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This quarter, too, I have been worrying the whole time that I might not be able to finish the issue of this blog on time because I’ve been really busy, in spite of the fact that the last day I worked in my construction job was July 16, 2022 (my boss hasn’t given me work again since then). The reason why I have been so busy is especially because many ideas have come to mind, which are useful to the projects and I have to hurry to record them or write them down right away because otherwise I might forget them. Some of those ideas have to be implemented right away because we conclude that they are no-waits.

I’m afraid that the need for me to go look for work again might force me to put aside for a while everything related to COUSMA’s projects (including this blog). If that happens, I will be posting the corresponding notice. It makes me sad to have to bring the blog to a halt (for some time), but that’s the way it’s got to be, so we can save a couple of pesos that can be used in order to be able to continue with the projects. There’s no choice other than doing it that way.

The following are the topics that will be covered on this issue of the COUSMA blog:


When Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA’s projects were first started, we had decided that the name of the nonprofit to manage the projects would be Saint Michael Archangel Corporation: COSMA. About a year ago, it was decided that the word “Universal” had to be added to the name because there was already a nonprofit by the name of Saint Michael Archangel Corporation. Then, in mid-August, 2022; the decision was made to change the “COSMA” acronym for “COUSMA.” The shift should have been done when the word “Universal” was added, but we didn’t want to rush too much, since we always have to be careful…

Recently, we had to do the change compulsorily because we made the decision to buy the internet address for the nonprofit that will manage the projects. When we were buying the internet address, we realized that there were too many other companies named “cosma” and the domain cosma.org was not available. We researched the word “cousma” to see if there were other companies with that name and found out that there was none. The domain cousma.org was available, so the pick was obvious.

But “there’s no complete happiness,” goes the saying. We can’t move COUSMA’s webpage to its final address yet, because there’s no money to pay for the web hosting, but that task will be done as soon as we can afford it. Yet, we have to pay a yearly fee for the domain name (the address), but there was no way we could wait to buy it later, since it could be bought by somebody else. That would represent a huge problem for us. Luckily, the fee for just the domain name is not too high.

Creation of the First Michaelist Company Starts. May the Universe Help Us!

An organization chart with 4 components COUSMA's plans for the immediate future will, in the long term, result in equality, social justice, and due respect for the rights of the innocent.

Something happened by the end of July which is a very important turning point in the history of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA’s projects: It was concluded that the first thing to do in relation to the projects is not creating COUSMA. On the contrary, there’s an urgent need to start another project, before the creation of COUSMA can continue. That project is an online store. It might sound like the words of a madman, but it’s true. Moreover, after it had been concluded that the online store had to be started first and I had even started working hardly on it, there was an update in calculations: that there are two other projects that have to be advanced and get rolling at the same time as the online store. They are: a voluntary association and a temporary employment agency.

In order to start with the creation of the online store, we first read a few articles we found on Google about the topic. Then we had to decide on what the company name was going to be, in order to buy the internet domain name (the address). This latter task alone (together with the actual buy of the domain) took us longer than 3 weeks, due to several reasons, but we finally got the domain name.

It was a miracle of the Universe that we got the perfect domain name for the online store and it’s a .com domain. We all know that it’s almost impossible nowadays to get a good .com, since they’re all taken already. In the extensive search that we did, we identified some other domain names that we might need, so we ended up buying a bunch of them, which are going to be used for other COUSMA’s projects. It was important for us to hurry up so much to do the buy lest anybody go ahead of us, in which case it would have been a huge problem.

Un gráfico hecho de todas las áreas que implica la creación de una compañía Too many things to do for only 1 project, let alone 3 of them! Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com.

The domain names that we bought can’t be revealed yet, until we can post landing pages for each of them. Actually, we did hurry up to build a landing page for the online store (which took us almost a week) because at the same free hosting provider where we have been hosting COUSMA’s websites, they said we could host there our newly bought domain, even if you had bought it somewhere else. But then, after we had finished building the landing page, we realized that the option to do that had been removed from the website. It was a week wasted in vain. Well, at least we learnt a couple of things, I guess. In the future of course, when we have the online store already built and the company created, we have to get the money to pay for the hosting and other expenses.

