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Black cat, Sancho, with a really skinny and sick look It was unbelievable how Sancho looked. Picture taken next day after I first met him.

On March 10, a little angel in disguise came to our door: a beautiful black cat, so emaciated that you couldn’t help feeling terribly sorry for him immediately. You could see that he was just bones and skin. He kind of had patches on his fur and his nails were malformed due to malnutrition. I ran to get him some food. He ate and went away. He came by next day and then he started coming several times a day. Now he stays by our door all the time. We’re so delighted to be able to help somebody so much in need like him. My sister said he belonged to some neighbors close by, but I didn’t believe that was true, especially because I thought how anybody could be so evil as for letting such poor, innocent, defenseless being of the Universe starve like that. Though, I’ve heard about certain custom that some people have, which is letting cats starve, on the assumption that they hunt better for mice when starving. Later on, somebody else confirmed that he belongs to some neighbors. I haven’t been able to find out what his name is, so I’ll name him Sancho, by the time being.

The other animals around us have accepted him very well. Kira, the dog that belongs to the neighbor next door but lives on the street, got kind of impressed with Sancho. She started sleeping outside of the house that my sister had built for her, just because Sancho decided to sleep in her house. I have even asked Kira to let him eat from her plate and she doesn’t mind.

I doubt it that Sancho can come inside the house where I live because my brother, Ovidio, who is one of the owners of the house, wouldn’t agree with that; besides my sister, Rosal, who lives in the house with me wouldn’t agree either. Actually he hasn’t attempted to go in. He just stays outside by the door or in the house that my sister built for him. I don’t know what is going to happen when it rains because we usually let in Kira and 2 cats of the neighbor when that happens.

Some “signals” appeared recently have made me think that the appearance of Sancho is an event deliberately caused to happen by secret societies. Why would they do such a thing? I really don’t know.

On March 31, 2020; I learned that Peligro (see November 2019) had been taken away in order to be abandoned somewhere. On March 27, I had realized that he had a wound on his right buttock, which had been caused by a car that hit him (I was told). The most I could do was to start putting some anti-worms cream on the wound. But it smelled so bad that it’s very improbable that he can survive, plus he’s too little to be able to look for food on his own. I heard that the reason for getting rid of him was because of the bad smell. May Peligro Chacón rest in the peace of the Lord!

As far as I know, Peligro’s owner initially was Yubeli, then she gave him away to a cousin of hers, but Peligro preferred to stay at don Joselito’s. So that’s where he was staying lately. What I have known is that it was neither Yubeli nor the cousin who decided to do such a monstrosity to poor Peligro.

Threats, harassment, and intimidation keep on coming in our direction.

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A few words to the future about these times of tragedy due to COVID-19[*]

A drawing of Coronavirus next to a man with a protective mask A time when some very needed things were not enough for everybody. Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay

It has been about 3 months since the sickness named Covid-19 first appeared in Wuhan (China) in December, 2019. There hadn’t been much fear in Colombia because it hadn’t arrived in here, but at the beginning of this month there was the big news on TV that it’s already here. On March13, there was the rumor that there was one person already sick in Garzón. I was waiting for the news on TV to see if they announced that, but there was no mention of it. And of course there was no way for me to know whether the rumor was true or false, but I’m scared anyways; for my family, for the future of COSMA, and for me. As of March 31, 2020 there have been over 42,000 deaths worldwide. Number of cases and number of deaths continue to grow day by day, in the world and in Colombia, but the pandemic is just beginning. General quarantine in the whole country started on March 25, supposedly for 19 days, but I think it will go beyond. Waiting is all we can do.

2 hands being shaken, a sign of forbidden, and the word 'UNACCEPTABLE' Handshakes, hugs, and kisses were proscribed. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

It happened to me several times this month that I sent via Whatsapp[**] false information about the pandemic, which had arrived at my cellphone and I was careless enough as to send it to my contacts. It’s a big problem because they might think that I did it on purpose and they’re going to consider COSMA and me as untrustworthy sources. It was a big mistake, but of course I think it’s secret societies those who produce so many pieces of disinformation as abound on social media with purposes that I can’t guess. Who else could have a reason for such evil?

There has been the rumor in social networks that COVID-19 is a virus created by secret societies, but there are zero probabilities to confirm whether that’s true or false. Of course I do believe they would be able to do such a thing with obscure assumptions in mind in order to maintain control of the planet.

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  • * Coronavirus Disease 2019 is an infectious disease caused by the virus named SARS-CoV-2. It was first identified in Wuhan, China and spread globally, resulting in the 2019-2020 Coronavirus pandemic.

  • ** Whatsapp Messenger or simply Whatsapp is an American cross-platform messaging and Voice over IP (VoIP) service owned by Facebook that became the primary means of electronic communication in most parts of the world since the year 2009.

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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