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On September 04 at breakfast time, there was an injured cat among the pack: it was Luna who had her left eye’s lower eyelid destroyed; with even a piece of eyelid still sticking out (see picture). Her eye was still good, though. It’s unbelievable that it didn’t suffer any damage while her eyelid was in such condition. I don’t know how that happened. I felt so much sorrow because it doesn’t make any sense what happened to her nor the look of the injury. As soon as I could, I put on some of the cream that prevents worms from appearing. She bit me softly, so I was not worried; but next day, I tried to put the cream again and she bit me so hard that I was really scared and didn’t try again. I knew she had to be taken to the vet, but again there was no money.

“Signals” appeared make me be 99% sure that the injury was purposely caused by homosapiens sapiens: no long after the date of the injury, I received threatening, intimidatory “signals” via Whatsapp, which I consider as unmistakably coming from secret societies acknowledging responsibility for the terrorist acts. What else can we expect from that evil organization (see April 2019, May 2019, and June 2019)! Obviously, there’s no authority that I can go to with this story; firstly due to the fact that they’re not fools at all as for leaving loose ends; secondly because it’s obvious that they have full control of all the authorities; but most important of all is the fact that nobody cares about animals.

It’s undeniable that there’s a strong relationship between Luna’s injury and Tabaco’s story (see April 7, 2019; May 26, 2019; and August 03, 2019). If divine justice exists, sooner than later the culprits will have what they deserve.

Thanks God, by the end of the month, Luna’s eyelid was almost completely cured and her eye nearly normal. I felt pure joy and elation when I realized the piece of eyelid that she had sticking out had disappeared.

Don Joselito Cuellar Chacón with a hat, looking at the camera. He's having breakfast Don Joselito was a real animal lover. People would give him animals, which he was ready to accept.

September 20 marked the 1st anniversary of don Joselito’s death (see September 2018). May he be in the peace of the Lord! Everything was normal on that day, thanks God. It’s been a year of happiness and suffering trying to help the needy animals and a year of COSMA being almost a reality. It has also been a year of advancing slowlier with COSMA’s projects but that is the way it had to be: the more work the emissary has got, the slowlier he can work.

I’ve heard that somebody is coming to live in the shanty soon. I can only hope for the animals to continue to be allowed to stay there. If that wasn’t the case, RESMA doesn’t have the capacity to take them anywhere else. May God help us by enlightening the new inhabitants of the shanty so these poor martyrs, so much in need, have a place to stay!

Threats, harassment, and intimidation keep on coming from secret societies. They’re the axis of evil and we are the axis of God. He will protect us.

The plates keep on disappearing. This time it was the cats’ water container. Since RESMA started, plates have disappeared at a rate of about 1 per month. I recently had confirmation that it's literally a "signal."

Green line 2 kitties inside a hat and a sign that reads: 'On behalf of God Almighty; thank you, thank you, thank you.' The future will have no doubt that God made the right choice when putting the future of the planet in your hands, guys and girls.

We must not forget to thank the persons who, in one way or another, have helped Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: Orlando Ramos, my friend from Universidad de Caldas; my neighbors, doña Patricia Muñoz, doña Rosalba, and doña Luz Emilia; doña Nelly Cuellar Chacón, don Joselito’s siter; my brother-in-law, Mario Reyes; my sister-in-law, Fany Castaño; my nephew, Robinson Marín; my cousin, Augusto Trujillo, and his wife; my brothers, Alberto Marín and Ovidio Marín; my sisters, Nelcy Marín and Rosal Marín.

Were it not for my friend, Orlando Ramos, there wouldn’t be any money to buy the food for RESMA,s animals; were it not for doña Nelly, who has granted me the permission to continue feeding the animals in the shanty that she inherited from don Joselito, COSMA wouldn’t be in the state of almost reality that it is today; were it not for my siblings, Alberto, Ovidio, and Nelcy, I wouldn’t have a place to live nor food to eat; were it not for my brother, Ovidio, my nephew, Robinson, and my sister-in-law, Fany, I wouldn’t have a computer and a cellphone; thank you so much to my sisters Rosal and Nelcy who cook the food. That way, I can have more time to advance COSMA's projects (of course I help back with the housework as much as I can).

I hope I’m not forgetting anybody. Thank you, thank you, thank you on behalf of God almighty. He and history will know better how to reward you all for all the valuable help that you have given Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation. Now we all know you guys are on God’s side.

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