The online store project has been going around in our mind for a while already: the idea is that little by little; at our own pace; with huge effort; we will build a project, a name (a brand), a company, a business, an online store; and there will come a day when it opens, and there will come a day when it grows, and there will come a day when it will be a big undertaking. This is something that has to get done before the creation of COUSMA because, by the latest calculations, the online store is the only hope that we have to generate the funds that are needed to start COUSMA, and it’s almost the only hope that we have to generate the funds to finance COUSMA after it gets created. This is actually a good reason to have made the decision to put the creation of COUSMA aside for a while. Everybody knows that getting the funds to finance a nonprofit by donations is almost mission impossible (at least in Colombia); and nobody wants to work hard advancing a project, just to find out later that it has to close for lack of funds.

2 muñecos saliendo de sendas pantallas de computador, saludándose el uno al otro Thank you guys in advance for your help. We know you won't let us alone on this one. Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com.

At the same time, the online store is a great opportunity to start one of COUSMA’s main dreams: “Project Michaelist companies.” This project will be the first step towards advancing 2 of COUSMA’s initial pillars: 1) bringing equality to the planet and 2) bringing to the planet the due respect (and fight fiercely) for the rights of our brothers and sisters, animals. The 3 initial pillars (see April 2022) is an endeavor that we don’t know how long it will take COUSMA to accomplish, but the sooner we start, the sooner it will be a reality. Working towards the accomplishment of those 3 goals (the 3 pillars) is so important that, without them, COUSMA would just make no sense whatsoever.

What makes me think that the online store project will work out? Time. We will start working on it little by little, going at the pace the Universe helps us, as far as we can; and there will come a day when the project will be a reality. No matter when. At the very least, we will be leaving something that can be carried on by COUSMA’s continuators. My estimate is that this undertaking will someday be big, very big; why is it so? Because I foresee COUSMA as reaching someday the size of the biggest undertaking ever on Earth, by virtue of being a response to huge needs of the planet. Obviously, we are conscious of the fact that there’ll probably be some wait, due especially to the lack of a budget, but COUSMA will be a reality sooner than later.

And remember: the earnings of the online store will be used 33% to improve the employees living conditions, 34% to help finance COUSMA’s projects, and 33% stays in the company to ensure its growth. However, it’s important to say here that at the beginning, the company won’t be able to split the profits. Why not? Because if it did, it wouldn’t ever be able to take off. It means that it will be a regular company with the profits used to help the company grow, until we reach the conclusion that the company is already solid enough to start splitting the profits 33/34/33.

Una balanza muy bien equilibrada COUSMA wants to help create a world where equality, social justice, and due respect for the rights of the innocent really exist. Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com.

With that said, we can anticipate that the equality component of the future of the planet depends on the success of COUSMA’s online store. The more it grows, the closer our planet is to being given a gift as precious as equality. However, let’s not count our chickens before they're hatched because we know that the take-off of the online store will totally depend on how much help we get. But if there’s no help, it will mean that it will take longer in being born because it will be a reality someday. We can take it for granted. Why is it so? Because we have to make it happen one way or another, by whatever means, at all costs, no matter what, however long it takes, since it’s going to contribute something as precious as equality to the future of our planet. The zillions of inhabitants of the future deserve it. We can’t be heartless to them.

The abhorrent, enormous, ever-growing problem of the breach between the rich and the poor that the owners of the capital have struggled and warred to build and maintain for such a long period of our planet’s history has to come to an end someday. They are pretty intelligent when it comes to getting hold of the planet’s riches and resources for their own benefit, but they get obnubilated when it comes to the yawning gap between the rich and the poor. We know that the “project michaelist companies” is a big part of the solution to the inequality problem in our planet, but obviously it will take long. The hideousness of the problem needs and urgent solution, but there’s no choice other than watching it happen at a slow pace.

We will advance the online store little by little, as much as we can, one dollar (or peso) at a time; and the results will be seen someday. The following is an incomplete list of the tasks that need to be accomplished in order to build it:

  1. Pick a niche for your store[1].
  2. Decide on whether you will build the store using a "sitebuilder", "Wordpress" or HTML[2].
  3. Buy the domain name.
  4. Tell about the domain name on the blog.
  5. Start bookkeeping.
  6. Tell on the blog everything that is being done in relation to the store as it’s being done.
  7. Have the E-commerce website professionally designed (or design it ourselves).
  8. Have the E-commerce website built (or build it ourselves).
  9. Optimize the website.
  10. Have at least the COUSMA logo professionally designed (or design it ourselves).
  11. Create the company that will sell the products following the steps taken from Google on how to create a company in Colombia[3], which are:
    1. Have a clear idea.
    2. Identify what type of company you want to create (according to Colombia’s classification).
    3. Make the necessary registrations (I guess this part of the list makes sense only in Colombia).
      1. Register in the retirement fund system.
      2. Register in the health system.
      3. Register in ICBF and SENA compensation funds.
      4. Register in the workplace risk management system.
      5. Register in the severance fund system.
  12. Create an employment agency following the steps taken from Google on how to create a company in Colombia.
  13. Create a vegan/vegetarian association, following the steps from Google on how to create an association in Colombia.
  14. Choose the products to be sold initially.
  15. Post the initial products on the online store.
  16. Put links to the online store on the other websites.
  17. Launch the online store, the vegan association, and the temporary employment agency.
  18. Start financing COUSMA’s creation when there’s money to do so.
  19. Start financing COUSMA’s projects when there’s money to do so.
  20. Donate everything that gets started or advanced by us to Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA (when the right moment comes).

How long will all this take us? We don’t know. But all of this (except for the last 2 points) has to get done before COUSMA’s creation, however long that gets to be. Fortunately I’m not too old yet. May the Universe help us!

The decision of putting aside the creation of COUSMA for the online store is one more change of mind to add to the others that we’ve had since we started COUSMA’s projects. I feel really embarrassed about it, but I have it clear that whatever we do, has to speak to the needs of the cause and the needs of the planet. Creation of COUSMA will be delayed, but this is a necessary change for the good of the cause and that’s all that matters. We’re sure that what we’re doing is the right way to go. Actually, we should call it “an update in calculations” rather than “a change of mind.”

But What Is a Michaelist Company?

The project michaelist companies started to be cooked over 24 years ago. I actually know the exact date and time of day because I wrote them in some notes that I took couple of days after I first thought about the issue: July 23, 1998; 12:05PM.

Las 3 grandes pirámides de Egipto COUSMA will be a strong organization with the mission to change the world for the better. May the Universe help us! Image courtesy of https://unsplash.com.

It’s a simple concept (perhaps utopic). And we have to make it come true because it’s the only hope our planet has of advancing towards solving one of the most repugnant evils of our planet’s civilization: the evil of inequality. In the future our planet will reach knowledge of the fact that inequality is actually the mother of all evils.

In a michaelist company, 33% of the profits are used to improve the employees living conditions, 34% are used to finance COUSMA’s projects for the future of humanity, and 33% stays in the company to ensure its growth. But in order for equality to actually exist in the company, all employees (from the president and managers down to the maintenance clerks) earn the same wage. It’s a new beginning; a change in minds, hearts, and spirits; an expedition into the future of humanity that was to be undertaken someday, and that day is today. The latest estimate in relation to the base wage is that it must be a minimum wage, given the fact that the earnings don’t go to the owner(s) and high executives as in regular companies, but to all employees equally and to our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The use to be given to the 33% that goes to the employees is to be decided by a board made up of representatives of the employees and representatives of COUSMA. Actually, all associates from all COUSMA’s companies and nonprofits must have equal access to those resources. And that also counts for when COUSMA gets to be a multinational organization. That will ensure that associates working for COUSMA’s nonprofits will have the same standard of living as those working for michaelist companies. And that also ensures that all associates of COUSMA‘s companies and nonprofits will have the same standard of living, regardless of which country they live in.

But how can anybody on Earth possibly think that something like that is going to work out? Well, the good news is that we have to make it work, one way or another, by whatever means, at all costs, no matter what because equality is the future of humanity. And the online store is going to make it come true. It's is going to be a seed that will gradually stop the horrible mess that the owners of the capital have created in their quest to maximize their private gain. Throughout history, they have done all in their power to create a world in which they themselves are the only ones benefited with everything they dictate.

Years ago, the owners of the capital coined the expression “equal pay for equal work” with which they have been trying to fool us by hiding the real dimension of the problem. We all work hard, don’t we? They are even trying to use the subject of individual differences in order to justify their monstrous wealth accumulations because their brains work like a charm when it comes to benefiting themselves. And they know that the Universe intended for everybody to have equal access to the planet’s resources, but they spend fortunes trying to convincing us of the opposite. Given the fact that we are benevolent and reasonable, then we have to say that it’s all an entanglement of giant proportions. Yes it is, but the owners of the capital feel very comfortable with it and would like that situation to continue unchanged for eternity. All they care about is themselves. We have to solve the entanglement of inequality as soon as possible. We can’t let them fool us.

