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Don Joselito Cuellar Chacón sitting at a table full of pumpkins and corn; and a cross with a rosary hanging from it Don Joselito Cuellar Chacón whose decease marked the almost official beginning of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation.

On September 20, 2020; it was the second anniversary of the death of don Joselito Cuellar Chacón. He was the human father of a group of animals that were rendered orphan after his death, which we have been taking care of since then, as much as we can. As a consequence of the efforts we have been doing to help them, we feel Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation to be almost a reality. Everything was absolutely normal on the anniversary of don Joselito’s death, but I can’t help remembering him dearly on this blog due to the importance his decease had to the initiation of the first of Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation’s projects and due to the fact that he was an animal lover. Let alone the fact that he was the human father of sisters Mariposa, Nieves, and Tigresa and the human grandfather of sisters Luna and Manchitas. May don Joselito Cuellar Chacón rest in the peace of the Lord!

This month also we felt threats, harassment, and intimidation coming from secret societies.

Besides, I recently started noticing very clearly that secret societies have everything blocked for me. It will be a miracle if I get to achieve something in my lifetime in terms of advancing Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation: COSMA, but whatever I get to do in that regard will be a victory for God. That’s why I will keep on doing my best for as long as I can bear, on the hope that they let COSMA's continuators do a better job than me.

A maze with a dummy willing to go inside Secret societies will perhaps take control of COSMA when I step down as director, but I do trust that in the end good will succeed. Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay.

Also recently, I started having a certain feeling of sadness and annoyance because I realize that I’m just working for the criminal organization that has been persecuting me (and COSMA) for many years already, secret societies. Yes, you heard it right. That’s what it all amounts to because everything appears to be ready for them to seize control of COSMA after I finish my journey as director of this undertaking of God. There are zero probabilities for that not to happen due to the fact that their corruption capacity is beyond imagination. And there’s nothing I can do about it. That’s one of the reasons leading us to conclude that COSMA will be a big-size organization in the future: because it will be controlled by secret societies as every other important organization on the planet.

But the problem of COSMA being controlled by secret societies is even worse: we estimate that they won’t influence our decisions while I’m the director of the organization, but we can’t claim victory even on that one because they have everything blocked for me. That’s another kind of control. Their modus operandi is characterized by a lot of threats, pressure (by means of crime and murdering), harassment, and every evil and criminal means you can imagine. You have to be too strong in order for you not to give in to so much evil.

A bunch of tall trees, a couple of them very straight upright God will do His part to help COUSMA stand against the axis of evil. I promise I will do my part too. Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay.

What has helped me stay on the right path is: 1) knowing that it was God Himself who started COSMA and the projects; 2) knowing that you just can’t betray God and you just can’t betray the planet; 3) knowing that it’s the future of the planet (believe it or not [see #intergalactic_spy]) what is at stake; 4) the moral principles that were instilled into us by our parents; and 5) understanding of the problem of Good and evil, enough to keep always in mind that crime just doesn’t pay. How could you fall short to any of these?

However, at the same time that I feel upset, I feel confident that knows how to do things so as to not let secret societies get away with twisting the initial objectives making them conform to their evil agenda. I conclude that it can’t be possible for Heaven to have me devote the rest of my life entirely to an enterprise that is undeniably dangerous and so crucial to the planet, and then just forget about it. Trusting completely that God and the inhabitants of the future will do their part of the work keeps me doing mine joyfully.

A Saint Michael Archangel's statue on a red and yellow background COSMA having the name of Saint Michael Archangel is something very significant. Image by krystianwin from Pixabay.

How is it possible that God almighty doesn’t combat the axis of evil in a faster way? I have to be honest that my capabilities to say something about it are very limited, but there’s no doubt in my mind that, in the future, the experts will have torrents to say about what will be written in #intergalactic_spy. That is so because the purpose of COSMA and ispy combined is to leave no trace of doubt on the whole planet that God exists.

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If the Present Doesn’t Care, Let the Future Know

I think, in the future, animals will be treated as the children / brothers / sisters of the human being and not as objects to be yelled at, ignored, sold, bought, caged, tied up, beaten up, killed to be eaten, etc.; as is the case today…

Here is another short animal horror story like many that happen nowadays; warning future readers that there are in my time others that are way much more abominable.

Sister Misinga

A gray and yellow cat looking at the camera I could only find one picture of sister Misinga. She looks gorgeous in it.

I first met her outside the house where I live, about a couple of years ago. She was very little at the time and immediately I learned that she belonged to doña B. shortly afterwards, she started coming into the house searching for food. Very soon we realized that we couldn’t let her eat the food of our cat (brother Monísimo) because she probably wouldn’t want to eat the food doña B gave her; and she came too often. Besides, our mother always complained that she was not ours; which would cause my sister, Rosal, to get mad at sister Misinga coming in.

One day, I told doña B that the problem with sister Misinga coming into our house looking for food all the time could be solved by buying brand food for her, which was what she liked. Doña B got very mad at us and replied that she just wouldn’t do such a thing, no way. Then she just stopped talking to us. But sister Misinga kept on coming in search of her favorite food. I had to be all the time running to hide brother Monísimo’s plate, but most of the times I didn’t succeed in doing that.

