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On August 29, 2020; when I was uploading the monthly blog, I realized that the account where I host the Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation website had been hacked. The complete directory containing the Spanish version of the website had been deleted from the server, which meant that when somebody wanted to visit the spanish side of the webpage, they just didn't find it. Long story short, there’s no culprit of this, other than secret societies. It´s plain persecution against Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA. And it’s not the first time they commit similar attacks against us (see https://guardian-angels.orgfree.com/en/communiques/c0002_hacking_attack_against_cosma.html ). They have also hacked my computer, my cell phone, and my www.linkedin.com account. They have sent messages and friended people on my behalf. Obviously, we’re completely at their mercy. And there’s nothing we can do, except pray and denounce in this forum and at https://guardian-angels.orgfree.com/en/communiques.html. They have also done way worst things to us, which will be talked about when the right time comes.

More Pieces of the Puzzle

A jigsaw puzzle with an image of some trees and a field It's taking us long years to put together the puzzle of COSMA and operation emissaryhood. Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay.

Until a solution to the animal holocaust in the whole planet can be found, the number 1 priority for COSMA will be animals. Everything at COSMA will have to revolve around the martyrized innocent, but before we can go directly onto helping animals, we need to have a reliable source of financing. The donations page will be enabled after COSMA gets created. Let’s pray for that financing method to work. That is the first chance that we have at getting started with the projects. The second and probably final chance that we have is #intergalactic_spy (the book that we’re writing). 80% of the sales of the book (after publishing the print version) will be used to help advance COSMA’s projects (as stated in the about the book page).

Last month we had come to the conclusion that the first thing to do (after creating COSMA) was create the structure that COSMA will have in the future because it’s expected to help us have the best impact in the medium and long term in relation to the animal liberation cause. This month we have realized that before we can proceed onto helping animals directly, we need to have a reliable source of financing, so both things (create COSMA’s structure and search for ways to provide financing) will have to be done kind of in parallel.

A closeup of a basket showing the tightly woven fibers We will be a social, economic, and religious conglomerate gathered with a main purpose in mind: end the animal holocaust. Image by Viktor Peschel from Pixabay.

That means that, after COSMA gets created, we will have to start by creating 2 michaelist corporations (see https://guardian-angels.orgfree.com/en/assignments-for-the-good-of-the-planet.html#prjmico ). Let’s remember that they (michaelist corporations) are expected to be the main source of financing for COSMA. 33% of their profits will be used to help with the financing of COSMA’s projects.

One of those 2 michaelist corporations will be an employment agency, which will have the purpose of being the second part of the structure (the first part will be COSMA itself) that will help us have a better impact in the animal liberation cause. I estimate that it will be only be a transitional mechanism while some things get settled, but it will ultimately depend on the needs of the organization. The second michaelist corporation that has to be created will be some kind of business, which I can’t see clearly yet what it will be about. It will be intended to be the first source of financing for the projects.

Less than 2 years after the creation of the employment agency, we will also need to create a ______________________________ (not a michaelist corporation), which will be the third part of the structure that is needed for COSMA to be a good way of advancing the animal right cause. Counting the Corporation or foundation that COSMA will be, that makes 4 corporations, foundations, or enterprises that COSMA will be comprised of in the shortest time possible after the creation of COSMA; all of that before we can create the animal shelter that we dream about, which will be called Refugio San Miguel Arcángel: RESMA.

A very simple drawing of a church and a building Religions are the real culprit of the animal holocaust, so here is a religion that is intended to end the animal holocaust. Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay.

And I’m very glad to announce that Christian Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation will be another very crucial part of the structure that will give great strength to the animal right cause. It will be completely centered on helping the innocent and fighting for the animal right cause. It’s hard for me to calculate when it will get started, but it will get started sooner or later (no worry about it). No matter whether it’s in 20, 50, or 100 years; it will be part of a planet-size structure, which will deploy combined efforts to wage the war for the liberation of the martyrized innocents from human enslavement. No matter how long it takes us, liberation of the innocent is an endeavor which will be accomplished someday, because God so wants. Nothing can distract us from achieving that goal.

However, right now we’re in the process of creating COSMA, which is going at a snail’s pace, but advancing believe it or not. Thank you God and thank you all those who have helped us. The cause of liberating the innocent will not have come to this point if it hadn’t been for you guys. God will thank you for eternity.

This month, there have also been “signals,” harassment, threats, and intimidation coming in our direction.

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If the Present Doesn’t Care, Let the Future Know

I think, in the future, animals will be treated as the children / brothers / sisters of the human being and not as objects to be yelled at, ignored, sold, bought, caged, tied up, beaten up, killed to be eaten, etc.; as is the case today…

Here is another animal horror story like many that happen nowadays, warning future readers that there are in my time others that are way much more abominable.

Sister Kira

A white dog inside a humble doghouse All neighbors of the block like sister Kira, but she still endures the hot sun and the merciless rain.

I met her shortly after I moved to live in the house where I’m living now (in about 2016). Since she lives just on the street; my sister, Rosal Marín, started building a shelter for her every day at night; which she would undo every day in the morning because she was scared of what our brother, Ovidio Marín, would say about sister Kira having a shelter outside of the house. Her owner, doña B, told us that sister Kira used to live in the backyard before, but she had had to bring her outside for some reason that I don’t remember. Actually, I think she’s better off outside because she can go freely anywhere she wants and all neighbors of the block give her leftovers. She’s a little bit chubby because of that, but what I have seen is that sister Kira eats only when there are leftovers. I ask her very often: “Sister Kirita, how have you done today?” and she never answers, lol. It’s a constant motive for worry to me.

