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We apologize for this month issue of Saint Michal archangel Universal corporation: COSMA's blog is being published late due to the fact that my computer burnt out recently. An account of this incident is included below.

A very important story to understand what is going on:

There’s a neighbor dog who accompanies us when feeding RESMA animals almost always. His name is Azabache and his owner’s name is doña Olga. On June 03, at about 6:30 in the morning, I was giving breakfast to don Joselito’s animals when, all of a sudden, Azabache came bleeding real bad. The bleeding was from about his neck as I could see. He bled so bad that I really thought he had been stabbed. I thought so, not only because of the abundant bleeding but also because there had been some “signals” couple of days before that made me think so. Obviously I didn’t know what to do nor did I have any money to take him to the vet.

After feeding the animals, I went to tell doña Olga (the dog’s owner) and also to follow the drops of blood in order to see where the crime had taken place. The trail of fresh blood took me to doña Lucila’s house’s door (Doña Lucila is an aunt of the relatives of don Joselito who live in his house), but it went even further up to a house (about 100 meters away) that has been uninhabited for years. There, the trail didn’t went in. It just stayed on the street, ending with a good many drops of blood, showing that Azabache had stayed at that spot for a moment.

A lonely street. Arrows point to the houses of several people It's usually lonely at breakfast; except for doña Miriam who is almost always sweeping the street at that time.

From the trail of fresh blood, we can draw 2 hypotheses:

  1. The wound was caused at doña Lucila’s door and then the dog was taken to the dead end in front of the uninhabited house, he was kept there for a moment and released there.

  2. The wound was caused in front of the uninhabited house, the dog was kept there bleeding for some time and then released. He went walking to doña Lucila’s house, he walked up to the door and then he went to where I was feeding the animals.

Long story short, I think hypothesis #1 doesn’t make any sense and I believe hypothesis #2 is correct. With that said, let’s try to think about who did it.

When I was about to take a shower, I happened to think that I had to call the police and so I did by dialing 123 (supposedly the emergency number), but there was no answer (apparently it only works for Bogotá)[1]. Then I dialed the number of the quadrant[2] that Majo belongs to and my cell phone ran out of minutes, so I had to buy more minutes until they answered again. When the police came, one of them heard doña Miriam’s version first and then he heard mine (doña Miriam was sweeping the street when Azabache came bleeding). Then he heard doña Olga’s version, which was that it had not been a stab but a little scratch on the tip of Azabache’s ear. She showed us a little scratch on Azabache’s ear.

The police said more or less that that was it and he had no time to stay longer because there was a demonstration in town, which was the priority at the moment.

It’s important to note that before the police came, I noticed that the blood had been washed, but the dog still had some blood on his neck. When the police came, the dog was shown to them, but he had been washed again very recently, so he had no blood whatsoever. It is unknown to me who washed the abundant blood from Azabache’s jaw and how doña Olga concluded that it had been that little scratch. Doña Olga lives only with her husband whose name is unknown to me yet.

Another important clue is that ever since I first met Azabache (about 18 months ago), he had had a red, cloth ribbon tied around his neck. About 2 or 3 days before his “stabbing,” the ribbon had been taken off.

Another important clue is that when I went following the trail up to the uninhabited house, there was an old man in the front yard. I told him while inspecting the blood: “Azabache was stabbed” and he replied: “Maybe you were the one who did it?”

Another important clue is that in the evening, when I was feeding don Joselito’s animals, Yubeli’s boyfriend approached me saying: “why are you telling people that I stabbed Azabache. Somebody told me you’re telling people that.” Thanks to viperous tongues, I was close to ending up beaten up, like they have done to me 6 times: 3 in Manizales (2012) and 3 in Garzón (December 2013 - January 2014), see #intergalactic_spy.

And so on and so forth…

A very little dummy under a tennis shoe They trample on us, little people, as much as they want... with total impunity. Photo by James Pond on Unsplash.


