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On Sunday February 16, 2020 at 9:20PM, after a long and painful agony, my mother passed away. She had been hospitalized on January 27 and got worse day by day. At the beginning of February, I heard that she hadn’t had a cerebral infarct (as had been previously said) but a stroke. But her medical records don’t say anything about a stroke. Actually, they read instead that some bacteria got into her bloodstream and into her brain, which caused her brain damage. At first she lost motion of the lower part of her body and the capacity for speech; she became unable to swallow, so she had to be tube fed; she also was on oxygen almost the whole time in hospital. By the end of her agony, she lost motion of her upper limbs too. At some point, I had the impression that she was totally dying of thirst, but she could be given water only through the feeding tube because she would choke if given water the regular way. Almost the whole time that she was in hospital since January 27, she was asleep, waking up only from time to time. May the most important human being of my entire life rest in the peace of the Lord!

The main sicknesses that put an end to her life were: bacteremia due to E. coli, a right-sided pleural effusion (unusual amount of liquid around the lung), unspecified bacterial pneumonia, septicemia (invasion of the bloodstream by virulent microorganisms), and urinary sepsis (infection of the urinary tract). In total there was a list of 17 complications in her medical history.

A man sitting very worried, holding his head with his hands Holy spirit, enlighten us to do the work of God with love and devotion. Image by Justin Martin from Pixabay

What are the implications for COSMA of my mother’s decease?

I, the person in charge of project COSMA, (together with my sister) was, since I became unemployed, having a living and where to live thanks to my mother: she was being supported economically by my siblings; so we could have food and housing by living with her. My sister is also unemployed and has been at home taking care of our mother. I became unemployed in 2011, so I have been devoted full time to COSMA since about 2015. Now that our mother passed, the question arises: what are we going to live on and where from now on?

For some years now (after I became unemployed), I have had the idea in my mind that after the creation of COSMA, there will come a time when COSMA will have the capacity to pay its chairperson a minimum wage (about 298.92 USD a month), which is what COSMA’s chairperson will make. The creation of COSMA at first I thought would happen by 2018, then by 2019, and now I think it will happen in 2020. It has been being delayed due to the fact that some things have to get done before that happens.

Until COSMA’s director and founder gets to be paid a salary, we have to find a place to live and a way of paying the bills. Our siblings have expressed their willingness to let us continue to live in my mother’s house (which belongs to my siblings) and their willingness to continue to support us after our mother’s death; so for the time being COSMA’s survival is safe. Of course I’m doing big efforts for COSMA to be created as soon as possible. God needs us to make that happen, but obviously we know that we need Him more.

Another cat getting violent. This time it was Flor. On Sunday 23, I tried to put her some medicine for the scabies that she got again (see last time) and she bit me real bad. It’s going to be a problem when I try to catch her to give her the birth control shot. It might be the case that the avocado seed method (see October 05, 2019) is all we have left.

Threats, harassment, and intimidation keep on coming in our direction.

Green line A cat with its mouth wide open showing his teeth Carnivorous homo sapiens sapiens feels outrage too, when it's atrocities against him. Image by photosforyou from Pixabay

We vegans of the world are permanently outraged to death at carnivorous Homo sapiens sapiens for how much animals have to suffer thanks to Homo sapiens sapiens’ necrophagia. How can we not feel like that if we have to live immersed in their total indifference and indolence¡ It’s homo sapiens sapiens who assassinates animals by the zillions every day and it’s homo sapiens sapiens who doesn’t care a bit about it. It’s Homo sapiens sapiens who abuses the innocent every day and few care about it. It’s Homo sapiens sapiens who enslaves the innocent every day and doesn’t care about it. It’s homo sapiens sapiens who learns every day how to abuse, enslave, and kill the innocent and how not to care about it. He learns every day, literally since the moment of birth, that the innocent are worthless and without any right whatsoever, that they can be caged, abused, sold, bought, murdered, etc. without having any, fear or remorse whatsoever… and he practices every day what he learns.

But in spite of all the above said, I have to acknowledge that the whole of this evil starts in the sacred books of religions. Sacred books preach that murdering animals is allowed by God; so religious leaders foster that practice day by day in their parishioners in the name of God. Religious leaders are precisely the ones who should care about it and should teach believers that killing animals is evil, but they do exactly the opposite; they continue to practice murdering animals in their everyday lives and encourage it in their followers in the name of God. And then come the politicians doing a lot more than play a blind eye: they legalize the murdering, sending the message to their followers that it’s OK. to murder the innocent because they say so.

But even with all that permissiveness by civil and church authorities, homo sapiens sapiens knows that animals feel the knives (swung by homo sapiens sapiens) that murder them; and he hears the cries of pain, and he doesn’t care; not even after he’s told and shown the images and begged for the innocents’ lives. All I see is that homo sapiens sapiens is a murderer of the innocent. But again I have to say that the fault can be traced back to sacred books. Could they possibly have been written by God as they claim? The answer is obviously not.

We animal rights defenders are totally rightfully entitled to be indignant, enraged, and desperate (see Cosma's Vegan Vision As of 2019).

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About the Author

Green line
+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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