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Don Joselito’s home is being rebuilt. Apparently, it’s 3 young people who are going to live there (Marcela Yubely, and Luis), instead of 2 as it had been said last month. They’re relatives of the deceased owner of the shanty, don Joselito, and siblings to one another. I already met 2 of them: Yubely and Luis. Yubely, who is the youngest of the 3, has a beautiful 17-month-old son (whose name I don’t know yet). They brought a cute puppy with them named Peligro (which means danger).

Skinny dog Mariposa looking at the camera. Picture taken about 1 year ago Mariposa got very skinny first time she was living at don Agustín’s, and her 10 puppies died.

There was a time some months ago when Mariposa (the brown dog) was not coming to eat at don Joselito’s shanty. That was when Diana kept her locked in at the place where she went to live (see October 2018). When she (Mariposa) came back, I started feeding her, but she would show up for only about 2 meals a day, sometimes 3 (see December 27, 2018). Recently, she started missing more meals, so I got worried and found out that the reason why she didn’t come for every meal was because don Agustín Rivera, the owner of the house she’s staying at wasn’t home to open the door for her to come out, so she was just physically not able to come sometimes. I, then, started going in search of Mariposa up to don Agustín’s place (which is located about 200 meters far from where I live) whenever she didn’t show up for the meals, because I felt very sorry for her. Mariposa can’t open the front door, but I can (with don Agustín’s permission). I’m telling this part because it’s an important piece of the picture of what goes on in Majo.

Don Agustín is a 76 year old gentleman who lives all by himself in a house in the Hamlet of Majo (where I live). He lives by doing little jobs that he’s given by Majo residents (usually half a day jobs or shorter). He gave Diana permission to live in his home for some time and then, when Diana went to live somewhere else, Mariposa would still want to live in his house. That’s how Mariposa ended up living with him. He can’t feed Mariposa because he doesn't cook often enough. I haven’t asked him how he manages to feed himself, though.

On November 13, Mariposa didn’t come for breakfast, so I went to look for her and found her lying at don Agustín’s door, gasping in pain and not willing to move. I felt such a terrible pain in my heart when she looked at me with her eyes almost closed in an expression that clearly meant “Help me, please;” and all I could do was talk to her tenderly and sadly and pet her gently. That because I didn’t have any money to take her to the vet. About 3 days before I had been her a purging pill that somebody recommended me because she had lost her appetite. After a short time of being there with her, I decided that it didn’t make any sense for me to stay, so I went back home. I tried to keep on doing my stuff, thinking about her and waiting for noon to come so I could go see how she was and deliver her lunch. But I was really pessimistic about her.

Noon came and I went to see Mariposa. She was nowhere to be found. At dinner time, I went looking for her again and she wasn’t there either. Next day, don Agustín came over to don Joselito’s and told me Mariposa had not appeared yet. I went to the field at the back of don Agustín’s looking for her but she didn’t appear. I felt I had betrayed her for not having been able to help her (may God forgive me); however, don Agustín said that she probably had been poisoned and I really believed it because of the symptoms she showed.

More than 2 days had elapsed of Mariposa’s disappearance. I had no doubt already that she had died; but then don Agustín came to where I live to tell me that she had reappeared. After that, she would just stay lying at any corner at don Agustín’s house, not willing to stand up to eat or go out. She sneezes a lot and breathes heavily; she even makes some strange noise when she breathes. I have to deliver the food to her, right to the place where she is lying, so she can eat. Sometimes she eats very little, sometimes she eats nothing. It’s the end of November already and she’s still in that state. There’s no way to know what sickness she has unless I take her to the vet. I really hope she gets well soon is all I can say. I feel blessed and joyful to be able to help her with the food, but very sorrowful and guilty for not being able to help her with medical care.

Gray cat, Tigresa, standing, looking at the camera, with a big belly Several times I’ve believed I lost Tigresa because she gets lost for several days in a row. Last time it was 6 days.

Tigresa is pregnant again. I had been giving her the birth control shots regularly, but I must have done something wrong because all of a sudden I started noticing her big belly. I’m really worried about it. I hope we will have enough food and birth control shots for all of the cats, including Tigresa’s offspring.

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How important is Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation?

A grayish dummy holding a cable with a plug at the edge Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation will undertake the mission of being the voice of the Guardians of the Universe.

Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation has the blessing and endorsement of the Universal authority that I have called the Guardians of the Universe. In the future there will be proof of that backing. It’s a unique support on this planet, by that meaning that no other institution on the face of Earth has that endorsement. That is so by virtue of having been chosen directly by an official representative of them for the crucial mission of being the voice of the Guardians of the Universe on this planet and being the voice of those who don’t have a voice. Thus working for, helping, or being an allied of COSMA will literally mean giving God a hand in His perpetual mission of helping the Universe have justice, order, harmony, peace, and love.

I believe we will be the only channel through which any communication with the Guardians of the Universe will take place in the future. I estimate that there will have to come a time when a communication channel will be established with the official authorities of our planet, but that will be way ahead in the future. By the time that happens, Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation will already be a massive organization with presence all over the planet.

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