I really think Azabache’s wound was caused by a homo sapiens sapiens and not accidentally as some have said. And it just doesn’t make any sense for somebody to hurt a dog just for the heck of it. There had to have a purpose. From there, we can conclude that only secret societies would do something like that; probably with the intention to study somebody’s behavior and / or send a threat / message / ”signal” to somebody. I have realized that’s one of their modus operandies. On top of that, they had probably studied the dog’s behavior, so they knew he would probably attempt to go into his house or doña Lucila’s house before going to where the cats were feeding, so incriminating the wrong person and making us put our foot in our mouth (which was what almost happened). The wound was caused exactly at the time the cats were being fed in the morning, for a reason. Anyways, we can conclude that it was secret societies who did it because nobody else would commit such abomination. Why would they do something like that? We are entitled to think that it was a “signal” to us, plus they were probably studying us at the expense of the blood of an innocent.

On June 19, we started the process of creation of COSMA. The most difficult decision about it is whether to make it a foundation, corporation, private enterprise, etc. The goal is to bring COSMA's vision to life. That means we have to study carefully all laws and regulations about foundations, corporations, companies, etc. because we can’t afford to hire a professional to help us make that decision, plus there’s no way that we can completely trust a professional, due to the reasons that will be expounded in the next 2 paragraphs (may God help us!).

A very little newborn bird on a big background We're too little to defend ourselves. COSMA members will have a hard time doing so. Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash.

The second most difficult thing is to neutralize infiltration, obstruction, and God knows what else by secret societies. Those are problems impossible to avoid, so we have to take measures since the very moment of creation to ensure that the guidelines set at the beginning are not pushed aside. COSMA is intended to be around for eternity. What the agents of secret societies will do of this organization in the future is out of our reach; that’s why we have to ensure that when they infiltrate us, we are as shielded and armored as possible. We have to make sure that the future will be aware of the presence of infiltration by agents of the axis of evil. We will have to do all what it takes to make sure that the inhabitants of the future don’t let secret societies annihilate us or use us to achieve their goals, which are controlling all governments, big organizations, and big business structures in order to own (or have control of) the wealth of the entire planet for their own private, selfish, and evil interests.

Infiltration is impossible to avoid because secret societies have the capacity to control everything around you if they want to / need to. What I have seen is that secret societies have everything around COSMA completely ready for harassment, threats, intimidation, infiltration, obstruction, and God knows what else. Things have been set up in a way such that there won’t be any way for us to avoid infiltration even at the very moment of creation (they have all fronts covered). We’re going to have a hard time. May God help us!

A white, adult cat looking rather sad Oh God! It's such a beautiful feeling helping somebody so much in need.

On June 26, a new white, male, adult, cat appeared at dinner time. He started crying very sadly, right when I was feeding RESMA’s animals, so I shared their food with him and he ate showing that he was starving. While he was eating, I remembered that, some weeks ago, Shaira had told me that an aunt of hers had brought her a white cat that looked very much like Nieves, whose name was Nieves, too (there’s a white cat at don Joselito’s named Nieves); so I’ll call him Nieves 2. I noticed that he was very tame and friendly. It was so beautiful seeing his very-calm state of mind after he ate. I went home feeling very sorry for him and next day he was near the house where I live, being chased by dogs and showing signs that he was like stranded. I felt terribly bad about him, so I thought I’d try to show him the way towards where the other animals stay (near don Joselito’s), but I didn’t have to do that because in a couple of days he found out on his own. Now we always put an extra plate at the table, he’s there 3 times a day, and we have a new son. May God bless and protect him abundantly!

On June 28, my computer didn’t want to work. Long story short, I tried to fix it myself (as I had done many times in the past) and it burnt out, in such a way that it was rendered unfixable. It was such a terrible thing to happen to COSMA and me. I was completely desolate because now I didn’t have a way to continue with the projects. I thought it was unbelievable that something like that was happening to a bunch of projects that had been initiated with the purpose to help the planet as a whole. But I still had some hope left because some relatives of mine had given me the advice to do a fundraising campaign, which I was preparing to do.

That was the state of affairs when all of a sudden I was hit by a piece of news that took me completely aback: my brother-in-law, Mario Reyes, had decided to give his computer away to me, his only computer he had, he had decided to give to me. I felt completely embarrassed and shocked, but obviously you’re not supposed to refuse a hand when you’re drowning. I can no less than feeling indebted to him. I can’t help thinking that it’s some help he’s giving not only to me but to God Himself. He commiserated with God, COSMA, and me. May God bless and protect him abundantly!

There have been too many “signals,” harassment, threats, and intimidation this month, but it never surprises me because I know that the fight is literally between God and secret societies for the future of the entire planet.

