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A bird ready for takeoff with a body of water for background Taking off won't be easy, but it will happen sooner or later. Image by Momentmal from Pixabay.

Very little to nothing was advanced in the month of July in relation to the creation of Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA due to the computer problems we had last month (see June 2020), but the important things that have to be decided are already thought about (next step is to put them in writing) because I have been reflecting on them for several years and also because... That makes me confident that, in spite of any problems that we can encounter, COSMA will take off soon and success will be just a matter of time.

I see this blog (which just popped up without having been planned) as a great blessing because it’s being a very positive way for bringing the good news that COSMA is being born. It’s also important to emphasize that this organization being born soon is a plan for the future of the planet. This might not be understood at this point, but there will come a time when there will be no doubt whatsoever about it (see #intergalactic_spy). Have you ever wondered why such a pauperized and average person is undertaking such a mission? Just think how it would have been if a rich genius had been the chosen one. God works in strange ways! We, the people living at this point in history, are having the privilege to be not only spectators in this big coliseum but also direct participants, because our team has room for all players wanting to come and play with us.

A man with an animal right sign hanging from his neck and many other animal right signs around him I really think the cause of animal rights is not advancing at all. Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash.

COSMA will be an organization that will lead projects in the areas that we consider need change. The first project that we have to start with is a vegan research project that is expected to have an impact in the global war for the defense of animal rights. We expect this impact to be massive (though in the long run). Whatever it takes in terms of time, resources, and effort! It’s the first thing to do. Nothing else matters at this point in history. There’s nothing wronger on Earth. There’s nothing that outrages God more. Anybody feeling compassion would agree with this statement.

There are already organizations in the world devoted to fighting for animal rights, but we feel that we’re not advancing at all. We don’t feel that enough is being done. We will commit to that endeavor not resting until we achieve a global change of heart. Nothing will stop us. Nothing will be worth anything until liberation of the innocent gets to be achieved on the whole planet (however long it takes). It won’t matter if it becomes a war between COSMA and the carnivorous of the whole planet. We don’t have to be afraid because we know it’s the juster cause ever, and because we know God will be with us and has been with us since the very moment that He entrusted us with this mission.

COSMA believes in the “…Love one another…” commandment that was presented to us couple of thousand years ago. We were told to protect one another, but what we have been doing is enslaving one another. The most audacious taking advantage of the cleanest hearted. We think that animals are babies because they have brains that are less powerful than those of grownups. Babies have to be protected by society in special ways for obvious reasons.

Children's bulding blocks of different colors sitting unorganizedly on the floor Changing the world, one step at a time. Image by Thaliesin from Pixabay.

But that crusade can’t be taken lightly because we know such a huge undertaking is something that will take too long. Besides, we have to think with the longest term in mind, and COSMA’s long term is nothing less than eternity. Our mission is to change the planet, starting by here, Majo hamlet; so there will, in the future, be an operation the size of a planet being carried out by COSMA, whose general headquarters have to be somewhere. Why not in Majo?

COSMA has to be designed with these presumptions in mind, so before we can get started with “operation animal rights,” we have to think of a structure to help us have an impact at a global scale in the medium and long term . The first main goal is liberation of our younger brothers and sisters, animals. What can be bigger, and harder than that! But nothing else matters at this point in time, everything is superfluous and will be so until justice has been achieved for the innocent. In short, we have to create the future structure of COSMA, before we can start with the defense of animal rights. How will we do that? With the help of God almighty, Orlando Ramos, Mario Reyes, Lucero Trujillo, Alberto Marín, Ovidio Marín, etc. God is asking us for this much needed help and He will thank us for eternity. How long will it take for "operation animal rights" to be completed? Don't worry, I know; but just think that COSMA is intended to exist for eternity.

This month, there have also been “signals,” harassment, threats, and intimidation coming in our direction.

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If the present doesn’t care, let the future know!

A boy on the water, kissing a dolphin There actually are people who treat animals right, but they don't give a hoot about the zillions that are murdered everyday for the taste of their flesh. Image by Morris Sneor from Pixabay.

I think, in the future, animals will be treated as the children / brothers / sisters of the human being and not as objects to be yelled at, ignored, sold, bought, caged, tied up, beaten up, killed to be eaten, etc.; as is the case today. That is something which is sure to happen because God gave Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation the assignment of being a generator of change for the future of the planet, so we found out that the one evil that needs most urgent attention is the animal holocaust taking place on a daily basis, on a global scale, so we won’t rest until the whole planet has reached the era of animal liberation.

There are many people today who treat animals right, but the majority sees and treats them as objects and even abuse them; besides, the amount of people that support the thriving industry of enslavement and murdering of animals is (according to some sources) between 95% and 99% of the world’s population.

