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Brown cat Muñeco sitting on a wooden plank Muñeco de Jesús (a.k.a Tabaco Cuellar Chacón). For about a year I was sure that he was don Joselito's.

On Saturday August 03, I learned that Tabaco’s name is not Tabaco and that he’s not one of don Joselito’s orphans. This is the story:

I was giving dinner to the cats at about 6:00PM, when a little old lady came by. She said hi and came into the cat’s feeding space; then she asked me if a yellow cat was there. I said yes and showed her Tabaco. She said it was her cat whose name was Muñeco. I almost couldn’t believe it, but was very pleased to hear that he had a home. We talked for a while and she told me that when Muñeco had been injured above his left eye (see April 7, 2019 and May 26, 2019), she had told her children to help her cure him and they answered “No, he deserves it for going away!”

Muñeco with Nieves and Browny on the old kitchen's table He was probably being fed by don Joselito too, because he was very fond of animals.

I feel very joyful that I could help him at that time because he had a really bad wound, which I didn’t know how to treat. He would probably have died, had I not taken him to the vet. It was such a relief to know he has somebody else who loves him. It feels kind of funny that I can’t call him Tabaco anymore.

Update on Muñeco: the end of August came and he hasn’t come back after that day when I talked to the little old lady. I was thinking about going to the house where she told me she lives in order to enquire about him, but then I didn’t have to go because she came by and told me that he had not gone back to her house either since that day when we had been talking. She said that he had probably been poisoned because 2 other cats in the neighborhood had gone through that same fate. I hope her guess is not right and I also hope that he comes back because I really love him. I was always very sorry for and worried about him because he had many injuries. I really don’t know what was happening in his life, but I just feel that some things don’t add up. I can’t help seeing the hand of evil homosapiens sapiens in Muñeco’s story.

2 hens eating corn at the back of the shanty and a cat passing by The hens and chickens get along very well with the cats. Mariposa behaves too.

On about August 11, I realized that there were only 2 chicks left. I felt really sorry for them because now it was only 2 of them; and I felt sorry for the others because it’s obvious that they had a tragic fate. I don’t know what exactly happened to them, but some months ago, I saw a dog running away with a chick in his mouth. I couldn’t do anything because he was too far, plus it was too late already as I could guess. It’s so sad seeing them vanish knowing what happened to them. May they rest in the peace of the lord!

When the end of august came, another chick showed up with a squad of newborn chicks. It was very strange that I didn’t see her during all this time. I felt touched by the view of the family; although I have to recognize that I’d like to be able to do birth control on the chickens, but I haven’t been able to guess where it is that they lay their eggs.

I’m very glad to report that Flor looks a lot better than last month. I think she’s almost completely recovered from the scabies she got 2 months ago (see June 25, 2019). She doesn’t look as healthy as she looked when she came here, but I love her a lot. She became very elusive with me because I had to catch her every day to put her the medicine and she’s very shy with the other cats: she likes to play only with Manchitas from time to time.

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As time goes by, I’m becoming more and more worried about what is going to happen with RESMA’s animals[*] because the economic hardship is hitting us badly. In the meantime, I’m doing big efforts to fix 2 of the COSMA’s websites ( https://guardian-angels.orgfree.com and https://prjsmac.orgfree.com ), which are dysfunctional at some extent, in spite of all the time we have devoted to them. It’s not being easy and it’s taking me too long, but that needs to get done in order for us to be able to try and get some help somehow. Another thing we’re going to have to do is create COSMA after fixing the websites. That’s also probably going to take a lot of time, which means that the writing of An Intergalactic Spy is going to have to be on stand-by for longer than expected. We’re having lots of difficulties, but this is the pure history of COSMA. WE WILL BE BORN SOMEDAY AND GROW TO THE SIZE OF AN ENTERPRISE CAPABLE OF GENERATING CHANGES IN THE WORLD, because so God Wants it; and when that happens, COSMA's history will matter.

We get up at 5:00AM every day and immediately we start work on RESMA’s affairs[**], some light housework, grooming and breakfast. We finish those activities at about 9:00AM and immediately we start work on the websites until 12:00PM; from 12:00PM to 2:00PM, RESMA’s affairs, lunch, and some light housework; from 2:00PM to 5:00PM, work on the websites; from 5:00PM on, RESMA,s affairs, dinner, and some light housework. That means that at the moment we’re working on the websites only 6 hours a day. That only about 6 days a week because one morning about once a week we go to town and one afternoon about once a week we cook some vegan food (which RESMA’s animals partly eat too). This is the explanation of why we’re going so slowly. But I have no doubt in my mind that God knows what he’s doing and that time is going to be enough to accomplish Gods will in terms of His plan for the future of the planet.

Disclaimer: When I say “we,” I mean God and I; because so far, we're the only COSMA's members, besides the animals.

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  • * Saint Michael Archangel Shelter (Refugio San Miguel Arcángel) is an animal shelter that wants to be created as a subsidiary of Project Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation: prjSMAC. It started about a year ago after don Joselito Cuellar Chacón’s death (read full story here). We are kind of working without having been born yet, but we will be born as soon as we have the funds and the time for that to happen.

  • ** RESMA's affairs at this point in history include: cooking for the animals, delivering the food to the animals, heating up the food for the animals (which I keep on the refrigerator), giving the birth control injections to the animals, applying medications when needed, playing with them, etc.

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