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A donkey carrying a big load I feel carrying such a heavy load, but it's heavy only because I have just 1 pair of hands for all that needs to be done. Image by Faysal Khan from Pixabay.

I feel so worried and embarrassed for I have so little to say in this blog. And I notice that the few things that are written, are not said in a decent manner; due to my lack of abilities for writing. And the worst thing about it is that creation of Saint Michael archangel Universal corporation hasn’t advanced much. I’m doing my best, but there’s always stuff that needs to be done, which holds me from advancing[*]. Yet, there’s no doubt in my mind that I'm the right person for the job of starting COSMA and its projects. God knew I would do a good job on the whole.

At the end of October, we had to give up feeding the chicks and chickens. We had no choice due to the fact that we really ran short of money. It hurts so much seeing the poor hens, roosters, and newborn chicks go around the bare ground looking for something to eat. I doubt it that they find anything. We used to give them at least some corn in the mornings, but I really don’t know what is going to happen with them now. And the worst thing about it is that many chicks are being born. I really feel horrible!

There have been “signals,” threats, intimidation, and a lot of harassment coming from secret societies this month.

On October 17, after having been lost for a couple of days, sister Manchitas (one of don Joselito’s cats) reappeared with a bad wound on her left thigh. The wound is wide open, looked as if fresh for a long time, and didn’t show signs of healing. I felt so horrible thinking that she was dying slowly because the most I was able to do about it was cry, worry, and put some peroxide water; since there was no money for the vet. Some other “signals” appeared recently make me think that sister Manchitas’ wound is undoubtedly one of those “signals” coming from secret societies.

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If the Present Doesn’t Care, Let the Future Know

I think, in the future, animals will be treated as the children / brothers / sisters of the human being and not as objects to be yelled at, ignored, sold, bought, caged, tied up, beaten up, killed to be eaten, etc.; as is the case today…

Here is another short animal horror story like many that happen nowadays; warning future readers that there are in my time others that are way much more abominable.

Sister Luna

3 cats eating. A dog is watching them That's sister Lunita right there, joining us for breakfast.

She started showing up some time ago, right at feeding time. She was really scared of me at the beginning, but soon she learned that I was her friend. Now she’s our companion at almost every meal, together with brother Azabache and another dog whose name I don’t know and who I love a lot because he was so scared of me at the beginning and now he’s such a cutie with me. I call him Amigo. Shortly after I started seeing sister Luna, I heard that her owner had gone to live in another hamlet not far from here and she had just decided to abandon sister Luna to her fate, as if it were the most natural thing in the whole world (and she has about 3 children who learned her behavior). I also heard that Shaira’s mother had decided to take care of sister Luna. I give her a little food whenever I can, but not always. Although Shaira says that sister Luna is doing OK.

A white dog posing for the photo She almost always shows up at feeding time.

Since the very beginning I started worrying a lot about poor sister Luna, but it was worst when I first saw her mating with brother Azabache. I knew immediately things had gotten sour for her. Short time later, I heard that she was pregnant and some time later, I heard something really terrible about her: she had aborted her puppies because doña C’s son used to kick her a lot when she approached their home looking for food. I so knew that I had to give sister Luna the birth control shot, but I never made up my mind. Short time later, I heard that she had been mating again, so I thought it was too late already. That kept me from giving her the shot and I think I should have done it at that time because, recently, she was for about 2 weeks being followed by all dogs of the hamlet. They mated all around tirelessly. She didn’t have a moment of peace with so many dogs after her. I feel really sorry for her. She lives on the street.

I really don’t know what is going to happen with so many puppies like she might have, judging by the many times that she mated in those 2 weeks. I hope she can get the shot after she has the puppies. I worry so much as if I were their father.

In short, the story of sister Luna is that she was abandoned, she has virtually no home now, and she’s all the time in danger of bringing more misery into this world. And I know she loves me and trusts me, but I cannot help her much.

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A Few Words to the Future about These Times of Tragedy Due to COVID-19

This month we got the regular help from our brother, Alberto; we got some help for the bills from our sister, Nelcy, who lives here in the hamlet; and we also got the regular help from my friend, Orlando Ramos, who lives in La Palma, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Also, at the beginning of this month, we received a box full of presents from our brother, Ovidio, and his wife, Fany Castaño. They live in Bogotá. Actually, we have been getting that same box from them every month for many years already. It usually contains some groceries, some clothes, and other presents. Thank you so much to all of you guys. May God bless and protect you all abundantly!

Some people passing by wearing masks. At the background, the word 'Garzón' in big colorful letters and a church I see everybody wearing a mask in town. There are also strict biosafety measures at every public place that you go to.

The pandemic has been increasing in numbers constantly. There was a first wave and now they have been talking about a 2nd wave and even a 3rd wave in some countries. There are countries where there have been just a few cases and zero deaths.

It’s been almost 8 months since the first COVID-19 case was confirmed in Colombia. There’s no strict quarantine nor fumigation at the entrance of town or at Majo’s entrance anymore. It feels as if the sickness was non-existent because you don’t see people dying or getting sick. That’s why people aren’t wearing a mask, except when they go into town (because it’s mandatory)[**]; they don’t care about social distancing, despite that they talk about it all the time on the mass media; and people are partying as if the pandemic was just idle chitchat. And that’s probably why numbers keep on growing: because people forget about biosafety measures. However, strict biosafety measures are being followed in every public place that you go in town.

A closed library. On the glass door, a sign: 'Temporarily CLOSED due to covid-19. BE SAFE' I hope they don't give us any more lockdowns. I don't think they do any good. Image by Queven from Pixabay.

There has been talk of new lockdowns in Colombia, probably by cities. They say lockdowns help to stop the spread of the virus, but I disbelieve in that statement.

Death toll for COVID-19 as of October 31, 2020 has been: worldwide, over 1,199,000; in the USA, over 236,000; in Colombia, over 31,000; and in Garzón, 936 COVID-19 cases have been detected and there have been 32 deaths.

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  • * I read an article on the internet recently, which says you need to do about 2 year preparation when you’re creating a non-profit. It’s a relief to know that it’s normal to be slow about it.

  • ** I'm proud to report that my relatives who live here in Majo (and I) have been very keen about wearing masks and other biosafety measures. Even relatives who live in other places, I’ve heard they are being very careful. We do it because we don’t like to play the roulette with our lives and the lives of others.

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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