Doña B said that sister Kira had been given to her when she was still a puppy by a “gentleman” who was about to kill her because he didn’t want her. If that story is true, it might mean that doña B is very nice to animals, but I’m actually very iffy about coming to that conclusion. She actually has other 3 or 4 dogs in the backyard together with 2 ducks and a bunch of chickens. She says she doesn’t buy brand food for sister Kira because she’s not a pedigree dog. Her dogs in the backyard are pedigree dogs, though.

A white dog sitting just on the dirt Sister Kira is as humble as they come. I love her a lot because of that.

When our mother was alive, she would complain all the time about sister Kira entering the house; so we had to be fighting with sister Kira all the time, trying to get her to stay outside, but she would always try to get in. And it was every day the same story: my sister complaining that sister Kira was not hers and that therefore she didn’t have to babysit her all the time (I’ve tried to explain her my theory about animals[*], but she has never liked it); my brother getting mad at us because he swore that it was our fault that sister Kira sometimes managed to get into the house; and son on and so forth.

At the beginning, when sister Kira would be in rut, we would let her hide in my room unbeknownst to our mother because sister Kira would be like mad, barking all day and night long to keep the dogs away. It was so sad seeing her in that situation. She would get so mad that she looked like an insane dog. One day, I tried to talk to doña B about her not giving sister Kira the contraceptive shot, and for some reason she got mad and said: “Let’s kill her then.” I had to tell her that she might get reported to the police if she did that; so she gave up her evil proposal.

A white dog sitting beside a fence. Behind the fence, a blue swimming pool, a blue trash can, and a blue car Sometimes I tell sister Kira: 'Sister Kirita, some day this will get better'.

In short, the story of sister Kira is that she gets discriminated; she’s a beggar who eats only when there are leftovers; doesn’t have a house nor a human that loves her; and is always in danger of getting pregnant, which would be a huge problem because her puppies would multiply her story. And she works 24/7/365 as the only watchdog of the block.

Before I forget, I need to tell a little anecdote that happened not long ago, about doña B’s mother, which I think is illustrative of the present:

Doña B’s mother is a regular lady. She’s a respected person in the hamlet who loves her children and grandchildren. She cooks for her daughter and her grandchildren every day and says hi to me whenever we meet. We even talk whenever we get a chance and she even sends us food very often. I can even say that she’s almost a friend of mine. For today’s standards, she’s considered a very nice person…

One day, doña B’s mother was feeding the sister hens. I couldn’t see her but I could hear her. For some reason, she got mad at one of the sister hens and all of a sudden she cried out the following at the sister hen in front of her grandchildren: “Wait and see how this week I kill you;” and then everything continued as normal. The children playing and yelling, she yelling to the animals and to the children, etc… I guess that obviously the poor sister hen found her fate that week.

Uttering such a sentence isn’t something regular to happen at any point in the history of the cosmos (I think); let alone the present, so I had to tell this incident since it’s going to absolutely horrify the future, I think; and it illustrates where people’s behavior towards animals comes from.

Even though, doña B’s mother and I are kind of friends, I don’t feel guilty for telling this story about her. On the contrary, I think that bad attitudes and behaviors towards the innocent have to be denounced and combated by all means. I really feel very strong that I have a duty to animals, because they’re so innocent, defenseless, and martyrized. Actually COSMA has a duty to animals.

According to vegans, there shouldn’t be animals living with humans because they were not created for that. They should be living freely in the jungle. I completely agree with that (I’m vegan after all), but the reality is that cats and dogs are already modified. In the future there should be laws prohibiting people to have cats or dogs if they can’t have them inside the house or if they can’t build a real dog / cat house for them. Actually, it’s hard for me to imagine whether, in the future, there will be animals living with humans or there will be state funded animal sanctuaries all over. It will depend on the conclusions that can be arrived to about what is best for animals. Remember “animals are here with us, not for us.”

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A Few Words to the Future about These Times of Tragedy Due to COVID-19

This month we got the regular help from our brother, Alberto. We also got some money for the bills (and some extra help) from our brother Ovidio. And thanks God, my friend Orlando Ramos didn’t forget about us this month. Thank you guys for all your great help. May God bless and protect you guys abundantly!

Many ingots of gold Wealth, wealth, wealth. Nothing else matters to the owners of the capital. Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay.

I have been thinking that in this pandemic there are being 3 megabusinesses, all of which will only serve the purpose of enlarging the wealth of the owners of the capital. The smallest of those businesses is the vaccine. All governments of the whole planet are buying it to give it to their citizens; and that money goes where? To the owners of the capital[**]. The second smallest business is the stocks. The stock markets of the whole planet have collapsed. The owners of the capital are buying all they can at ridiculously low prices; and that wealth goes directly where? To fatten more the owners of the capital. And then there is the biggest of the 3 businesses: all countries on the whole planet have to borrow money to face the pandemic. Who lends them that money? The owners of the capital. Then all countries of the whole planet have to pay high interests rates. To whom? To the owners of the capital.

And who are the owners of the capital? Obviously secret societies.

Death toll for COVID-19 as of August 31, 2020 has been: worldwide, over 854,000; in the USA, over 187,000; in Colombia, over 19,000; and in Garzón, there have been 253 COVID-19 cases so far and 9 deaths.

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  • * I really strongly believe that animals are babies, for reasons that are obvious to me. They need to be cared for in special ways and we have the moral obligation to be patient, caring, and loving with them. If the sons / daughters / brothers / sisters of others deserve all that (and much more), why is it that my animal sons and daughters / brothers and sisters don’t? But please don’t let humans know that I consider animals should have the same rights as their sons and daughters because they’re going to think I’m stupid and God knows what can happen.

  • ** Some laboratories have expressed their willingness to produce their vaccine without profit motives. Let’s remember that over 165 of them are being developed all over the world.

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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