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Black cat, Sancho, staying in front of his cat house Sancho feels that he has found a new life. We will continue to help him for as long as we can.

So far the only hypothesis that comes to mind about secret societies causing Sancho’s appearance (see March 2020) is as follows: they choose a victim (me), they cause something to happen to that victim with total appearance of something normal, then they send the victim unmistakable signals telling him/her: “We did it.” Then, because it’s believable to the victim that they did it, s/he talks about it. Then, it looks unnatural to the readers (or hearers), so they think: “What a crackpot thought! This guy/girl is demented.” And voila! As if by magic, the credibility of the victim gets destroyed to the brim. Would secret societies do something like that in order to discredit Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation? It’s just a hypothesis. Secret societies don’t exist. Or they do?

A man helping another one climb a mountain I spent long days trying to fix that problem on my own, but was not able to. Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay.

On April 15 in a matter of minutes, somebody by the name of Jenny Brennan helped me fix the big problem I had with the project Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation's website (the menu wouldn’t work in the mobile version). I had not been able to find a way to fix it, until I found this website: glitch.com where you can get help with problems you have about .html, .css, .js, and other types of files. That means we are some 8 months ahead of schedule. That’s what took us to fix the same problem that we had with COSMA’s website. Our sincerest gratitude to Jenny and to glitch.com.

Now we have the time to get started with the creation of COSMA. That’s what we will start doing next after we fix a couple of details that need to be taken care of with the prjSMAC website. We will advance the creation of COSMA inasmuch as the quarantine let us, and then we will resume the writing of #intergalactic_spy.

Threats, harassment, and intimidation keep on coming in direction to us.

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A few words to the future about these times of tragedy due to COVID-19

Almost the whole planet has been quarantined already; in some countries for about three months and in Colombia for over a month. Since very few people have been working, almost everybody in Colombia is saying that they don’t have enough money for food. Companies are saying they don’t have money to continue paying their workers. The government has made big announcements on TV that they are giving help to people and to companies, but everybody complains that the help hasn’t come to them but to big companies. In the case of my family (which is what COSMA is so far), we got the help from my brothers, Alberto (who lives in New Jersey, USA) and Ovidio (who lives in Bogotá, Colombia), for the month of April (!May God bless and protect them!), but our brother, Alberto, warned us that he would probably not have the chance to help us for the month of May. He is living his own ordeal back there because they have been quarantined up there also. I haven’t talked to him recently, but the death toll for the United States is over 63,000 as of April 30, 2020; plus he has his own family in Manizales (Colombia) who also depends on him economically. I really don’t know what is going to happen next month in terms of food and bills. May God help us!

To make things worse, we learned on April 08 that we (my sister and I) had been upgraded (or should I say downgraded) from level I of the Colombian welfare system (SISBEN) to level III. Levels I and II get some help from the government, but level III gets very little (as far as I know). That happened apparently because we now don’t pay rent anymore since we live in the house that belongs to our siblings. The government doesn’t care that my sister and I are unemployed, and have been so for many years. Due to the fact that we were downgraded, we will also have to pay what is huge bills to us (since we’re unemployed) whenever we get sick.

As for RESMA’s animals, they have been having enough food during the pandemic because the money I use for them is some help that I get from Orlando Ramos, a friend from my college years. He has been helping me every month for the past 7 years. May God bless and protect him abundantly! COSMA is already almost a reality thanks to him.

But the truth is that the situation that my sister and I are going to be in next month is what has been happening to many people in Colombia and probably around the world since some time already. Millions upon millions of jobs have been lost in every country, most businesses are closed (churches, stadiums, and theaters too) and even some went (or are about to go) bankrupt; and there has even been news of looting, at least in Colombia.

Some days ago, they started dismounting the quarantine in some countries (including Colombia) because it’s unsustainable in the long run; even though the pandemic is just beginning in the majority of countries. Some countries seem to have the virus under control inside their territories, but in many others it’s advancing slowly but steadily. The vaccine has been said to take between 8 to 10 months more in being ready. Death toll worldwide has been over 234,000 as of April 30, 2020. In Colombia, death toll has been over 290 as of April 30, 2020.

In Garzón, the town where COSMA is being born, the first case of infection by Covid-19 was reported on April 18; fortunately it’s only 1 so far and the victim is recovering well, according to the news. There has been a lot of fumigation in town and in Majo, the hamlet where we live; and there was no public transportation to town from Majo until April 27 since the beginning of the quarantine.

There was terrible news on TV on April 28: they said that a new, very serious illness appeared in England in the middle of this pandemic. They have called it “multi-system inflammatory state” and they are still trying to determine whether it has any relationship with Covid-19. It affects children and so far there’s only a dozen cases or so.

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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