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Sorry for Being Late Again!

A gray dummy and a blue sign saying 'SORRY' I feel really embarrassed for the blog being late, but there was something that couldn't be postponed. Image courtesy of www.pixabay.com.

We apologize for this quarterly issue of Saint Michal Archangel Universal Corporation: COSMA's blog is being published late, due to last-minute obstacles. It's something really important what held us for some days. Something related to the security of COSMA's projects that had to be addressed urgently and took us longer than expected. May the Universe bless and protect abundantly all of you who take a read at our quarterly blog!

We're Working Really Hard on the Creation of COSMA

I have been doing tasks related to the creation of COSMA, but things go really slowly due to different reasons. However, that is not bad news since nobody would want COSMA to turn into a cause of trauma for the planet. Besides, everything needs to be prepared in great detail; thought and rethought; planned and re-planned; and that takes time (even though time is so very scarce to us). We're going as fast as we can, though. Every step we walk gets us closer to where we have to go; and we have to advance no matter what, since COSMA and its projects are the answer to really huge needs of the planet.

A close-up of a concrete pillar Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COSMA wants to be so strong as to last for eternity. Image courtesy of www.pixabay.com.

COSMA will start its existence structuring its work upon 3 fundamental pillars: 1) coordinating our planet's support for the difficult and perpetual mission of the Supreme Authority (the Universe); 2) bringing the equality among human beings to the planet, and 3) bringing to the planet the due respect (and fight fiercely) for the rights of our brothers and sisters, animals. When, on the planet, there gets to be enough equality and enough respect for the rights of our brothers and sisters, animals; more pillars can be added to COSMA's aims, starting with the following: fighting for the survival of the human species, but with the due respect for the rights of our brothers and sisters, animals. The 3 initial pillars respond to the need that our planet gets prepared for the future incorporation into the intergalactic community (because this is the right time to start that process).

A drawback for COSMA now is that we're working on COSMA's projects without internet access. My internet signal became really bad by the end of March 2022, and hasn't improved at all since then (today is April 21). What we have been doing in order to work this problem around is do all internet related tasks on the “Samsung Galaxy J2 Prime” cell phone, which almost always gets us our internet tasks done. What we can't do on the cellphone, we have to do on a pay computer. It happened to me one time, in a Garzón's pay computer, that I caught a virus, with all the problems that this gives you. That's what we've got, and we have to continue doing our best with what we have. What else can we do! May the Universe help us!

Some months ago (see November 2020 - October 2021), I wrote here about some hours of mentorship that had been donated to us by the foundation Activistas Constructivos (https://activistasconstructivos.org/). I was very excited about it because I thought we'd use those hours of mentorship to get us started with COSMA's creation process. We even had one year to redeem them. Unfortunately I have to tell now that those hours were changed by Activistas Constructivos' director into hours of coaching, which is something that doesn't at all suit our needs at this point in time. I really don't know what the intention was, but thanks anyway. Still, I have to tell that we have received a lot of hours of group mentorship in the program “Noches de Activistas” (“Nights of Activists”), which I attended every Thursday for about 16 months. For that part, I have to say thank you Karen Manrique and thank you all people at Activistas Constructivos.

A Dear Friend of Mine Dead

A house on the side of the road. An arrow is pointing to a black dog Brother Lucas' house at 6:00AM. The dog in the middle is brother Azabache who happened to walk with me that day.

Some months ago, I started going out for a long walk every day in the morning, along a Majo road. With the passing of time, I made some good friends; like brothers Tony, Lucas, and Zeus.

Brother Lucas appeared on the scene some time after I started my long walks. He was a black and white, gorgeous puppy. As nice as they come. I remember that the first day he started barking at me, until he realized he didn't need to do that with me. I would get down and started acting playfully with him, so he quickly learnt that I was a friend. He started getting close to me shyly until he could get close enough to start licking my hands and trying to climb onto my lap. I couldn't feel happier for having a friend as incredibly sweet as him. I would always call him when I was passing by his home and he would come quickly and then it was such an every-day craze between him and me.

A beige dog sleeping on a piece of cloth outside of a light blue house That's brother Zeus right there. A good friend of mine too. He's not as playful as brother Lucas, though.

One day (January 20, 2022), I found brother Lucas dead on the side of the road when I was coming back home. I hadn't seen him when going, I guess because it was still kind of dark (about 6:00AM). I ran to call Lucas mom, who I had met some time ago, and told her: “Lucas is dead over there.” She replied: “Yes, he died yesterday. I'll bury him later.” I felt terribly sorry for him and full of grief. One thing is when they tell you, another thing is when you see him. He was lying there with his eyes open and he looked exactly the same as when he was alive; I even had to look carefully to realize that he was dead.

I always try to play with the other dog of that house (brother Zeus) when I pass by, but he's never as playful as brother Lucas. I love him a lot too, though. May brother Lucas rest in the peace of the Universe!

Signals appeared around the day of his death make think that it was murder.

Another Dear Friend of Mine Dead

2 cats on the roadside. Some debris is scattered all over Sisters Flor (black and white) and Nieves (white) by their feeding spot. The place didn't look pretty that day. This is last picture taken of sister Flor.