It can be anticipated that project “michaelist companies” is going to be considered an absurdity (let alone a stupidity) by those who have access to college education and high paying jobs (which is a gamble for so many) and it’s going to be considered a blessing by the left behind, which are the majority.

Another feature of the michaelist companies is that it’s a requirement to be either vegan or vegetarian (preferably vegan) in order for anybody to qualify as an associate of one of them. Also a requirement is to be a member of the volunteer association. Temporary employees don’t have those requirements.

The 2 Companions of the online store

As mentioned at the beginning of this blog, there are 2 other undertakings that have to be started in parallel with the online store. It’s so much work to do, but there’s no choice because these 2 pieces of the puzzle are absolutely necessary in order to create since the very beginning a platform that will help us fight the gargantuan battle that will help the planet achieve the third COUSMA’s pillar: the due respect for the rights of our innocent brothers and sisters, animals:

  1. Line Up All Heavy Artilleries: the Final Battle for the Rights of the Innocent Is Coming!

    The first project to be started with the online store is a vegan/vegetarian voluntary association. This absolutely necessary entity will have several purposes: 1) help our innocent, animal brothers and sisters, 2) be the gathering point of animal lovers and vegan food enthusiasts, 3) promote and encourage veganism/vegetarianism/animal rights by all means possible, 4) be a trustable guide to those who want to follow the path of compassion, 5) do activism for animal rights, and 6) be a facilitator (someday store) for the acquisition of vegan/vegetarian products.

    La expresión 'ANIMAL LIBERATION' al lado de algunas expresiones y figuras sobre derechos de los animales Without the filter of compassion, a human being is no human, but a sac filled with meat.

    This volunteering strategy (combined with anything we can possibly think of, now and in the future) will serve the noblest cause of all: bringing to the planet the due respect for the sacred rights of our innocent brothers and sisters, animals. We cannot rest nor spare any efforts in our quest to achieve such an urgent and crucial goal. The zillions upon zillions of innocents murdered everyday with absolute impunity and carelessness of almost the entire planet are a testimony to how much this institution is needed.

    It isn’t pointless to remind ourselves here that COUSMA will have the restriction that no other pillars can be added to the 3 initial ones, until the board of directors considers that, on the planet, there’s already enough equality and respect for the rights of our innocent brothers and sisters, animals. The 3 COUSMA’s initial pillars will be: 1) coordinating our planet's support for the difficult and perpetual mission of the Supreme Authority (the Universe); 2) bringing the equality among human beings to the planet, and 3) bringing to the planet the due respect (and fight fiercely) for the rights of our brothers and sisters, animals.

    It’s a requirement to be either vegan or vegetarian or sign a commitment that you want to become either vegan or vegetarian, in order for anybody to be a member of the voluntary association.

  2. One More Reason to Be a Compassionate Being of the Universe!

    The second companion to the online store is an employment agency. It’s a blessing of the Universe that this idea came to mind because it’s nothing less than one more of the missing links in the worldwide struggle for the rights of the most martyrized ones, our animal brothers and sisters.

    A dummy holding a magnifying glass that has the word 'job' on its lens Every job COUSMA's projects create is help for the innocent. Justice can't wait. Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com.

    Everybody is wanted as a COUSMA‘s projects associate, but for those who don’t meet the main requirement of being a compassionate person, there will always be the option of working at COUSMA’s nonprofits and companies through the temp agency.

    This venture will be priceless to the cause of animal rights because it will give the hard-hearted a good reason to start thinking about letting compassion enliven their lives. Those who make the move towards compassion, will be much happier when they discover how marvelous it feels to give love instead of being the only reason why the innocent are murdered heartlessly by the zillions every day.

    The temporary employment agency will use its profits to help finance COUSMA’s projects for the future of humanity. The former measure is needed because the cause of animals needs the hard-hearted to prefer letting compassion fill their hearts to having a temporary job.

    There will be 2 kinds of employees at COUSMA’s projects: 1) COUSMA‘s projects associates (which are permanent) and 2) temporary employees (which will actually be employed by the temporary employment agency). At any time, temporary employees can become COUSMA‘s projects associates, but they have to qualify for it by meeting the 2 main requirements: 1) being either vegan or vegetarian (preferably vegan) and 2) being a member of the voluntary association.