With the purpose of telling the future the way we treat animals today, I want to try and write some short animal stories from around where I live (one at a time), warning future readers that there are in my time other stories that are way much more abominable.

Sister Princesa

A gray cat lying on top of a table Princesa is the friendlier of the friendlier. It's so beautiful being a friend of hers.

Her name means princess. She’s about 2 or 3 years old and as cute and loving as they come. The first time I knew about her, was when she was little. I didn’t even see her. I just heard her crying in the backyard of the house next to where I live. Her owners were gone for the weekend and had left her locked in there. She could only cry, not being able to get out.

That was the situation for about 2 weekends until one weekend, she got lost at the time they were leaving, so they went away without locking her up. That’s when I first met her. I had heard her owner (doña A) calling her by her name so I knew it. She came into the house where I live looking for food and I was so delighted seeing her eat and having her for the whole weekend with us. I remember crying while looking at her because she was still very little, so tame, and so much in need.

For the next weekend, I asked my sister, Nelcy Marín (who lives kind of across from sister Princesa’s house), to ask doña A if she (my sister) could care for sister Princesa while they were away for the weekend (I couldn’t do that myself because there had been problems between doña A’s husband and me[*]). Doña A agreed, so sister Princesa would always have a home at my sister’s for the weekends when they were away.

That was the state of affairs for some time, until one day came when doña A got pregnant. She decided that having animals around her was dangerous for the baby, so sister Princesa had to leave the house. I don’t know exactly how it happened, but the thing is that siter Princesa never again returned to doña A’s house and her old owners never again cared about her. She moved to live at my sister’s house. Fortunately, my sister had already fallen in love with her, so she was so happy that sister Princesa moved to live with her.

The behavior of this family towards sister Princesa is nothing out of the ordinary. Apparently, people have that belief about animals and they don’t care at all that they’re told on T.V. that it’s just a myth because it’s just a matter of having a little bit of care. Luckily, it’s not everybody who thinks like that. Obviously for my time, there’s no law against such an abominable behavior. Or perhaps there is, but nobody cares about enforcing it.

Doña A had a daughter about 8 years old, so her behavior towards animals was learnt by her daughter and by everybody who knew about sister Princesa’s story. Instead of feeling sorry for our poor, younger, innocent sister, Princesa; we, homo sapiens sapiens, learn that it’s normal to commit such abomination because everybody does the same thing.

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A few words to the future about these times of tragedy due to COVID-19

This month we got the regular help from our brother, Alberto. We also got some help for the bills from another brother of ours, Ovidio Marín, who lives in Bogotá; and we also got the usual help from my friend from Universidad de Caldas, Orlando Ramos, who lives in La Palma, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Little by little, step by step, one day at a time; we’re bringing COSMA from paper to real life. Thank you guys for helping God and helping COSMA. May God bless and protect you all abundantly!

A young girl with some lab tubes; a chronometer; and some small, glass, vaccine bottles More money going to the bank accounts of the owners of the capital. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

There’s a global race for the vaccine for COVID-19, with over 165 of them being developed in different laboratories of the world. This month, there was the news that before the end of the year, they will have several of them ready. Some countries have already ordered hundreds of millions of dosages. The World Health Organization: WHO has advocated for the vaccine to be accessible to everyone for the global public good, but what is actually happening is that governments are paying zillions for the vaccines and somebody is filling their bank accounts. One of the companies already announced that its vaccine will have a cost of between 50 and 60 dollars for the 2-dosage treatment. Minimum wage in Colombia is about 236.95 dollars a month.

On July 23, a top United Nations’ official proposed a temporary basic income for the world’s people living below or just above the poverty line in 132 developing countries. The idea would be to slow COVID-19 by allowing more people to stay at home and benefiting 2.7 billion people.

Death toll for COVID-19 as of July 31, 2020 has been: worldwide, over 680,000; in the USA, over 156,000; in Colombia, over 10,000; and in Garzón, there have been 58 COVID-19 cases so far and 3 deaths.

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  • * This is what happened with doña A's husband: I was working on my computer on March 31, 2017; when I heard the dog of the neighbors next door, Sassy; crying really sadly and loud. I went out to see what was happening and I saw doña A's husband who was hanging Sassy with a leash or chord from a narrow brick tower in the front yard. While Sassy was howling, he was looking at the dog in the eyes without any remorse whatsoever. I came back in to get my cell phone to record the incident, thinking about showing it to the police or something and in the meantime my sister told him not to do that in front of us and he replied by saying: “I’m not doing it in front of you, it was you that wanted to come out.” Before I got my cellphone camera to work (I had never used it in video mode before), he had finished his punishment. I did talk to the police later to see what could be done and they gave me a phone number that I had to call when a new abuse should be happening. I never called because Sassy disappeared soon afterwards.

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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