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A Long Delay

We apologize for such a long delay on this issue of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COSMA's blog, due to the fact that my computer (which is the only computer COSMA has) broke in November 2020; and also because of some other problems. The story about how the computer got fixed and about the other problems we have been having illustrates how vulnerable this undertaking of the Universe is:

A fundraising campaign was initiated in January, 2021, which lasted for 2 months. The final balance of the campaign was that it raised zero pesos[1]. I believe the reason for having received no help at all through that campaign was the fear COSMA's enemies instill in everybody around COSMA. That fear is put into them in all possible, imaginable, and unimaginable ways.

After the failure of the fundraising campaign, we made a video in order to ask for help through a section of a TV news program in the Colombian TV channel, Caracol Televisión. The section is called “El Periodista Soy Yo” (“I Am The Journalist”), but they didn't accept our request. Actually they didn't even give us an answer as to whether we had to make any changes to the video or anything. It was just a waste of time having turned to that solution.

On knowing that the campaign was having negative results, some relatives of mine expressed their willingness to help, but the actual help came, after the campaign had finished, from my brother, Ovidio Marín. He told me to send him some of the components of the computer (he is very good at repairing computers) in order to test them and see what was failing. I had not turned to that solution before because the calculation we had was that it would be impossible to get computer parts to match with the ones that we had because the computer is pretty old.

A desktop computer. Cat Monísimo's picture inside a box, for wallpaper It's a miracle for the computer to have been fixed. That's what I call 'The Universe in action.'

My brother returned the computer parts (the mainboard, the processor, the power supply, and one 2-gb memory card) to me at the end of June. I put the computer back together immediately and it worked like a charm. What my brother told me was that the processor was damaged (so he replaced it), the mainboard was damaged (so he got it fixed), and also one of the memory cards was damaged (which got discarded). So the computer is now working with only one memory card (a little bit slow because of that, but it's alright). A big thank you to my brother, Ovidio, on behalf of the Universe and on my behalf. We will have you in our prayers!

Besides the computer damaged, we also have been having some extra problems, which held us back until now; among them a virus in our storage devices (apparently 2 times), many other computer problems, and a health problem. The computer problems, we have been solving them slowly by watching and reading plenty of tutorials on the internet (mostly through the cell phone).

A Huge Obstacle

A wooden dummy looking very tired, resting on some stones, with one stone on its shoulder Depression and fatigue combined. What a burden to carry! Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay.

An excruciatingly difficult problem that we have been having is that I have been suffering from depression. The main cause that I can think of for this horrible health problem is the harassment I'm constantly a victim of from COSMA's projects' enemies. I started feeling the depression about 2 years ago. Contrary to what one might think, it doesn't mean sadness to me. The main symptoms I experience are: fatigue and great difficulty for getting started with my activities at the computer; it also gives me social isolation, some sadness, and sleepiness. This is also another of the reasons for COSMA's projects to advance so slowly. Recently, I started fighting this problem by going out for a long walk every day in the morning; and it has helped me a lot. Also, I've been struggling to not let it slow me down too much. I don't go to a doctor about it because he's going to send me to a psychiatrist, who is going to give me the label of “loco,” which is indelible.

Fortunately, I have to report that lately I have been having the feeling that there's a decline in the frequency of the harassment attacks coming from COSMA's projects' enemies. I just hope I'm not wrong in this observation.

Other Important Things Happened

Some other things, important to us, happened during this recess: 2 of our female cats (sisters Tigresa and Flor) had 5 litters of kittens (22 kittens total). 18 of them died due to different reasons, and 4 of them still survive (sister Maya and 3 newborn kitties who haven't got names yet). Sister Maya is really cute and playful and the newborn kitties are still too little. I'm thinking about running a campaign for their adoption, but I have to wait until the babies get a little bigger and I also have to try and heal sister Maya from the scabies she's got.