On the first days of March, I noticed that sister Flor, a female cat that had been with us for about 3 years, disappeared. At the beginning, I thought that since her belly was very big (most probably pregnant), then she had probably had her offspring and was taking care of them in some thicket around. But then it was too much time. Days later, a strong smell of rotten flesh started to be felt on March 9 in the evening. I decided that I had to go look inside the field to see what it was. On February 10 in the morning I went inside the field and there was sister Flor on the floor, very close to don Joselito's animals' feeding place. Her body was all very swollen, her head was all on the bare bone, and she had one intestine sticking about 1 meter out of her anus. No buzzards had come to finish her, but a lot of worms were around her head. Still, I could recognize her from the color of her fur because her body was almost intact (only too swollen).

I had to wipe my tears a couple of times after I found sister Flor dead. I loved her so much. She had been with us since May 2019. May she rest in the peace of the Universe!

Signals appeared around the day of her death make think that it was murder.

There's No Other Way to Denounce This

I want to denounce in this forum something very wrong, which there's nowhere else I can go to denounce it: on March 13, it was Election Day in my country (Colombia). There are several reasons for which I wanted to vote, among them, that there are some things in which you get penalized if you don't do it. What was wrong that day was that there was no transportation to Garzón from Majo (and vice versa) because on every Election Day, the dominant political parties grab all transportation to carry their voters to the polls. At least that's the way it has been, ever since I came to live in Majo.

A road that runs downhill. In the distance, part of the town of Garzón Garzón's cathedral right in the middle. Picture taken upon arriving at Garzón.

I decided to walk all the way from Majo to the polls (which takes about 1 hour to go, 1 hour to come back); and I thought maybe it is a good way of protesting (!How naïve). When I got on the road, it seemed to me that some motorcycle riders were yelling things at me, even one person on foot. Of course I don't know why they did that and of course I didn't understand what they said. Maybe it was just my imagination. Why would anybody do such a thing? Well, at least I'm saving the bus fare, I thought.

When I arrived at the polls, they told me there was no way to know where I had to vote because the system was down. I was really confused and disappointed. It's incredible that I wasted all this trip, I thought. But I decided to wait, and after some time, a young girl told me the system was working again, so I could vote. When I was ready to put my vote in the boxes, the person before me caused some problem because, apparently, he did something wrong, so the table president started yelling and I had to wait for some time again. That was more paranoia added to the day.

4 kids hugging one another and a slogan: 'OUR VOTE IS/OUR VOICE/JUSTICE/THE FUTURE' URIEL: Office of Immediate Attention for Electoral Transparence (https://uriel.mininterior.gov.co/). Screenshot of their homepage.

But how do you know what is normal and what is not? The only way is resist, resist, and resist. Luckily, when I was midway from home, this old friend of mine, who I had not seen in a long time, appeared on her motorcycle, recognized me and offered from the other side of the road to take me home. She was such an oasis in the middle of such a desert.

Four years ago, I had denounced this same lack-of-transportation-situation on Election Day at URIEL, the platform that the government created for all kind of election-time-related wrongdoings (https://uriel.mininterior.gov.co/). I filled out all information they asked in the form and the system gave me a complain number or something like that, and a message telling me they'd get back to me about my complaint. It's been almost 4 years already and I haven't heard from them at all. Why does the platform exist then?

Animals Being Dumped on Our Way! For What Purpose?

On the last days of March, a female, brown dog appeared by Majo hamlet's school (which is pretty close to where I live). She's about the size and shape of a beagle, but is cross-bred; and it seems that she had had puppies, just days before being dumped. Somebody named her “Canela.” We can't adopt her because we're already taking care of 10 animals: 3 dogs (sisters Kira and Mariposa, and partly brother Azabache) and 7 cats (sisters Lola, Luna, Manchitas, Nieves, and Tigresa and brothers Shakespeare and Monísimo). A neighbor told me that her great granddaughter was feeding Canela partly. It seems also that some other neighbors give food to her. I myself have fed some soup to her (at least the leftover soup from the cats). It hurts me so much when she looks at me with her green eyes full of need, while I know I can't help her. I don't see a future for her at all, because nobody seems to want a female, cross-bred dog, waiting to get pregnant again (knowing that sterilization is so expensive). The government does sterilization for free in Bogotá (I've heard), but not in a small hamlet of a faraway town.

So far, Canela needs the birth control shot (which is about 1.5 dollars) and she needs food. May the Universe not forget about her!

Something that happened in my daily long walks was that I found 2 puppies on the road (one black, the other brown, as far as I can remember). They followed me all the way to the farthest point that I always walk. While they were following me, I was thinking: “Holy Universe! ¿What am I gonna do now?” At that point, I already had no doubt that they had been put there so I found them. I knew they'd follow me home. “How am I gonna feed them? Besides, it's obvious that they can't stay in the house I live in, and if I take them there, nobody would adopt them. I am in big trouble now”, I thought. I felt so confused that the only solution I could think of was run (poor little babies, I thought) and I didn't stop until I was sure they were not following me anymore. I felt so much remorse for doing that, especially being somebody who is trying to be an animal right defender. I could only hope for somebody to have mercy of them. I said to myself: “Tomorrow, I'm gonna, at least, take some dog food with me for just in case nobody has wanted them.” Luckily for them, next day, they weren't there anymore. Thank you dear Universe for not forgetting about them!

