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Some clouds. Sunrays are coming through them The Universe works in mysterious ways. Image courtesy of www.pixabay.com.

Creation of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COSMA advances very slowly because the Universe allows for everything to go smoothly, so the planet doesn't undergo any trauma due to operation emissaryhood. This is one conclusion that can be drawn from the whole thing (see #intergalactic_spy). We're working as fast as we can, though. The Universe knows it. We fervently believe COSMA is a huge need of our planet. Most of today's people don't believe in this assertion, but I know in the future there won't be any doubt left about it. It's being really difficult to bring COSMA afloat, but we will finally make it through.

Another Victim of the Assassins Who Train Dogs to Kill Cats

On November 06, I was informed by neighbors that the dog who had killed the other kitties (see November 2020 – October 2021) had come back and killed sister Maya. Indeed, she didn't show up for dinner, so I knew I wouldn't see her again. It's a really horrible situation that I haven't been able to solve. I was told the dog came again later on and tried to kill sister Flor, but she fought back; so she saved herself from meeting the same fate as the kitties (it's 5 kitties total that the dog killed). May sister Maya rest in the peace of the Universe!

Sister Flor's 3 kitties would have gone through the same too, but they died in a different way: one of them just appeared dead one day in mid-November. As for the other 2, apparently, at some point their mother didn't want to feed them anymore. They were starting to eat regular food, but one day, about one week later, they got sick all of a sudden and died in the house I live in, where I took them after I saw them sick. They had been born on October 16 (7 total). May the 7 of Sister Flor's kitties rest in the peace of the Universe!

One cat Vanished

Black and white cat in the darkness Brother Lalo's disappearance is not completely explained.

On about the beginning of November, one of the latest recruits of prjSMAC's, brother Lalo, just disappeared without trace. He had made his appearance in about June 2021 (see November 2020 – October 2021), feeling our heart with Joy for having him with us. I really love him a lot. May the Universe protect him wherever he is now!

There Was No Help for Mariposa

On November 13, we sent a video to all of our contacts asking for help in order to take sister Mariposa to the Veterinarian for some treatment she needed (see November 2020 – October 2021). She received no help whatsoever (as had been predicted), so she still has the health problem, which is an abscess on the root of her tail (it's not as big anymore, though). The truth is that my sister, Nelcy Marín (who works as a seamstress), seeing that there was no help and feeling compassionate about poor sister Mariposa, offered to help with part of the money that was needed. The problem was that it wasn't enough, so I declined the offer explaining why.

Internet says that if sister Mariposa doesn't get a treatment for the abscess, it might get to her blood, which I don't know what it means. I hope that doesn't happen, and if it does, I pray to the Universe for it not to be serious. Sister Mariposa is a poor innocent being of the Universe that doesn't deserve such a fate. I really love her a lot.

I completely believe that the reason for her not having got any help was because of the fear COSMA's projects' enemies instill in people. It's a real huge problem this planet has and we can only pray. May the Universe protect sister Mariposa, and us all!

Important prjSMAC Document Released

A herd of cats feeding. A man with a hooded jacket is with them New don Joselito's cats feeding place. We're on the side of the road now.

On November 30, 2021; a very important document was released: “MESSAGE #0.001 TO HUMANITY: THE DIVINE VISION.” This paper is one more piece of emissaryhood operation's puzzle. It’s one more step towards completing the elements that Saint Michael Archangel Universal Congregation will be made of. I estimate that one day this writing will be appreciated as what it is: the first description ever written to match reality, of the authority that runs the Universe.

prjSMAC Member Died

Brother Sancho, a little angel who came to our door searching for food in March 2020, died recently. This is the story: a couple of months before his death, he started coming home with multiple wounds all over (like he had been fighting). 2 of the wounds were on his hind legs (they looked like 2 red bubbles). On December 06, the bubble on his left leg looked like it had been burst open. I started putting some hydrogen peroxide and some cream for the worms. He looked good although the wound that had been burst open didn't look healing. On about December 16, he stopped eating (which means he probably got a fever). Since there was no money for the vet, we could just pray, worry, get sad, wait, and keep on putting the medicine on his wound. He just laid on his bed sleeping for 2 days. It was so horrible seeing him like that, not being able to do anything. On December 18, at about 10:00AM, he let out a very loud meow and minutes later he died. My sister buried him at the back of the house. I couldn't help bury him because I had a painful wound on my right hand (which had been caused by him before dying). May Brother Sancho rest in the peace of the Universe!

There have been “signals,” threats, intimidation, and harassment these 2 months too, coming from COSMA's projects' enemies.

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A Few Words to the Future about These Times of Tragedy Due to COVID-19

A world map with a syringe crossing it over Vaccine inequality. The world definitely needs a global government. Image courtesy of www.pixabay.com.

Many around the world are calling for a waiver of intellectual property rules so that low-income countries can manufacture COVID-19 vaccines, but some countries (and obviously pharmaceutical companies) are opposed to it.

“In October 2020, India and South Africa proposed a waiver of intellectual property rules on Covid-19 vaccines, tests and treatments to allow low and middle-income countries to manufacture these life-saving tools. Despite most countries, including the United States, supporting a waiver, the UK, EU, and Switzerland have prevented progress[1].”

Some countries have started to give its people the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while the poorest countries have vaccinated as low as 0.1% (Burundi) and 0.3% (Democratic Republic of Congo) of their population. The countries with the highest number of doses administered per 100 people are: Cuba (267.1 doses per 100 people)[2], Chile (230 doses per 100 people), and Bahrain (217.1 doses per 100 people)[3] [4].

About a billion people around the world refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine. What this causes is that it's more difficult to reach herd immunity. This phenomenon happens (I think) because there has been too much disinformation on the internet about the risks of getting the vaccine.

Death toll for COVID-19 as of September 30, 2021 has been: worldwide, over 5,450,000; in the USA, over 846,000; in Colombia, over 129,000; and in Garzón, 4,865 COVID-19 cases have been detected and there have been 165 deaths. I don't know of any official records for Majo, but I've heard there have been 3 deaths in the hamlet due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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About the Author

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+00 012 345 678
emisariatouniversal [@] gmail.com

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