Around the end of last year, sister Kira (see August, 2020) was left abandoned because doña B went to live in town. Actually she asked me if it was OK for her to leave sister Kira here and I told her yes because I knew she would suffer a lot if she was taken to town; mostly because I know doña B doesn't like animals. Also, some neighbors agreed to help with her feeding. At night, sister Kira mostly sleeps in a house my sister built for her and, at daytime, she's mostly inside the house we live in. She rarely stays inside at night because she prefers to sleep in her house outside; when it rains, we prefer her to go inside the house. I can't adopt her fully because money is not enough and because I live in a house that is not mine (and I don't pay rent). I really love her a lot, she's so loving and behaves very well, and she’s also the best friend ever.

On about mid-March, 2021, sister Mariposa, the female dog who was don Joselito's companion, started living at the house where I live. She's a happy dog now (I hope they let her live there for good). Actually, it was the first time that she knew a house in the inside, because she had always lived outside (at least I was taking care of her food). She's very sick, though: she has a tumor beside her tail; and there's no money for the vet. I've thought that maybe I can do a fundraising campaign to try and help her, but there's little hope that she gets any help because people are very afraid of COSMA's projects' enemies.

Black and white cat in the darkness Brother Lalo is such a nice and tame cat.

About 4 months ago, a new male, black and white cat started approaching us, looking for food. I had been told that a couple who lived for a while across from RESMA's animals feeding place had brought a cat who had not wanted to stay with them. I assumed he was their cat (they were not living in Majo anymore) because his look matched the description they gave me. He noticeably had nowhere to go for food, so I let him stay with us. Now I call him brother Lalo. He's the only adult male we have now, so he's been getting the females pregnant, which is a problem, but we have no money for sterilizing him. He's very beautiful though.

A white cat, his head all covered by scabies I always felt really bad about Brother Nieves 2 being so needy.

Brother Nieves 2, a white, male cat who had started being fed by us in June, 2020; got sick from scabies some months ago. He actually used to come to eat with us by seasons (he used to vanish for months). He got so bad from that sickness that it covered all his head, face, and neck. One day in mid-August, 2021; he disappeared one more time. I went out looking for him because somebody recommended me a pill for scabies, and then Yalena, a little girl that lives next door from don Joselito's, told me that she had seen him dead at the back of her house. I didn't go check to see if it was true because I don't go into the field anymore, but he hasn't showed up again since then. She told me she saw buzzards eating him. May brother Nieves 2 rest in the peace of the Universe!

On August 31, a new kitty showed up crying really sadly at dinner time. Of course I couldn't less than feed her. She was sooo hungry, but was very calm after eating. I really felt so sorry for her, especially after seeing that she had scabies. The good news is that I gave her the pill that was recommended to me recently and she got well. I named her sister Nina and I wanted to get her adopted before she became feral, but something terrible happened with her, which will be told below.

By the way, 2 other male kitties were abandoned by the feeding place of RESMA's animals on September 25, 2021. I named them brothers Pelusa and Felix. They also had scabies, but I couldn't give them the pill that was recommended to me because they were too little for that. I treated them with some other medicine that was also recommended to me, but it was not working. However, something terrible happened with them also, which will be told below.

A Huge Embarrasment

About 2 years ago, I had concluded that COSMA had to be created before finishing #intergalactic_spy. The process of creation was started about 5 months before my computer broke in November 2020. So I tried to work hard on that endeavor. The first thing I did was download and read tons of stuff I found related to the topic, including all laws and regulations. The most recent finding (in November 2020) was a foundation in Colombia, Activistas Constructivos ( https://activistasconstructivos.org ), whose objective is exactly giving all kinds of legal and organizational advice to all foundations that are being created or are already working. I studied almost everything they have on their website and on Youtube. I even have been attending the virtual meetings they hold every Thursday in the evening in order to be more acquainted with the details of foundation creation. I haven't missed any session since November 2020.

An Atlas statue, carrying a big, golden ball This is the way I see COSMA: carrying the weight of the whole world. Image by Denis Doukhan from Pixabay.

