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The new don Joselito’s house is not ready to be inhabited yet, but it has been over a month that Yubely and her 18-month-old baby (José Esneider) are living there. They live in the kitchen and are waiting for the bedrooms to be ready so they can inhabit one of them. I get along with them very well and with Marcela, Yubely’s sister, who comes to visit every day. Marcela has 3 children (Shaira [8], Alexis [4], and Soledad [1]) who I get along very well with, too.

Mariposa got well again: on December 05, she started eating 3 meals a day again. I am really exhilarated to see her almost normal because I believed we were going to lose her. I say almost because she’s very skinny and was very weak at the beginning, so weak that she would fall to the floor sometimes, having a hard time to get back on her feet. But how could she not be that way if she was starving and very sick for 3 weeks or more (see November 13, 2019)! Currently, she seems to be really good (except for skinniness) although she doesn’t go out almost ever, so I deliver the food to her 3 times a day. She’s all the time at don Agustín’s because she feels him as a good friend and he’s actually very fond of her. Thanks God for not forgetting about Mariposita.

On December 09, I noticed that Tigresa didn’t have the big belly anymore. I really thought it had been a false alarm or something because the kitties were nowhere to be found, until December 26 when Shaira and Alexis found them in a tangled thicket near don Joselito’s house. It’s 4 kitties: 2 blacks, brown, and beige. They don’t have names yet. Shaira and Alexis have been helping me with the care of the kitties.

4 kitties under a wooden board leaning against a wattle and daub wall Their mom didn't like them inside the house. Hope she's doing the right thing!

I feel really sorry for the newborn kitties because there has been really heavy rain these days, so I imagine they’re alive miraculously. The grownups don’t get wet when it rains because they can get shelter inside the new don Joselito’s house, since it already has a roof and no doors yet blocking the way in. I really can’t take them to the house where I live for a couple of reasons, among them that there are 2 cats living there already: Monísimo and Lola. On December 28, the kids and I put the newborn kitties inside the house (with Yubeli’s permission). We thought they’d be better off there covered from the rain, but their mom (the kitties' mom) though differently: she took them back to the little cave in the thicket.

6 cats and a rooster. Some clothes are hanging on wires The orange one at the back is Pelusa, the neighbors' cat.

On December 23, I found out that the birth control shots can be harmful if animals continue to get them for too long. They can get tumors, said the vet. She said it’s not sure that they get them, but they might. It was really shocking to me to know it because there’s no way we can afford to do surgical operations on them due to the cost. She said it’s $49 for dogs the size of Mariposa and $34 for cats. Option #3, which is not doing the birth control on them, is not an option either because we would end up with more cats than we can feed. It seems we have no choice by the time being other than putting the animals’ health on God’s hands.


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A pair of eyes without a nose. The whole picture is rather dark and scary Very few people believe that secret societies control the world, but they do. Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA has undertaken the mission of building solutions to the biggest problems of the planet. But we will have a really hard time trying to do that all by ourselves because, according to some sources and according to our estimates, secret societies have control over all big organizations, institutions (including churches), governments, government agencies, companies, big business structures, etc. of the planet. Some accounts available on the internet and in books say that secret societies use criminal methods to accomplish their goals, so we can’t partner with them for that reason. We need to do all we can to prevent them from taking over our organization (which is what they do with every other organization of the planet). All COSMA members will need to be reminded of that at all times. With that said, we can conclude that secret societies are the primary enemy of God on Earth. They are the axis of evil.

One of the main reasons for COSMA to exist is freeing the oppressed from oppression and the oppressors are secret societies; therefore, secret societies won’t want COSMA to exist or if they do, they would want to infiltrate and control it, until they get it to be serving their obscure purposes. We will be all on our own in our quest to help the planet, withstanding attacks of all kinds coming in our direction, obstruction of our work, infiltration in our organization, and God knows what kind of evil else they are preparing for us. May God help us overcome all that martyrdom and hardship! Keeping all that in mind, COSMA declares that every person, organization, institution, government, government agency, company, big business structure, etc. which is an agent of secret societies is an agent of evil and an enemy of God.

A silver Ferris wheel on a blue background I believe that, in the long run, Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation will be something like the axis of Heaven on Earth. Image by Albert Dezetter from Pixabay

At the moment, there are compassionate people giving a hand to Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation, for which God and we thank them for ever; and there will come a time when there will be organizations, institutions, churches, governments, government agencies, companies, big business structures, etc. helping or allied with COSMA. Those will be organizations, institutions, churches, governments, government agencies, companies, business structures, etc. on God’s side. They will be thanked by God and us forever. May God be with them since now enlightening them so they make the right choices!

Being on the side of Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation is being on God’s side because this organization is a plan for the future of humanity, initiated at the command of God (see An Intergalactic spy: ispy).

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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