At this point I need to explain that we can' take any more animals at home because we live in a house that is not ours; besides, we can't afford to buy any more food. It's already hard for us being able to help the animals that we're feeding so far. I have even attempted to get don Joselito's cats adopted and it has not been possible. Plus I had no doubt in my mind that those poor babies had been put on my way with some evil intention, which I can only try and guess…

A black and white cat behind some grass leaves I pray for this poor innocent to have found somebody who could help him. Apparently he couldn't move away.

On Election Day (while walking to the polls), when I was close to town, a white, adult cat had been put on the side of the road. He wouldn't move. I tried to talk to him, but he wouldn't look at me (like he was deaf). I moved to put myself in front of his eyes, but he would act like he didn't see me. I didn't dare to touch him, though. It was such a horrible situation having to leave him there because I wasn't able to help him. I thought: “I can't take him home and I can't take him to the field where don Joselito's cats live, because the neighbors are not gonna like it. There's nothing I can do.” I kept on walking, feeling the most miserable one on the planet. When coming back, he was there in the same position that he was when I had passed by. And still I had to keep on going, feeling more miserable this time. Of course, I had no doubt in my mind that the poor innocent cat had been put there with some evil intention…

To date, I don't know what happened to the poor white cat. I was for several days full of remorse for not having been able to help him. I can only hope somebody did. He was such a cute little angel that didn't deserve such a horrible fate.

At the beginning of February, 2 orange, male kitties were dumped by don Joselito's animals feeding place. They were so beautiful and so much in need. I started feeding them, feeling very worried that food was not going to be enough. A couple of days later, one of them disappeared leaving no trace. The other stayed with us at the feeding place until my sister found an adopter for him. At that point, I took him to the house where I live and he stayed there until the adopter showed up. About the one that disappeared, somebody told me that 2 kids had been seen throwing the cats on the air, before he disappeared. I actually asked one of the kids if he had been throwing the cats on the air and he said he hadn't. I will never know what actually happened to the poor kitty. May the Universe have both of them with good, loving, human parents!

Brother Azabache, a dog who we wrote about in June 2020, seems to fit in this section too. We'll tell about him later…

The one explanation I see for COSMA's projects' enemies dumping animals on my way is that they are trying to discredit us. May the Universe help us because they're really doing it! We're actually so weak and vulnerable.

This quarter, I've felt a whole lot of threats, harassment, and signals, coming from COSMA's projects' enemies, but nothing else worth telling, so far. It's something completely outrageous. I really don't know how I can take so much evil and not go nuts to the point of no return. And there's nothing I can do about it. No matter how much brexanolone, esketamine, or agomelatine the doctors give you, if the harassment continues, the consequences will too. Nothing can be done against harassment. I can only say, may the Universe forgive them!

I did a Google search to see what I could find on harassment, and realized that there are plenty of articles on sexual harassment, workplace harassment, and bullying; but nothing on regular harassment. What if it is not at school, nor at work, and not harassment of a sexual nature? There's nothing, nothing, nothing about that scenario on the internet. One of the main consequences of harassment is depression. This is what the experts say about what harassment does to you:

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A few words to the future about these times of tragedy due to COVID-19

A drawing of a woman sitting, while another woman is giving a shot to her Vaccination has been salvation for many, but nobody cares about the many innocents who were sacrificed unnecessarily because the global authorities didn't care either. Image courtesy of www.pixabay.com.

There doesn't seem to be much to tell the future about the pandemic that isn't going to be found on history books; so I don't have much to say:

At this point, the media seem to have forgotten at a great extent about the pandemic. Maybe it's just that it's over already. Actually, Denmark was the first country on declaring the end of the pandemic on January 28, 2022. Another reason for the media having forgotten at a great extent about the pandemic is the war between Russia and Ukraine (which started on February 24, 2022).

Most countries have eased the pandemic-related restrictions and the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended a bunch of strategies aimed at ending the emergency phase of the pandemic this year[2].

What you see on the streets is that many people stopped wearing masks already and don't seem to care much about any other protection. In Colombia, the government has mandated that any city or town with 70% of its population vaccinated doesn't have to use masks mandatorily anymore.

As for vaccination, the unequal access to vaccines continues unchanged. Rich countries (plus Cuba) have reached a point where they are giving even a four dose to their population[3], while poor countries have given the first dose to as low as 1.1% of their population[4][5][6]. In Colombia, 85.3% of the population have been given more than 1 dose.

I have gotten 3 doses, which again I have to say that I have been forced to take them by global authorities who don't care about the innocent. It's mandatory for pharmaceutical companies to run tests on animals. And it's already the 21st century.

Death toll for COVID-19 as of April 17, 2022 has been: worldwide, over 6,222,000; in the USA, over 1,015,000; in Colombia, over 139,000, and in Garzón, 190. I don't have access to any records for Majo[7].

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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