Then, when I thought I was ready to start giving shape to the bylaws, I happened to come to the conclusion that I had to finish #intergalactic_spy before I could go onto creating COSMA. That's why, while my computer was broken, I started reading on my cell phone all I could find about extraterrestrials. But finally, after my computer got fixed, I concluded again that what needs to be done is creating COSMA first. It's a huge embarrassment for me because it's too many sudden changes of mind, but trying to advance the creation of COSMA is what I'll try to do, right after I catch up with all that got behind due to the lack of a computer for so long a period of time, plus the other problems we have been having.

Another thing that has to be said about COSMA's creation is that it doesn’t take as short as I initially thought. Some sources on the internet talk about 2 year preparation and even longer in some cases. That means that it’s going to take some time for COSMA to see the light at the end of the tunnel. All in all it’s great to know that little by little we’re finding the way out.

The reason why the creation of COSMA has to happen before finishing #intergalactic_spy is because the creation of COSMA has to be included in ispy so the book gets to be a complete story. Undoubtedly, as much as possible of “operation emissaryhood” has to be included in ispy.

A Great Piece of News

A young beautiful woman sitting on a sofa Karen Manrique, general director of the foundation Activistas Constructivos. Image under permission by the owner.

Nevertheless, there's great news about COSMA's creation process: the director of the foundation Activistas Constructivos, Karen Manrique, very kindly donated us recently a bundle of hours of mentorship (most of which we still have to book). We booked the first hour with her for September 9, so she got us started with the creation process. That has us very joyful because she has plenty of experience in foundation creation and foundation managing. She was very kind to us and gave us some advice. It's the first time COSMA gets a donation[2]. Thank you very much Karen Manrique. The Universe, the planet, Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation and me will thank you for eternity. We will have you in our prayers!

A hand holding a bonsai tree The Universe works in mysterious ways. Image by Pexels from Pixabay.

In relation to #intergalactic_spy, the latest estimate is that we have to wait until after the creation of COSMA in order to be able to finish it. That means a good 2 years or more. Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation will be able to survive until then with the Universe's help. The publication of ispy is expected to give us the initial thrust to get started with the projects. Let's trust that COSMAs plans won't be denied a hand.

2 years (or more) is a long delay for #intergalactic_spy, but I know it will be worth the wait. It would be easier if I were a writer, it would be easier if we had the money to publish ispy, it would be great if COSMA's projects' enemies left us alone, but we have to do with what we have. There shouldn't be any doubt at this point in time that the Universe is telling us something important by having given us the opportunity to take part in the birth of these great undertakings in spite of lacking in so many things. The Universe is really great.

Who's the Assassin?

Something really terrible happened on Saturday, October 2: I was told at the animals' dinner time that a dog had killed and eaten one of the kitties that we have been taking care of. Indeed sister Nina was missing for dinner. In the following days, the dog killed another 4 kitties. One of them was not ours. He killed a total of 4 of ours (sister Nina and brothers Pelusa, Felix, and Coco). He would usually come between 5:00PM and 6:00PM. I have been trying to identify the dog with an intent to go to the police about it, but I haven't succeeded in that purpose. Let's remember that in Colombia you can't denounce a crime unless you have a name, an address, and an id number. Actually, I talked to the police about the case and they told me that I had to identify who the owner of the dog was, which I guess is reasonable (but if it were a movie, the police would go and investigate the case).

It’s obvious to me that the dog is trained to kill because anybody knowing dogs knows that they don't do such a thing unless they're taught to do it. It has to be made clear that the dog is not the assassin, but those who trained him to be a killer. Signals appeared around the time that this happened, make me think that this was done on purpose by COSMA's projects' enemies. May sister Nina and brothers Pelusa, Felix, and Coco rest in the peace of the Universe!

There have been “signals,” threats, intimidation, and a lot of harassment throughout all these months, coming from COSMA's projects' enemies.

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A Few Words to the Future about These Times of Tragedy Due to COVID-19

I learned that my brother, Alberto Marín, was sick from COVID-19 recently; and he didn't want to go to the doctor (as far as I knew). It's a terrible thing to happen. Just imagine somebody sick in a faraway country, completely on his own, with nobody to give him a hand, knowing that he can die easily from the sickness he has, not daring to visit a hospital for some reason, thinking what is going to become of his family, not being able to return to his home country, not wanting to tell his family because he doesn't want to get them worried, etc.

