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On December 31, 2019 by lunch time; 2 of the newborn kitties (see December 09, 2019) vanished from the little cave in the thicket (by the way, the 4 of them were male). Next day, the other 2 were gone too. On January 02, Shaira found one of the black kitties and brought him to the original home: the little cave by don Joselito’s. He was apparently in good health, but I suspected his mom wasn’t feeding him well, so I tried to feed him milk, but he didn’t want to drink it. That night, it rained cats and dogs, so I feared the worst. Next day in the morning, I found him very wet and cold and tiny worms were crawling all over his body. At that point, I knew there was little that could be done for him because he wasn’t feeding from his mom. I put him inside don Joselito’s house and knew what could be waited. By lunch time, I found another of the kitties (beige kitty) inside the house with the black one. Shaira told me she had found him in a thicket nearby. Next day, January 04, I found black kitty dead and beige kitty was nowhere to be found. I buried black kitty near don Joselito’s house feeling enormously sorry for both of them. Beige kitty was in better condition than black kitty, but still he acted like he didn’t know how to feed from his mom and he didn’t want to drink the milk that I tried to feed him. At that point there was no doubt in my mind that the 4 of them had died, until couple of days later when Yubely and Shaira reported in 2 different occasions that they had seen the other black kitty and brown kitty. And this is all that has been known about the 4 of Tigresa’s babies that were born last month. May they rest in the peace of the Lord because I doubt it that any of them is alive!

January 05 was the day when the birth control shots were due for some of RESMA cats, among them Luna. As expected (see October 05, 2019), I couldn’t give the shot to Luna. I managed to get her inside the cage, but when I tried, she got violent and didn’t let me do it. We have to pray for the avocado seed method (see October 05, 2019) to work. It’s important because we’re really struggling to make ends meet.

Screenshot of a webpage. It reads: 'BUILDING SOLUTIONS TO THE BIGGEST PROBLEMS OF HUMANITY' Top part of COSMA's homepage.

On January 18, the new COSMA webpage was uploaded to the server. It’s astonishing that it took us so long (8 months) to get it done; in spite of the fact that we didn’t make it from scratch, but we simply used a template we got for free on the internet and the content we already had. The explanation for the delay is in the fact that I’m just a beginner to web development and also in the many activities that need to get done on a par with the websites (see August 2019). In any case, I’m satisfied with the result, save for some small details that still need to be taken care of. Next thing to do is fix the prjSMAC website. I hope it won’t take so long, but it’s still going to take some time. It’s something that has to get done before the creation of COSMA and before resuming the writing of #intergalactic_spy.

Marcela, don Joselito’s great-nephew, is now living at the house of the sadly now deceased, don Joselito. She moved in on January 26, 2020 with her 3 children. Yubeli, Marcela’s sister, is still living in the kitchen with José Esneider, but only temporarily.


An old, gray haired, little woman in a humble room My mother on her wheel chair next to the nativity scene.

On Monday 27, my 94-year-old mother, María Trujillo, fell terribly sick. She was taken to an emergency room early in the morning because she had convulsions and they sent her back home after prescribing some medication. They said it had been a drop in blood pressure. Next day she had the convulsions again, so we took her to the emergency room again and they sent her to another hospital. There, they put her under observation because they didn’t know what she had. Then on January 31, they said she had pneumonia and had had a cerebral infarct (which means that there was a temporary but long lack of blood supply in an area of the brain) because of the drop in blood pressure). There’s brain damage because she’s now unable to talk and apparently she lost mobility in part of her body. It’s still too soon to have a full diagnosis.

She had been in emergency room many times in the last 8 years, but had never been that bad. She has also been confined to a wheel chair since 2010, victim to arthrosis, and she’s partially deaf also because of the arthrosis. They’re treating her in the emergency room and we can only pray because we know how serious her health problems are this time around.

Mariposa is not living at don Agustín’s anymore (see November 2019). She stays for the night only every now and then, but most of the time she’s just on the street because I haven’t known of any other place that she may have found to stay. She comes to don Joselito’s for meals every day and, every now and then, I have to deliver her the food at don Agustín’s. By the way, don Agustín has a new puppy named Corinto.

3 men carrying hunting guns and dead birds; 2 dogs by the sides The attitude of those who despise of animals reminds me of hunters showing off the fruits of their crime. Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

I have been accused of feeling too much compassion for animals while not enough compassion for humans and it has been hard for me to defend myself from those accusations. Recently I stumbled into a justification for a behavior like that: somebody referred to the animals I feed (which I consider my adoptive daughters) as “those bichos.” Bichos is a very derogatory word (which means something like “bugs” or “vermin”) especially when referred to animals other than bugs (or humans). It’s not the first time they refer to them like that, which makes me feel bitterness about Homo sapiens sapiens.

Green line A Koala sleeping on a tree A koala in an animal sanctuary in Australia. Photo by Vita Vilcina on Unsplash

I recently came across an article about the differences between “animal shelter” and “animal sanctuary” and I concluded that perhaps what we need to create is (a) place(s) that function(s) as both sanctuary(ies) and shelter(s), but whatever the case, it’s going to take ages.

An animal shelter (by the American standards) is a place that takes care of animals while they are given for adoption. They’re usually community owned and run by a volunteer staff. Sometimes they’re owned by local governments. On the other hand, an animal sanctuary provides a permanent home to animals where they can live reasonably natural lives with minimal interference; animals that have been rescued from different abusive situations, sick, or saved from being slaughtered.

A woman touching a pig very gently Pigs are one of the most martyrized animal species. Photo by Ben Mater on Unsplash

Creating a shelter/sanctuary (let alone several) is something almost beyond hope for us (unless we win the lottery), but it’s something that we have to do, in order to start accomplishing COSMA’s purpose, which is fulfilling our understanding of God’s will for the future of humanity. I, Ramón Darío Marín, will advance in that direction as much as I can in what is left of my life and then, when I consider I can do no more, somebody will take over for me. I hope I have advanced something by the time my time comes.

And then comes the very long term objective regarding animals that COSMA has to pursue, which is transforming our planet in a way such that animal sanctuaries and shelters are not needed anymore. The entire planet (which belongs to animals as much as humans) turned into an animal sanctuary where the innocent (animals) and the human animal can live in peace and harmony. It’s a utopia hard to imagine that can happen, but that has to happen if we want this planet to be acceptable by God. But it will happen someday because God so wants it. Proof of that is the fact that He put a plan in place, which is intended to accomplish His will sooner or later. That plan I have called emissaryhood operation and can be read about in Intergalactic Spy: ispy.

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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