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Brown cat, Tabaco, sitting on top of the laundry area's sink, only one front leg fully resting on the sink He can't use his right, front leg much. I love him dearly.

At the end of June, I thought Tabaco was recovering from the injury that has him lame, but the end of July came and he’s still lame. I feel terribly sorry for him, but can’t do anything because there’s no money to take him to the vet. At times he seems to be getting better, though very slowly.

Gray kitty, Mis, posing for the picture An angel who is now giving tons of love to whoever is taking care of her. I dearly miss her.

On July 20 at about 6:30PM, I spotted Mis wandering kind of far from don Joselito’s. I worried a lot because she’s so little, but the most I could do was grab her and take her back to the shanty. Half an hour later, same story again. I could only put her back and worry a lot. Next day for breakfast, she was missing. It’s the end of the month already and there is no sign of her. She’s probably being held at somebody’s house where she can have a better life than at the shanty.

I had become very fond of her because she was so loving. She used to wait for me every day midway between my home and don Joselito’s, and when she saw me, she would run out to meet me. I thought it was something very uncommon for such a small kitty and I would feel very touched by her beautiful everyday gesture. I do really hope she’s being treated right.

Beautiful Flor seems to be recovering from the scabies that she contracted last month (see June 25, 2019). I was treating her with some home remedy that had worked for others, but it was not working for her. She was only getting worse by the day. Then, somebody recommended me another home remedy, which I’m using now and the results have been better. It’s a slow recovery, but she seems to be getting better, thanks God.

7 plates on top of the laundry area's sink with female cat, Nieves, for background These are RESMA's animals' plates. So precious assets to us.

In order to solve the problem of the continuous disappearance of the plates, I now carry the cats’ plates home and back to don Joselito’s 3 times a day. I started doing that after I spotted some “signals” that I didn’t consider normal at all.

This month, I’m still feeling threats, harassment, and intimidation coming in many different forms and shapes in COSMA’s direction. I wish it were just my imagination, but unfortunately it’s as real as you and me.

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How is COSMA going to liberate the poor and animals from the oppression we’re being victims of?

6 goats being kept tied up downtown while traffic and people pass by Nobody, except for a few dreamers, thinks animals are being enslaved.

I don’t know, but I do know it’s something that has to be done. However, it’s so huge an undertaking that there’s time to think about the how.

But what is more urgent: oppressed people or oppressed animals? For me, the answer must be in who has been the more oppressed. But the truth is both endeavors are equally urgent and both require a lot of time to be accomplished. The best way is probably deal with both issues simultaneously. It’s not going to be easy and it’s going to take ages to be accomplished, but it’s something that has to be done no matter what. It’s even more complicated if we consider that people are, too, the oppressors of animals.

So far, we have some ideas that might be helpful in the future, which can be read about in these 2 links: https://future-of-humanity.orgfree.com/english/notes/cosmas_vegan_vision_as_of_2019.html and https://future-of-humanity.orgfree.com/english/about.html.

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God will help us

A huge, beautiful spaceship in space Trying to imagine the technology of Heaven. I'm pretty sure we're falling short.

Now that our websites have been expelled from Facebook, the possibilities for COSMA to advance have been severely damaged. That is how weak we are compared to COSMA's enemies. But again, we have no choice other than keep on going with God’s help because we can’t allow ourselves to fail the the planet.

There have to be ways to promote COSMA’s work other than Facebook; we have to keep on searching other social networks. Perhaps those who already know what COSMA is can help us. Those who believe in God know that God will thank them for being part of His plan for the future of the planet; and those who don’t believe know that the probabilities for our story to be true are good (or should I say very high).

The intent of emissaryhood operation is to help the planet in the way COSMA's initiators think it has to be helped. The success of this plan for the future of the planet will depend not on a person in isolation but on the planet as a whole, including Facebook. I, Ramón Darío Marín, want to ratify my determination to put all my heart into doing my part of the work like a worker ant. So help me God!

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