Pervasiveness of secret societies in Majo, in Garzón, in whatsapp, and in Facebook is such that nobody would ever be able to stay sane, being so surrounded by so much mob[3] absolutely everywhere, for real and online[4]. Literally, what keeps us going is the greatness of God, because He obviously knows how to do His job. This is not easy to describe, but I will try to (at least the part related to God) in #intergalactic_spy; as for the part related to the penetration of secret societies, I’m afraid that it escapes my capacity for writing and my knowledge of the truth, plus let us not forget that we’re dealing with (by my estimates) the most powerful, dangerous, ancient, secret, elusive, and criminal organization (because it all comes down to one giant organization) to ever exist on the face of the planet. However, I will try to do my best. I estimate that the truth about what happens with secret societies will be known in the future, but not anytime soon.

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A few words to the future about these times of tragedy due to COVID-19

This month, we got the regular help from our brother, Alberto, and we also got some help for the bills, from a cousin of ours. Her name is Lucero Trujillo and she lives in Manizales (Colombia). Thank you guys for your big heart. Thank you Orlando Ramos, too, who always remembers COSMA. May God bless and protect you all abundantly!

2 people singing outside a marketplace. Some people are around Many are not deterred by fear of Coronavirus. I have no information on whether or not people are being helped. The government says we are.

As of June 30, 2020, we’re still quarantined in Colombia and we will continue to be so for a long time. There are some so called “exceptions” to the quarantine, which means the people who can go out to work or do stuff outside of their homes. Many sectors of the economy haven’t been allowed to reopen as of June 30, 2020. Recently, some sectors of some cities where numbers have increased were put in full quarantine with permission virtually only to buy or sell food. However, fumigation in Garzón and in Majo is over already. I guess their budget ran out. There are politicians advocating for a full quarantine, but I think this would be absolutely wrong since it’s impossible for any country on Earth to bear the inactivity of everybody.

I’m thinking that perhaps I was very naïve when I thought there were people starving in Colombia (see May 2020), because there was a day exempt of value-added tax (VAT), countrywide on June 19 and sales were over 5 trillion pesos (that’s over 1,343,363,782 dollars at today’s change). It was a big scandal because it was too many people getting agglomerated in the middle of a pandemic. I was goggling to try and find out which articles had been the most sold that day and food items were nowhere to be found. At the very least, this is an illustration of the rampant inequality of the Colombian society. Colombia has been ranked recently among the countries with the most inequality in the whole planet.

Death toll for COVID-19 as of June 30, 2020 has been: worldwide, over 513,000; in the USA, over 130,000; in Colombia, over 3,300; and in Garzón, there has been only 12 COVID-19 cases so far, with zero deaths.

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  1. There used to be a phone number in Colombia similar to the 911 of the United States. It was the 112 and it functioned for the whole country. I recall myself using it a couple of times. Some years ago, they changed it for a system of quadrants and the number 123.

  2. The cities and towns are divided by quadrants, every quadrant has a cell phone number. In order for you to call the police, you have to know the number of the quadrant you live in and have minutes in your cell phone. If you don’t have any minutes, you just can’t call.

    Update: This month, there’s talk in the news that they’re going to change the system of quadrants in Bogotá for another system.

  3. Sometimes I feel that absolutely everybody in Majo and Garzón is an agent of secret societies, but it’s more probable that it’s only part of the population. However, I think the maxim “reality always surpasses fiction” could apply here. Whichever the case, it’s the future of the entire planet that will get affected by that domination of secret societies in the areas (real and virtual) that COSMA “operates” in. Since I have felt persecution from secret societies since many years ago, I constantly have the feeling that they’re going to do something against us and there are things I know I just can’t do because of fear of this axis of evil.

    A disclaimer: ultimately, I know nothing about how secret societies work. I, honestly, have read very little about it, plus everything that is written on the topic is full of disinformation because it’s produced by secret societies themselves.

  4. COSMA at this point is just my family. I estimate that some other COSMA members are living similar harassment, threat, and intimidation situations, besides me. I have seen some signs of it happening, but obviously nobody dares to talk about it.

  5. www.pulzo.com. 01/02/2018. Retrieved June 27, 2020. (https://www.pulzo.com/economia/colombia-entre-paises-desiguales-mundo/PP432012).

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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