There came the day when sister Misinga got pregnant. She had the kitties, all of which were given away or died except for one named Shakespeare, who stayed at doña B’s house. Soon afterwards, doña B decided that she didn’t want sister Misinga anymore, so she took her somewhere and abandoned her there. You can imagine my sadness and anger when I knew what doña B had done, but I couldn’t say nothing. A couple of months elapsed until sister Misinga reappeared unexpectedly. She was pregnant again. They let her have the kitties, which were given away when they were couple of months old. Soon after that, sister Misinga disappeared again and I was very sad wondering what had happened to her. It was doña B’s mother who gave me clue when she said to me: “Some days ago, I saw Misinga writhing behind the backyard.” That means she probably was poisoned. The thing is that she has never been seen again. That’s how malevolent the human kind is. But people don’t realize it. We all think we’re little angels. May sister Misinga rest in the peace of the Lord!

Brother Shakespeare started growing at doña B’s house and then he started coming into our house, too. Same story again about me hiding our cats’ food because he wouldn’t want to eat at his house. That was the situation for 2 or 3 months, until one day came when doña B’s mother decided that she wouldn’t let him in her house anymore and wouldn’t give him any food. That’s how we ended up with a 4th cat[1] living with us. It’s really a challenge for us being able to feed so many animals (if we count the 7 animals that we feed near don Joselito’s house[2]), but at the same time, it feels so beautiful to help them.

Sister Lola and brothers Monísimo, Sancho, and Shakespeare live a happy life at our house. I talk to them all the time because I’m learning to see the beautiful, innocent babies inside their fragile bodies. I’m learning to see their soul. They don’t get the regular vaccines[3] because we don’t have that much money, but they get plenty of love and understanding. Actually, I’m still learning how to treat them and how to show them that my heart is full of love, affection, and patience for them.

Now doña B has a new kitty named Abril.

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A Few Words to the Future about These Times of Tragedy Due to COVID-19

This month we got the regular help from our brother, Alberto, and from my friend, Orlando Ramos. We also got some help for the bills from our sister, Nelcy Marín, who lives here in the hamlet close to us (she works as a seamstress at her house). She also brings us food every day (which helps a lot) and, days ago, she gave me a new cell phone because the old one I had got damaged to an unfixable degree. Thank you guys for your big hearts. God Almighty knows that His undertaking is marching towards becoming real thanks to your help, guys. May He bless and protect you all abundantly!

A title on top: 'The new SISBÉN is juster' with an explanation of the new and old systems I disagree that the new SISBEN system is juster because if we depend on handouts, it counts the alms as income.

A representative of the Colombian social welfare system (SISBEN) came to the house we live in to do a resurvey on us. Remember that at the beginning of the pandemic I had complained that we didn’t get any help from the government because we had been placed in level III of the SISBEN, which meant we were entitled to very little to nothing in terms of government help. But the truth is that I’m not optimistic at all with this new survey because it doesn’t count the fact that my sister and I are both unemployed. It virtually counts only that we live in a borrowed house (which means we don’t pay rent) and get our food from brothers and sister. We have to wait for 45 days though, for the new classification to show in the system.

As for the pandemics, it slowed down almost in the whole world, but, in the last days, new outbreaks are appearing again in Europe and the US. There are some countries where the pandemics has been virtually nonexistent, especially in Africa.

A road closed with a guy wearing a mask; on top, the phrase: 'GAME OVER' Shutting down almost the entire planet was no solution to the spread of the virus. Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay.

An important teaching that this pandemic is leaving: that long, strict, general quarantines in probably all countries of the world wouldn’t have been necessary. Given the long length of time of pandemics, the best procedure to follow would probably be one-week-long strict quarantines by countries (where the virus has already arrived) and then gradual reopening by sectors of the economy, with strict biosafety measures. A big thing to notice about this conclusion is that, since this is not the first pandemic in the history of this planet, there must have been those who knew that general strict, long quarantines were not a good solution, but they just decided to stay quiet. They’re not a good solution because they only serve the purpose of destroying the world’s economy, but do really, really very little for stopping the spread of the virus.

Death toll for COVID-19 as of September 30, 2020 has been: worldwide, over 1,018,000; in the USA, over 211,000; in Colombia, over 25,000; and in Garzón, 515 COVID-19 cases have been detected so far and there have been 20 deaths.

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  1. The cats we have now at the house we live in started coming to live with us in about 2015. That’s when brother Monísimo, my sister’s cat was born. Then in October 2019, my other sister got Lola from a friend of hers, but for some reason she couldn’t keep her in her house, so she brought her to us. Then in March 2020, brother Sancho started coming to the house’s door. 5 months elapsed before he dared to come into the house, but now he lives with us. And finally, about 2 or 3 months ago, brother Shakespeare started living with us full time. We got so saddened by his having been expelled from his home that we couldn’t do any less than adopt him. It’s not being easy for us, but we trust God will help us.

  2. In September 20, 2018, a friend of us (named don Joselito) died leaving a herd of cats and a dog orphan. We started taking care of them because there was nobody else to do it; and that’s when Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation started being almost a reality (read full story).

  3. The females, get at least the birth control vaccine and, this year, a car from the township’s government came to the hamlet giving out the free anti-rabies vaccine. I got 13 of them for don Joselito’s, my other sister’s, and our house’s animals and also for sister Kira (doña B’s dog).

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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