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Another lame animal at don Joselito’s (see Lucha in September 2018 and March 2019). This time it’s a rooster. I first noticed his handicap at the beginning of May. It makes me really sad to see him walking like that, knowing that it seems that was done to him on purpose. It’s impossible to know who broke his leg, but we don’t need to know because obviously the only suspect is secret societies. I haven’t made up my mind in terms of giving him a name because I think he will just vanish soon, as well as the others.

Note: in fact, the lame rooster didn´t show up for breakfast on May 29; and he hasn’t reappeared after that. "Signals" appeared recently leave me no doubt that his desappearance and his handicap were caused by secret societies.

Hens and roosters disappear constantly and also newborn chicks show up and start to grow. I haven’t been able to spot where hens lay their eggs in order to do some birth control on them. Although I don’t think I can do that because they’re owned by don Joselito’s heirs.

A desktop wireless network card on a background of the field behind don Joselito's I'm just telling for just in case the future cares. Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay.

It’s being very difficult to advance the affairs of Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA because the internet signal is really awful. It works only by hours, so I have to try and do as much as I can without internet and keep on checking to see if there’s any signal. I can’t do anything about it by the time being because my diagnosis is that I need a new Network Interface Card, which, as of yet, I can’t afford. But as the crow flies, I can say that I’m working every day on COSMA’s affairs and that by the beginning of June 2020, I will start the creation of COSMA, which I expect not to take more than 3 or 4 months (perhaps less if I cross fingers). Since that’s going to cost some money, it’s going to be a problem that will have to be overcome with God’s help. Hopefully, the quarantine and the pandemic won't get in our way. As for the writing of #intergalactic_spy, it will be resumed right when the creation of COSMA gets to be a fact.

Threats, harassment, and intimidation were the order of the day this month. Secret societies definitely are merciless criminals.

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A few words to the future about these times of tragedy due to COVID-19

A wooden dummy lying on top of some stones with a stone on its back Who doesn't get depressed when he encounters difficulties! Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay.

This month, God didn’t forget about us: my brother, Alberto, sent us the help he has been sending us for many years (despite that he had said he would probably not have a chance to do it) and my brother, Ovidio, sent us, too, some money to help us pay the bills. It was such a relief after a month of wondering what we were going to do in terms of food and bills. It’s unbelievable that Alberto could manage to help us because things up there have been uglier than here. He’s really a hero[1]. On Monday May 11, God remembered us again, we got a bag of groceries, coming from the Junta de Acción Comunal (Community Action Council)[2] of Majo hamlet. Thank you God for all the blessings we got; and thank you Junta de Acción Comunal, Ovidio, and Alberto. May God bless and protect you all!

Lonely entrance of a public market Garzón's public market. People are let in, only depending on the last digit of their ID.

I really don’t know what is going on in terms of food in the rest of the country (let alone the world). Our neighbors in the hamlet of Majo seem to be doing ok[3]. Colombian media reports sometimes show people around the country being delivered food and some other times they show people saying they’re starving, but it’s hard to know what is actually going on because we (at least me) already know that secret societies control mass media (especially the news). At first glance, there’s a couple of big companies and many small businesses that seem to be either bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy. In Garzón, I don’t know what is going on because I can only go one morning every week and come back home quickly because I might miss the transportation. But in general terms, the quarantine is still going on, except for some economic sectors that have been given permission to work, so loosening the quarantine gradually. Loosening of the quarantine is apparently going to continue next month, but when numbers escalate up to certain levels, they will shut things down again.

Some sectors seem to completely not have hope for reopening until the pandemic has finished. However, I saw in the news, 2 days ago, that there was a survey on the internet in which the question was: Do you support for the quarantine to be continued? 72% answered, Yes; and 28% answered, No.

In my opinion, since an epidemic lasts for so long, they should be fought against by means other than the paralysis of the whole country (let alone the whole world) because people need to earn the money for food and bills. There’s no government that can pay for the food and bills of an entire country for the whole time that an epidemic lasts. A 20 or 40 day quarantine doesn’t do much in terms of prevention compared to how long epidemics last. Gengeral quarantine can’t be the only solution possible.

It’s impossible that governments and secret societies don’t know what to do, because secret societies control governments, secret societies are so old, and there was a huge pandemic with about 40 or 50 million deaths worldwide about only a century ago (the so called Spanish flu Pandemic). They must already have a view of what governments should do in a pandemic. In my view, the Colombian government and most governments of the world are acting as if nobody had the foggiest idea of what to do. I do really think quarantine in Colombia has been either a huge fiasco or a machination of secret societies[4].

A sign reading:'COMMUNITY FOOD BANK Every 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month until the COVID-19 lockdown is lifted' There was a bank food in Garzón, but I've noticed that it's not there anymore where it used to be. Image by Queven from Pixabay.

One thing that has been proven in this pandemic is the incapacity of the people (at least the Colombian people) to defend themselves. Those sectors of the economy that have been starved have protested very little to nothing either because they’re actually not starving or because the mass media and the establishment have them under control by convincing them that quarantine is the only way. I imagine that: “If I am so extremely worried (and I have been given enough for food and bills) how come those who have been starved don’t burst in anger?” And the affected are not only the poor. I think I’m missing too many of the pieces of the puzzle.

Death toll for COVID-19 as of May 31, 2020 has been: worldwide, over 373,300; in the USA, over 106,200; in Colombia, over 930; and in Garzón, there has been only 3 COVID-19 cases so far, with zero deaths.

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  1. And he’s also a martyr: In order to go to the USA, he had to leave his family (with torrents of tears in his eyes) when his children were still very little (almost 20 years ago) because the economic situation of the country was really awful; especially in his area of work in Colombia: carpentry. Today, he still supports his family economically and on top of that he supports us. He has never come back to Colombia because after the 9-11 attacks things turned really sour for immigrants in the USA.

  2. Junta de Acción Comunal (Community Action Council): it’s a non-profit civic association conformed by the inhabitants of a neighborhood or rural area. They join forces to search for solutions to the most urgent problems of their community. Every Junta de Acción Comunal has a management board, which is elected by the community every 4 years.

  3. Agriculture is one of the few economic sectors that was never shut down; and as far as I know, most of Majo’s inhabitants make a living by working in the fields and farms nearby, so I imagine they haven’t had any economic hardship due to quarantine.

  4. In Colombia, for example, they shut down all cities and towns knowing that the virus was present only in a couple of them. It can be a beginner’s mistake, though. The future will know.

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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