It's a terrible situation having to be so far from his home country and his family for so long (20 years) and with no solution in sight because his profession, carpentry, is (I believe) not a good option in Colombia anymore. In any case, coming back to Colombia would mean going back to zero. I wish I could help him, but it's the other way around: he has been helping me abundantly ever since I came back to Colombia from the United States (2007). I hope the Universe will help me give him a hand in the future. I know the Universe won't forget us.

A scale. On one side a world map, on the other a bundle of bills Inequality is the main qualifier for the world they've built for today's youth. Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay.

Something that has been made clear by this pandemic is the total inequality of the world that has been built for the young of today. By the end of October 2021; the country with the highest percentage of population vaccinated is Cuba with 113.0%. The country with the second vaccination percentage is United Arab Emirates with 98.0% while the country with the lowest percentage of population vaccinated is Democratic Republic of Congo with 0.1%. The country with the second percentage of population vaccinated is South Sudan with 0.5%[3]. This unequal access to vaccines happens “because companies like Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson are actively blocking other manufacturers from producing much-needed doses and continue to prioritize selling vaccines to rich countries[4]” and also because the rich obviously have money while the poor don't.

While current supplies are limited, many HICs have pre-purchased supplies that exceed their population size. For example, the USA has reserved more than 1.2 billion doses, and Canada has pre-market commitments covering more than nine doses per person[5].

Many people around the world have not been willing to take the vaccine for COVID -19 due mostly to fear of side effects.

In Colombia, 46,6% of the population have been vaccinated by the end of octubre 2021. The members of my family have all taken the vaccine (as far as I know). I took it too (2 doses). Actually I have to say that I was forced to take it; forced by the global authorities who have issued regulations that force vaccine developers to run tests on animals. Same has happened to all vegans around the world because every single one of the vaccines that have been (or are being) developed around the world (300 so far) have used animals for testing. That means too many innocents being abused and dying unnecessarily for the sake of humans while humans don't give a hoot about them.

I tried to express my indignation on the issue in Facebook vegan groups and they completely forbid me from doing so. One of them gave me a ridiculous excuse: “We don't allow the topic because it causes too much controversy”. Nonsense! It was obvious to me that the topic had been censored, but nobody dared to tell.

Death toll for COVID-19 as of September 30, 2021 has been: worldwide, over 5,000,000; in the USA, over 760,000; in Colombia, over 127,000; and in Garzón, 4,562 COVID-19 cases have been detected and there have been 152 deaths. There aren't any official rercords for Majo hamlet, but I've heard there have been several deaths.

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  1. Actually, there was one donation, but I detected a harassing attitude coming from the person doing it, which made me decline it as anybody would have obviously done. The worst thing about it is that it came from a supposed close “friend” of mine, which makes things worst.

    Harassment is more destructive when it comes from friends or relatives; and COSMA's projects' enemies know it.

  2. The truth is that I have been getting donations from Orlando Ramos, a friend of mine from the college years, but for straight accounting's sake, they can't be counted as donations to COSMA because ever since he started helping, it was made clear that the help was for me, Ramón Darío. It started long before we began work on COSMA's projects. When COSMA started taking care of don Joselito's animals, it was decided to use that help to cover some of COSMA's expenses; and that is what we have been doing till now.

  3. SOURCE: www.bloomberg.com (https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/). Accessed October 31, 2021.

  4. Amnesty International. “End Vaccine Inequality Now.” https://www.amnesty.org/en/petition/end-vaccine-inequality-now/. Accessed September 23, 2021.

  5. Clarke, P.M., Roope, L.S.J., Loewen, P.J. et al. “Public Opinion on Global Rollout of COVID-19 Vaccines.” Nat Med 27, 935–936 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-021-01322-9. Accessed September 23, 2021.

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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