    In short, it’s a requirement to be a member of the voluntary association in order for anybody to qualify as an associate of any COUSMA company or nonprofit; and anybody willing to be a member of the voluntary association needs to be either vegan, vegetarian, or sign a commitment that they want to be either vegan or vegetarian.

“An Intergalactic Spy” Changed Its Title to “The Will of the Universe”

The cover of the future book 'The Will of the Universe' It's going to be a long wait for 'The Will of the Universe' to see the light, but it'll be worth it!

On August 20, 2022; it was announced on the blog “News on the Will of the Universe” that the book “An Intergalactic Spy” had changed its title to “The Will of the Universe.” That decision was made because we realized the need for a title to better suit the book contents. We realized it was not appropriate for the book to be presented as a spy story, since that’s not the case. It's actually going to be the history of COUSMA and its projects (see “The Will of the Universe”). The change required a lot of work in the webpages because many things got affected, but it was something that had to be done.

By the way, writing the book will have to wait until the following 5 events have taken place: 1) creation of the online store, 2) creation of the voluntary association, 3) creation of the temporary employment agency, 4) creation of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation, and 5) creation of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation. It’s not possible at all to write the book before those 5 events take place. It’s going to be a very long wait.

Two Announcements

On August 20, 2022; I announced on the webpage “News on the Will of the Universe” that the book “The Will of the Universe” was not going to be done by me because it had been decided that it would be written by any writer who agreed to donate the sales of the book and author’s rights to COUSMA, but then, on August 24, 2022, I had to write a new entry on that blog saying that I had to take back my words because I had realized that part of the sales of “The Will of the Universe” (20%) had to be used to pay back some debt that I had acquired because of unemployment. It was such an embarrassment, but I had to do it because it was concluded that it’s apparently the only way to pay back my debt.

It’s important to say here that the money used to pay my debt back (20% of the profits of the book "The Will of the Universe") will, at due time, have been paid back handsomely to COUSMA. First of all, because I have worked hard for COUSMA during a long period of time and will continue to work for the organization till the end of my days; and second of all because the profits from “The Will of the Universe” (after the debt gets paid) will be donated in full to COUSMA (as well as the author’s rights). Also the ownership of the online store will be transferred in full to COUSMA when the right moment comes. And last but not least, any other property (besides “The Will of the Universe,” the online store and the employment agency) or anything that I ever get to own will go in full to help finance COUSMA’s projects, when the right time comes. That had to be said here, so nobody thinks that I’m using COUSMA for personal gain.

A New COUSMA Goal: An Unforgivable Oversight

At this stage in the development of COUSMA’s projects, we realized just recently that we had forgotten to include an objective, crucial in the struggle for the defense of the rights of our innocent brothers and sisters, animals. It should have been included since the beginning in COUSMA’s objectives, in the objectives of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation, in the objectives of the book “The Word of the Universe,” and in the objectives of project Without Border Foundation. We included it recently, though, in every one of those projects. That objective is the following:

To struggle with all our heart, strength, energy, and resources, non-stop, in order to implement mechanisms to fight for the innocent; our brothers and sisters of the Universe, animals; to be granted their sacred rights in absolutely all countries of Earth and for those rights to be fully implemented and respected all over the planet.

That story is told here because there’s the need to publicize this objective as much as we can. It’s a very important objective for the future of humanity, and COUSMA will reach it, unless (obviously) the world does it before us. The sooner, the better.

A vegan rally with a good amount of people Vegans and vegetarians of the world have to unite if we want to make a difference for the innocent some day. Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com.

Another mistake that needs to be rectified is that we had said on this blog that we were planning on creating an animal refuge. I really do wish we can do that soon, but the truth is that all resources need to be put towards fighting the political battle for the rights of the most martyrized innocents. Vegans of the world need to unite and fight together for the most noble of all causes, the cause of animal rights (see COUSMA’s Vegan Vision As of 2019). It’s important that we say here, too, that caring for animals is an obligation of governments and they are not fulfilling that obligation.

Another fight that needs to be fought is the religious battle. It’s unbelievable that all religions (except for the few that are vegan) are to blame for the daily animal holocaust. Their sacred books encourage and glorify the killing of animals in the name of their gods. It’s something absolutely outrageous. That needs to be addressed someday; the sooner, the better. Whoever has said or implied that the innocent are to be put as slaves of humans or killed for food or to glorify gods needs to be proven wrong as soon as possible.

