor creatures so much in need. I would feel highly blessed and honored if God gave me the opportunity to be helping beings in need for the rest of my life.

The plates keep on disappearing. Due to “signals” appeared in the month of June, there’s now no doubt in my mind that they have been trying to send “signals” via the plates, which I don’t know what they mean. Why do they do it in that way? It’s unknown to me.

Threats, harassment, and intimidation have kept on coming in many different ways this month.

Green line A black, closed, very strong, 2 wings, wooden door A good way to represent secrecy and unmeasurable power.

Keep this word in mind: secret societies. It’s the key word associated with RESMA, Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation and COSMA‘s problems. That’s the conclusion I have come to. I read the Wikipedia definition of secret societies and I see it as rather vague and far from what I can conclude from books and articles and from COSMA's history. However, here’s Wikipedia’s secret societies definition link for just in case anybody wants to take a read at it: ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_society ).

Why would secret societies want to infiltrate COSMA or make it disappear?

COSMA is going to be a big organization in the future. Secret societies control the biggest organizations of the planet. Besides, COSMA’s objectives partly go in a direction opposite to secret societies. That’s where infiltration comes about: in order to control COSMA and deviate it towards serving their private interests.

Secret societies (according to what I have read about it and to my calculations) control the money in the world and the governments of the planet and they care nothing about the oppressed (the poor and animals). On the contrary, they are the oppressors. COSMA wants to be the voice of the people of God and is the voice of the Guardians of the Universe. Those who get benefitted from the oppression are the owners of the capital; that’s to say: secret societies. It’s obvious that the Guardians of the Universe are not going to want COSMA to be an agent of secret societies in their oppression of the weak. On the contrary they are going to want COSMA to be the liberators of the oppressed. COSMA has the responsibility of interpreting those wishes of the Guardians of the Universe. We have to be the voice precisely of those that secret societies are tyrannizing. That’s where things are.

Notice that secret societies have had access to my computer files (via hacking) since many years ago. In order to get a better picture of what is happening around operation emissaryhood, it’s necessary to read An Intergalactic Spy: ispy, which will see the light as soon as possible.

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