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(By Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation)

(Download "Message #0.001 to Humanity" in pdf format)

Many hands put together signaling team work

Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation is a (Christian) congregation that is being created on the initiative of the Universe as it is created on all planets when there comes a certain moment in their cultural evolution.

Every religion has a description of God. But God has never said “Here is a complete description of myself.” All available descriptions have been produced by poets, idealists, dreamers, philosophers, theologians, etc. The following is Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation's vision of God:

God is the commander in chief of the political-military force, in charge of safeguarding peace, order, justice, and harmony in the entire Universe. That force and state of affairs were created by the most ancient civilization in the whole Universe, an astronomical amount of time ago. God prefers the recognition for His work to be given to His team (which He calls "the Universe") as a whole, instead of to Him alone.

There is a wide variety of religions on every planet because the Universe values freedom. The role of every religion on the planet is to maintain a group of people, who believe in a particular idea of God, united around that idea of God.

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