What does the religious battle mean? It means to unite our voices in order to ask the leaders of all religions to update their sacred books in order to make them compatible with the sacred rights of the innocent. Whose voices? Vegan voices because we have seen that nobody else gives a hoot about the most martyrized ones. Without fighting the political and religious battles, the struggle for the innocent’s rights is a bottomless pit.

New Attacks against COUSMA

A skull with 2 bones crossed, wearing a black eye patch and a red headscarf COUSMA feels completely at mercy of its enemies, and there's nothing we can do to defend ourselves. Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com.

On August 30, 2022; we tried to open an account for the online store on Instagram and we realized that there, they have also blocked COUSMA’s websites; and not having enough with that, they blocked our Linktr.ee profile. Let’s remember that Facebook is the owner of Instagram. What that means is that, on Instagram, we are not allowed to send any message containing the addresses of any of our websites, same as in Facebook.

This had to be said here, because one of the functions of this blog is being our history record, so there’s the need to tell here everything that happens to COUSMA‘s projects, whether good of bad in order to preserve COUSMA’s history. That means COUSMA blog is a message to the future.

We also realized recently that evil people have hacked my Instagram account. Whatever they did to my account, the thing is that they have access to all my accounts everywhere, so we are at their mercy. I also have detected that they hack my Facebook account, my LinkedIn account, my Whatsapp, my cell phone files, and my computer files. The most horrific part of the problem is that there’s nothing you can do about it because when they want to do evil to you, they just do it no matter what and they get away with whatever it is that they did.

More Harassment Perpetrated against Us

By mid-September 2022, we had the need to work on some project at the platform https://nicepage.com in order to do a landing page that we were planning on putting at the web address that we bought for the online store. Since the beginning, we thought that the task was going to take only a couple of days because it was only a single page with little text plus the translation into Spanish. We learned how to use the platform quickly and when the page was almost ready, we started noticing that random things appeared unset. That forced us to export, check, and fix about a zillion times and that made us spend about a week in a task that would have taken only a couple of days under regular circumstances.

When that situation started, I thought they were just bugs of the platform, but then it was too many problems. It wouldn’t ever happen in a platform that wants to attract a clientele. It’s not only the time that you wasted, but especially the feeling of impotence and desperation for not being able to do anything about it. How miserable do you feel for not having anywhere you can go to complain?!

The scared face of a woman eating her nails Sorry, I couldn't get a better picture to represent the fear that harassment keeps me in. Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com.

But even if that had been the normal thing to happen at that platform, how do we know that? We are by all standards entitled to think it was a harassment job perpetrated by COUSMA’s projects’ enemies. They have harassed us too much, as for us to be able to give them the benefit of the doubt. On the contrary they have gained our distrust and the distrust of the whole planet (let alone the Universe). “Evil does not pay” is the moral of this tale. That has to be made clear.

Another harassment situation that we lived recently was on September 20, 2022. On that day we woke up with my cell phone’s SD card damaged. The cell phone wasn’t able to read it. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn’t able to fix it. For some reason, it took me 2 days and a half to recover the lost files (at least I could recover them), but there were some files and folders that were deleted for good. I really don’t know why.

On that day, I spotted signals from different sources whose meaning amounted to that evil having being caused by COUSMA’s projects’ enemies. Today I have no doubt in my mind about that having been the case. Like in the story told above, there’s nothing I can do about it. I can only swallow the worry, the desperation, the depression (and fatigue), the anger, the frustration, the feeling of impotence, the humiliation, the indignation, the fear, the paranoia, etc. And there’s nowhere I can go to denounce that, except for this blog. Nobody would even listen to me, nobody would even believe me, nobody would ever help me out in such a humiliating and horrific situation… It’s not just a memory card, it’s not just a bunch of files. It’s the perpetual feeling that they can do that (and everything they want) to you, to the people around you, and to everything that belongs to you. And the worst thing of it all is that they simply don’t care that their attack was not only against me, but against the property of COUSMA‘s projects for the future of humanity. But the worst thing of it all is that what they did to me, they can do to absolutely anyone that they pick as their victim. We don’t know who’s going to be next. The whole planet is at their mercy.

And there has been a lot of other harassment situations this quarter and threats and intimidation, like you can’t ever imagine. I wish every evil method they employ was as easy to describe as what has been written here. The planet has a huge problem. May the Universe enlighten us and help us!

I have been the victim of violent attacks in the past (6 total, as far as I can remember), which I also suspect to have been caused (with high probability) by COUSMA’s projects enemies. Those events will be related in the book “The Will of the Universe.”

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A Few Words to the Future about These Times of Tragedy Due to COVID-19

I’ve heard on the news (and read on the internet) that there’s a resurge of the pandemic in many places of the world (Colombia included); yet, most activities are being done pretty much as normal in Colombia (or at least in Garzón). In the world, it might seem that things have gone pretty much back to normal too, judging by the few news you hear on the radio[4] about the pandemic at this point (except for China where they have been implementing hard measures lately, I heard). However, all countries are still doing vaccination campaigns. Vaccination against COVID-19 is expected to become part of daily life all over the world. I tried to search on the internet about what is going on in relation to COVID-19 around the world as of this month, but couldn’t find anything. There’s oceans of data about the pandemic as a whole, though.

An eyeless figure of a person wearing a mask Unfortunately, COVID-19 is a gamble. We don't know when we're going to get it nor how much is it going to affect us. Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com.

In about mid-July, I started feeling symptoms which made me think that I had contracted COVID-19. I had a runny nose, a headache, some fever and a very bad sore throat. I feared the worst and was very afraid for my family and for COUSMA’s projects. Of course, I wanted to know whether or not it was COVID, but didn’t dare to go to a hospital because I’m obviously afraid of what they can do to me when in there. I’ve seen enough already. I didn’t buy an at-home test because I promised to be frugal.

I took precautionary measures and some home remedies, but kept on going to feed don Joselito’s cats because they wouldn’t take food from anybody except me. But it’s very unusual that anybody stops to talk to me when I’m over there feeding the cats. The symptoms lasted for only a couple of weeks and then they disappeared. Fortunately, my being sick coincided with a period in which I had not being summoned to work. At this point, I have taken 4 shots of the COVID-19 vaccine.

My sister, Nelcy (who lives nearby) and my brother in law (Mario) got symptoms that looked like COVID-19 some time after I recovered. They couldn’t possibly have gotten the sickness from me, because I rarely go to their home; even less when I was sick. My other sister, Rosal, who lives in the same house as I, got sick some time after my sister Nelcy recovered. She (Rosal) was sick 2 times: first she got sick and recovered, was OK for a couple of weeks, and then got sick again. She’s fine now. The 3 of them have gotten 3 shots of the COVID-19 vaccine (as far as I know) and none of them went to the doctor or hospital when they got sick (as far as I know).

Death toll for COVID-19 as of September 30, 2022 has been: worldwide, over 6,548,000; in the USA, over 1,084,000; and in Colombia, over 141,000. The official data by town is not available on the internet any more. It says "Webpage not available" when you try to access that webpage. I haven't heard about any deaths for COVID-19 in Majo recently.

This data mean that in the last quarter, approximately 191,000 people died in the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 42,000 in the USA and 1,000 in Colombia. Apparently COUSMA's projects' enemies think data by town don't interest anybody any longer.

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  1. Haan, Kathy. “How To Start An online store In 8 Steps (2022 Guide).” (https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/how-to-start-an-online-store/). Updated: Feb 28, 2022. Accessed: Jul 31, 2022.

  2. Lewis, Christina. “How to Make a Website (HTML, Wordpress, or Builders).” (https://hostingadvice.com/how-to-/how-to-make-a-website/amp/). Updated Sep 01, 2022. Accessed Sept 27, 2022.

  3. Escuela Emprendedores (Entrepreneurs School). “¿Cómo Crear una Empresa en Colombia? Guía Paso a Paso (How to Create a Company in Colombia? A Step by Step Guide)”. (https://escuela-emprendedores.alegra.com/crear-empresa/pasos-crear-empresa-colombia/). Accessed Jul 27, 2022.

  4. Our radio was more or less functional until it recently got completely unusable. Our new TV set got mysteriously broken while being still very new, some time ago. Then our brother in law lent us an old TV set that he had been using for a very long time. It got mysteriously broken too. Then my sister bought another used TV. It got broken too, mysteriously (I have to say) because it’s one of those TV’s that last almost for eternity (We’re entitled to distrust). So we’re left with only the internet. Nevertheless, I watch or listen to the news only from time to time because I got forced to keep my computer’s network card disconnected, since it’s the only way to make sure that they’re not messing up with COUSMA’s projects’ computer files. I have been scared enough already. I also use my cell phone to watch the news.

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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